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Halo the best game ever created


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Come om is not the best game Halo has the best and more logical histori that not only discribes future it describes past present and future and in the past it describes the bigining of the spicies

Halo is the only franchise of games that has a tv series program. The game that gives you the option of take photos to share theme to create your own maps to play as you want to see what you want with you rules.

The multiplayer is the greatest you can modifie your spartan win credits get progress in categories. And the capacity of create your game mode.

Halo has a lot of series of videos in computer like red vs. blue or the stori and movie that is compared with hollywood the helljumper is a fan made movie with really good efects.

Halo has 6 or 7 books withot count guides and magazinez.

But the most important thing about halo is the history is a thing of wins and lost a dramatic thing with heroes sacrifices etc. it has 6 games ant then are going to be other 3 games. well that games are for xbox. so think that there are the games of pc and mac. the fan games etc.

So thanks bungie for this 10 halo years and thanks to 343 to continue them legacy.

In each games we have sourprises good moments of victory in each game bungie put something new for us only for us theu didnt know what we can make with thing like forge.

And it is very dificult to know all of halo almost nobody does because evry ditail has a story behind like why johnson cant be infected by flood or who is every spartan so halo is a complete infinity information game without and end.




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Ok course i hope they dont make a mess if they do i :2guns:

is joke

to demostrate the big that is HALO i give to evrybody a challenge

TO CONTAIN ALL THE HALO ALL COMPLETED HALO INFORMATION IN ONE OBJECT WEREVER in a word or power point document werever and show it i know that is imposible halo is unlimited but can you do it i challenge to evribody that read this to try it.

GOOD LOOK you would need it.

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If halo was never invented i would probably blow my brains out from boredum

You know because of cod and bf

So is anybody worried that 343 might mess something up with halo4 ?


you really need to stop posting multiple posts like this, theyre everywhere, this can get you into trouble with higher authority if you keep doing it, just edit your original post and add more to it.

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