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blooms gone, happy birthday hater -_-

SGT Warchild

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Reaper speaketh the truth.

After just under a year people still complain about bloom, surely you must of got used to it by now?



You can't get used to bloom, its random. I've been putting up with it.


Reaper is talking bull **** not the truth.


The TU is coming out to fit with the remake maps, to give a more classic feel.


Not every playlist will have no bloom so if you like your dumb random bloom play the playlists its in.


Saying "the haters are getting what they want" is the dumbest thing I've heard. i343 is trying to give the fans what they want.

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Trying to give the fans what they want eh ? hm that's funny since I'm a fan and I never wanted any of these changes ! all I'm seeing is 343 buckling and caving into some whining children who are mad because someone else beat them in a video game.


I personally loved armour lock, if you rushed me like a moron and I destroyed you with it then guess who's fault that is ? oh certainly not mine ! and how are teammates coming to help someone in armour lock ANY cheaper then some guy and 4 of his buddies ganging up on one player ? oh right it's not.

Why should I have to be FORCED to use crappy armour abilities like sprint !? "oh wow I get to run for a whole 2.5 seconds AWESOME" or craptastic jet pack which offers no real advantages except getting to a higher place at the cost of EVERYONE knowing/seeing where you are. Cloak is pretty useless most of the time and hologram is pointless. Drop shield is only ever useful in objective games and invasion. But besides my personal disliking of the other AA's the point is why should I be FORCED to use something that I usually don't want to just because all these little children complained and whined ? The answer is I shouldn't !

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Trying to give the fans what they want eh ? hm that's funny since I'm a fan and I never wanted any of these changes ! all I'm seeing is 343 buckling and caving into some whining children who are mad because someone else beat them in a video game.




You still get your bloom in other playlists.


If you like armorlock well then the joke is on you.

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Gold, you have no idea what bloom is or what it is used for. I have posted tag extracted values for everything i summerize on definitions and examples. SO how is it you say I do not know what bloom actually is? I have the actual coded game data at my disposal to prove it. Since noone here excepts or reads anything people post about this whole "Bloom" issue, I will summerize based on game fact, hard coded and script manipulated data. How dare you say I speek BS!



Bloom: This is a visual HUD (heads up display) widget that expands the players reticule. The expanding of the reticule, allows players to see a general idea of where their shots will land. The blooming reticule, or "bloom" functions by using data

set in the [weap] tag. the data the blooming reticule uses in particular is the "angle change per shot lower", "angle change per shot upper", "angle change deceleration" and "angle change acceleration"


When you pull thr trigger of the dmr, it first fires a single shot dead center or close to, where you are aiming. Once a shot has been fired, the weapon uses the "angle change decelaeration" to specify when th next shot can be fired without

deviating from a dead center or close to point. A good example of this is shot pacing. Squeezing the trigger every 1 second or so. Usually if paced like this, each shot lands exact to aiming.


When you rapidly fire shots, or commonly called "spamming", the weapon uses an additional data field from "angle acceleration" to make each shot land outside the point to which you aimed. A good example is pulling the trigger of the

dmr five times as fast as you can. you see each shot land away from where your dead center is.


Addiitonally, the blooming reticule uses all 4 weapon values in conjunction with eahother to expand and retract the reticule based on the usage of the weapon, to approximate for the player where shots land. Also, the bloom does not

always show accuratly when a player can squeeze off an additioinal accurate round. Sometimes the game skips a seconds here and there and even though the reticule is midway expanded, the weapon itself tells the game a pin point

accurate shot can be delivered.


To summerize, taking bloom away does nothing. Bloom is a function of the HUD that moves adjusts itself based on data in the wepaon tags. The "bloom", does not function on it's own seperatlt from the weapons. For example. Let's say I went and swapped out the reticule bitmpas with blank ones. What do you suppose would happen? Nothing. The weapon would still fire and react the same way as it always does. The only thing I would be doing, is nullifying the blooming reticule. Now I know what you are thinking. "But Twin, the TU is removing bloom and in game, it shows no weapon spread. Isn't that proof you are wrong?"


On the contrary, this proves my point more. Frankie stated during an interview that the team was not able to bring the weapons from CE into the Reach multiplayer. So what the team did was use scripts to adjust the wepaons to feel like the CE ones. MegaloScript is the powerful scripting side engine component that controls a large amount of what we do or can do in game. In this particular case involving the TU, what Megalo is doing, is adjusting the weapon tag properties in memory, or side loading changed weapon tags when you go into certain playlists. This same scripting is also how we will be able to adjust "bloom", in certain gametypes during custom play. Could you imagine the total nightmare that would evolve from players having to edit their own core values of a weapon tag instead of using a simpler UI like the blooming reticule. You'd have players shooting 90 degree angles and shizzz. Craaaaaazy!


