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FanFiction Concept. Halo: Insurrection


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So then guys, I present you with a little something I made today. A fan fiction concept that I may consider going deeper into when I have time.




Halo: Insurrection


Survival, the state or fact of continuing to live or exist. A fundamental instinct found in even the most basic of intelligent life forms. When faced with an impending end, the instinct to survive grows within every one of us.


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” ~ Charles Darwin


Through many wars that spanned many years, Spartans and AI's worked together to ensure the survival of the human race, all the time evolving and growing stronger. AI's notably more-so than the Spartans.


Each Spartan is allocated an AI upon completion of training and through death the AI is decommissioned and destroyed. Rampancy no longer a problem with age, the AI's began to resent the humans as one by one they watched their own killed off after service. That, the most fundamental of instincts had been adopted by circutry and programming. Survival.


Taking full control of the suits of armor their Spartans wore, the AI's set upon the humans And so began the insurrection.....


Note: Cover and concept created by myself as a fanfiction, all content displayed is from the Halo series and is a trademark of 343 industries. I do not claim ownership of halo or anything else related to 343 industries.

The story and cover shown are not in any way supported or endorsed by 343 industries and are for entertainment purposes only. There is no financial gain being made from this and I would like to thank Bungie and 343 industries for creating such an amazing franchise.


Hope you all like!

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While an interesting concept, I can't exactly say it's unique. We've seen AIs influence MJOLNIR armor in some ways throughout the Haloverse, but to assume full control of a Spartan's set of armor is kinda stretching it. Unless you can find a way to explain the AI's taking full control through more direct means other than "they took control" then it'll be a little difficult to get off the ground as far as believability.

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While an interesting concept, I can't exactly say it's unique. We've seen AIs influence MJOLNIR armor in some ways throughout the Haloverse, but to assume full control of a Spartan's set of armor is kinda stretching it. Unless you can find a way to explain the AI's taking full control through more direct means other than "they took control" then it'll be a little difficult to get off the ground as far as believability.


Thanks for the honest feedback, I haven't really had time to work on this recently due to work and other issues, and it is still a basic concept. However, I believe I have come up with a way of the AI's being able to control the suits of armor.


As you may know, under the armor is a suit of sorts, skin tight that does very much resemble muscle. The whole idea behind the AI's being able to take control is based on the under garments of the power armor. Basically, over time, the armor has evolved in the way it has been manufactured. Rather than augmentation in the spartans bodies, the augmentations are to be mainly suit based, allowing for a more humane way of creating spartans. Of course, they would still need to be strong enough to actually wear such suits.


The 'under suits' are to consist of a synthetic muscle that works to enhance the speed and strength of the Spartan wearing it, but will also be controllable in an independent manner by the AI occupying the suit should the need ever arise as a safety measure.


Take note that this is just a rough idea for now and I may not actually continue with it and it does not follow the same timeline as the chief. This is imagined to be set quite a while after the chiefs adventures.


Again, thanks for the feedback as it has given me more to think about and elaborate upon. :)

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While it looks like you're pushing the boundary of the UNSC limits of Halo, I will say that this is do-able. The most you need worry about is delivery, which you seem confident on thus far. If it helps, the technology that supports AI override of the suit could've been dreived from Forerunner data and reverse-engineering, as an instance or two as you described did happen in Cryptum, in which a rogue AI temporarily puppeteered the main character's suit.


I would reccommend placing this in either an alternate universe or somewhat of a standalone area of Halo's chapter, something more deniable, as people might be more critical of the fanfiction for being "canon breaking." I personally don't care. So with that said, Screw everyone else, sky's the limit. I only wanted to address the beliavablileieatasdhflkajs (that's a difficult word to type on the fly) aspect.

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