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There is REALLY something wrong with the Reach Servers.


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(read this before continuing)


BEFORE I START COMPLAINING: This is not because of my "bad internet connection." This pertains to where ever I have played online in Reach, and I hear the same problems from the MLG community.


I tested my internet speed. Here are the results.


Last Result:

Download Speed: 44293 kbps (5536.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 3509 kbps (438.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Monday, October 10, 2011 12:17:21 AM


In English, I can download anything at over 40 MB per second. I can upload files at over 3 MB per second. My connection basically runs at hyperspace, compared to other people's services.


I do pull host more than others in game, but not every game.


This is my setup:


Samsung 25.5" monitor


Astro 7.1 Mixamp

Netgear Wireless Router

Microsoft Brand Wired Controller

HDMI Monitor Connection


Here is a link to a picture of my setup.



So what does any of that have to do with the servers?


When you play a game on XBox Live, you are bound to play a game off host, especially when you are playing someone from another country. The connection might be slightly laggy. THIS IS NORMAL.


What I have noticed for the past month is that the connection (regardless of who I am matched up with, or if its in custom games or whatnot), is laggy/hosty to just plain horrendous. It seems like every game is either yellow bar and jumpy, red bar, or full green (but everyone seems to "eat" all the shots I put into them, and take no damage).


It's near impossible to run the flag in a game such as CTF Countdown or Sanctuary, or in some cases just trying to pick it up. I put shots into player's torso/head, blood comes out, but no damage is dealt (or they go down 3 seconds later). Melees are used, the punching noise emits, you lunge at the opponent, but again, no damage is dealt. Players who strafe have whats called a "Lag Strafe," and literally jump (lag) all over the place. And don't even get me started on Host Migrations! Spree's and stats reset, weapon respawn, and spawn times are messed up. You can probably see how the connection in the game can GREATLY influence the outcome of the game.


There are games where the host is not good, its normal. But this seems to be EVERY GAME on XBox Live! It happens waaaaaaaaay too frequently!


Judging by my setup and my connection, shouldn't I be less prone to having Xbox connection problems? And I look at the people I scrim with/people I play with, they even say (despite my good connection) that my host is terrible!


None of this ever happens EVER on LAN.


I played Halo 3 in the past. And yes, all this has happened. But bad host was not as common. I dare you to play any CoD game, and tell me the connection sucks. I'm being serious. Go play CoD. You will see what I mean. Granted, the host migrations in CoD is poorly managed, but bad host problems are by far not as bad as Reach's.


This started to happen since August. I'm not pointing any fingers. But give some attention to the MLG community, because there has got to be something we could do to make the servers work better.


I just can't get a good game online. Could there be something done? Don't be like Bungie, and not do anything.



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Unfortunatly it is a vast majority of the community experiencing these problems, and 343 themselves can do little about it. Much of the problem is derived from the vast amount of data that the 360 unit has to collect and forward on udp ports to the Live Reach servers for stats and what not. Since the beginning, there was lag in all matches, but not as noticeable. From what I have been able to review and look at, most of the problem is coming from the TU that has been released to the wild.


First thing you have to understand is how the TU works. The TU is basically a set of commands being issued in the form a script from the MegaloScript portion of the Blam! engine. This additional set of scripts overrides cor tag values on weapons, attributes and many other things. This not only causes an abnormal spike in processing, but also an additional drain on bandwidth, since now there is additional items that need to be synced to all players.


The only way to overcome any of these issues, would be for 343 to cut down the amount of insignificant data collected and displayed on ones service record, and or better write the code used to initialize the TU changes.

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Search Good Connection, thats all you can do.


But honestly, I have to say, since the TU update, it has been laggy. It is quite annoying. Me, living in NZ, games can be laggy anyways because the connection speeds here arn't great (I used to live in the UK so I know lol) so American's, Europeans, everyone else apart from the aussies get host over us and it is a major advantage.


But this is quite stupid, you can't play a game with connection issues. They do need to do something, host migrations before the game has started is completly ridiculous, but then another 2-4 host migrations through out the game is just amazing. People eating shots like im chucking gummy bears at them, people lagging all over the place. It is stupid, please fix it!!!

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Search Good Connection, thats all you can do.


But honestly, I have to say, since the TU update, it has been laggy. It is quite annoying. Me, living in NZ, games can be laggy anyways because the connection speeds here arn't great (I used to live in the UK so I know lol) so American's, Europeans, everyone else apart from the aussies get host over us and it is a major advantage.


But this is quite stupid, you can't play a game with connection issues. They do need to do something, host migrations before the game has started is completly ridiculous, but then another 2-4 host migrations through out the game is just amazing. People eating shots like im chucking gummy bears at them, people lagging all over the place. It is stupid, please fix it!!!


Lately i think most host migrations are more about players cheating to respawn vehicles and power weapons than bad connections.

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Search Good Connection, thats all you can do.


But honestly, I have to say, since the TU update, it has been laggy. It is quite annoying. Me, living in NZ, games can be laggy anyways because the connection speeds here arn't great (I used to live in the UK so I know lol) so American's, Europeans, everyone else apart from the aussies get host over us and it is a major advantage.


But this is quite stupid, you can't play a game with connection issues. They do need to do something, host migrations before the game has started is completly ridiculous, but then another 2-4 host migrations through out the game is just amazing. People eating shots like im chucking gummy bears at them, people lagging all over the place. It is stupid, please fix it!!!

Some of my friends/teammates search in good connection, but no change

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