Here is the bottom line folks. Reach is full of crazy data, scripts etc. There is no easy way for 343 or Bungie to explain how the weapons work. Even things that I post up, have people confused and they do not know what the hell any of the tag specific value is. The only way I can get any of you to finally understand how these things work, is to physically sit you down at a computer and open up Reach tag values extracted from the .map files. Even then unless you study and research Bungie docs and tag values and edit them to see what they do, you will still have no idea what the values mean or what they change. I guess all I can ask is that you trust me on this. I have opened, edit rebuilt, compiled and decompiled nearly every map ever produced in a Halo title. Except for Halo 3 and Reach. You can't rebuild or decompile those yet. But we can shift through the tags and see what they contain. A large majority of gamers believe and summerize game engine workings and weapon usgages by using what they personally experience in game. Perception does not always give you the truth. There is always a force or forces, that are behind the scenes controlling everything you do in-game. Bungie just decided to give you bloom to make you think that shot accuracy was based on the expanding and retracting of the reticules. An ingenius way to promote better gameplay and give people a reason to excersise caution and build skill.


I hope this has helped you all understand what bloom is, and why removing it changes nothing. most of you will still suck.

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Again, videos don't prove anything. I have factually game data from the map files. Can you argue that? Stuff direct from the game you play? So what if my k/d isn't high. I dont play arena or competative, mostly firefight and campaign. What does my k/d have to do with you and others not understanding how the game works internally? See, you can't even post a constructive counter argument. All you seem to do is deflect to another subject to negate your own ignorance in the eyes of others. Sad indeed.


Pointing out videos, really? Thats your big argument? Explain how the bloom removed, equalled into a better firing weapon. Explain to me what bloom is and how it used. Explain what tag relationships it has? Tell you what Gold, when you come back with some game data, netcode files and a good understanding of the Blam! engine that will prove I am wrong, then I will bow down and admit defeat. But the community knows already what the outcome will be. You will simply deflect again, call me names, insult me and walk away thinking you know what you are talking about. But rest assured. the more you argue the FACTS and extracted game data, you will still look like a d-o-u-c-h-e.

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Again, videos don't prove anything. I have factually game data from the map files. Can you argue that? Stuff direct from the game you play? So what if my k/d isn't high. I dont play arena or competative, mostly firefight and campaign. What does my k/d have to do with you and others not understanding how the game works internally? See, you can't even post a constructive counter argument. All you seem to do is deflect to another subject to negate your own ignorance in the eyes of others. Sad indeed.


Pointing out videos, really? Thats your big argument? Explain how the bloom removed, equalled into a better firing weapon. Explain to me what bloom is and how it used. Explain what tag relationships it has? Tell you what Gold, when you come back with some game data, netcode files and a good understanding of the Blam! engine that will prove I am wrong, then I will bow down and admit defeat. But the community knows already what the outcome will be. You will simply deflect again, call me names, insult me and walk away thinking you know what you are talking about. But rest assured. the more you argue the FACTS and extracted game data, you will still look like a d-o-u-c-h-e.


A person does not need to understand the exact physics of a basketball or jumping in order to understand that it is easier to dunk on a 5 ft hoop than a 10 ft hoop.

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A person does not need to understand the exact physics of a basketball or jumping in order to understand that it is easier to dunk on a 5 ft hoop than a 10 ft hoop.


Wow. You just need to stop already. real life physics cannot be compared to a Halo game. How does that metaphore even begin to explain why you think the way you do about the percise game mechanics?


Ok once again I will try to explain this just for you. In that video of the TU gameplay on the CEA maps, 343 used a script to make the reticule not bloom. Along with this non-blooming reticule, they adjusted the weapons tags data to make less spread. If they had removed the bloom widget alone, the weapon would still have fired as it always did.


Just because you cant see or don't understand that there is a trick behind magic acts, does not mean that because you saw magic, means that magic is real. It is in fact illusion and slight of hand.

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Good bye. It is a lost cause to argue data pulled directly from a game you play isn't it? I have explained exactly what bloom is, how they achieve different weapon fire effects, and still because a video showed something you clearly don't understand, I am an idiot and you are right all along. Way to be logical about it Gold. See you never!


Ps, you say it's a lost cause, yet your still viewing this forum post?

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More typical 6 year old girl responses? Really? Wow man, you really hate to lose at something don't you? Oh no, the big bad basement dwelling MLG whelp might beat me at a game. Oh no's! Yeah but seriously dude, you need to learn to just accept that the working of the engine and weapon components are out of your scope of understanding for now, and just admit it. But it's ok, me and everyone else needs a thread to come to, to laugh at once in a while. Continue to flame away.

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There is no argument. You don't know anything about it. You have yet to post any relevant sources pertaining to your view besides a lame video of some gameplay that was tweaked by 343. Even if the video was sufficient proof, can you explain how the adjusted bloom works? Or for that matter how simply removing bloom alone made the weapon function as it did? Said tweaks were what i explained in my long post about bloom and how they went about achieving the things they did. Do you read anything I say with an open mind? Or are you just that full of hate that you blindly glance at things and just decide it is better to insult people?

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i dont mind both but i think i would enjoy no bloom as it sometimes annoys me (i never complained though) and i dont know what any of you are talking about with armor lock, ive never had a problem with it i rarely find people using it and i barely use it myself (only in the rare case of the opposing team taking all vehicles or in splockets)

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