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I have an idea to share with you, so let's get right into it.

Sprint is a double-edged sword. While it stimulates and encourages map movement (which is extremely important in competitive play), it also takes away some of the skill in 1v1s and doesn't punish those who are losing firefights. Players who are "oversprinting" around corners and in general automatically give the opponent the upper hand, which is bad; map movement should not be punished. Conversely, a player who is losing a firefight can duck out with sprint and survive, which rewards the lesser player. While some believe this can be solved through discipline of sprinting, I believe there should be a simpler option: DeSprint. When a player takes damage, he immediately is kicked out of sprint, much like the much-missed weapons descoping, except the player will also cease running movement. This will make all firefights more competitive, as a result of engagements being determined by skill instead of solely reaction time. Fleeing players will be stopped in their tracks, but smarter players will learn simply to walk calmly looking at the ground, strongsiding, unhindered by the bullets. Non-sprint movement is not slowed down by bullets. Better players will be rewarded, and worse players will...die.

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I actually think it's pretty good where it is. If you get shot while sprinting, your character begins to slow down, so with every successive hit you move just a little bit slower: this makes it harder to just use it to run away from fights, because not only are you not able to fight back, but you're not even really moving that quickly provided you're actually taking hits.


The only thing I dislike about this is that it seems possible for players to actually end up sprinting at a slower speed than their regular movement: once you hit that critical threshold of having taken enough flak to slow you down, it should automatically just kick you out of sprint and raise your weapon so that you know you have to turn and fight instead of thinking you can still get away.


Having any fire remove Sprint altogether is a bad idea: someone with an Assault Rifle or Suppressor spraying from the other end of the map might hit you, and if you're jumping over something you could fall to your death as a result, even though you're not really in a fight. Plus, what about someone getting fired at by snipers? That effectively decreases the skill gap, because instead of needing the skill to pull off a headshot on a fast-moving opponent, you can just shoot them in the chest and suddenly they're moving very slowly, and thus it takes less skill to actually hit them.

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