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So what's this Bout the ar's not taking any skill.


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Why do people think that precision weapons are the only skillful weapon. I burst my fire have nice group and use the weapon to its full advantage. I put my self in the correct scenarios where I'm gonna prevail. Y'all actin like spamming the dmr takes so much skill. I do use the dmr on levels that suite it but please don't say ars don't take skill u sound dumb to me

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Every weapon has a point in the game where it's more useful then another. Some players do just run around and spray with the AR but, that doesn't mean it doesn't take some measure of skill to know when to fire and how long to hold the trigger so you don't run out of ammo before the enemy is killed.

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I havent noticed almost anyone using any of the assualt weapons that much to be honest. I don't think it's a noob weapon but the maps for the most part dont encourage situations where they are all that good for the most part.


This is a pretty good assessment of the situation I'd say.

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Okay, ill put it like this. Every weapon in any game takes skill. It just so happens that precision weapons in Halo 4 take more skill to use than automatic weapons. The reason for this is that since the AR is an automatic weapon and has continuous rate of fire before reloading the degree of skill required is decreased. Its just aim, close distance, and hold that rigger until opponent is dead. It obvious that it takes some degree of skill but thats just due to the fact that its a weapon. If yu aim at the floor your obviously going to die. If you aim at the guy then it can go either way. But the skill needed is just that make sure the trigger is held and the reticle is on the guy. Now positioning with it is completely different and irrelevent to this topic.

As for why people say that AR's dont take skill its just them comparing it to the skill required by precision weapons. In comparison, precision guns do take more skill to use overall. This is due to the rate of fire and amount of damage the weapons do. A precision gun has an different rate of fire to the automatic due to the fact that its not automatic. Like a DMR for example. If i charge at yu with it and it fired with me just holding down the trigger for a set amount of time before reloading the skill isnt there becuase you dont have to put into account when the perfect time to shot and aim is. Im just aiming and my brain doesnt have to worry about my gun not shooting before reloading so it takes away from the skill necessary. But as it is the DMR does need consistent trigger pulling, aiming, and finishing for it to be efficient. What i mean by those three things are that 1. TRIGGER PULLING- in order for the weapon to work/fire consistent pulling of the trigger is necessary. For the weapon to be used properly four shots to the body and one to the head make it deadly. Thus five perfectly aimed and timed trigger pulls are needed. This takes me to 2. AIMING- the success of every person using the AR is simply aiming. Precision gun users however need to have consistent, precise aiming along with perfect trigger pulls in order to be successful. This is something that really determines the skill of the weapon because missing even one shot with a precision gun can cost you. Its not the same with the AR that gives yu room to breathe. And thus i move onto 3. Finishing- precision guns are the only guns that i consider to have a finisher. And that is the head shot. This is definitely the skill maker right here. The AR is a powerful weapon but it doesnt not have a finisher that gets yu hype up in the moment or make yu feel the pressure of hitting that one shot which can save or break you or even just trade lives. Precision gun require you to have a good head shot. This headshot isnt always the toughest thing to hit but does need a person to be a fine trigger puller with precise aiming to be able to accomplish it, especially if put on the spot.


Now the AR has recked me many times. But the skill required to use it is so minimal that its overlooked when compared to precision weapons. So its easier for people to just declare it a no-skill weapon rather than to explain in details the different skills that the weapons need.


This post is not to hate but to clarify the difference.

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Why do people think that precision weapons are the only skillful weapon. I burst my fire have nice group and use the weapon to its full advantage. I put my self in the correct scenarios where I'm gonna prevail. Y'all actin like spamming the dmr takes so much skill. I do use the dmr on levels that suite it but please don't say ars don't take skill u sound dumb to me


Because they are. Its called a PRECISION weapon for a reason. You have to be precise with it, unlike the AR which you just point and hold down the trigger until your enemy is dead. Spamming the DMR takes infinitely more skill than spamming the AR.


EX. Take two people, face them together 5m apart, and give them each a DMR. If they are both equal skill they will both die. If one is better, one will die and one will live. If you replace that weapon with the AR, no matter what they both die. You cant be "more skillful" with the AR.

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it is what it is a assault rifle.. i mean assault close quarters combat like yeah there is one guy over here lets hold the trigger and kill him... for me that's balance because on reach the AR was totaly useless, i don't know what you try to mean about you don't neet to be skillful to use it i noticed that at the first day when i was sr1.. maybe you just are mad or dissapointed because now it is a usefull weapon and not another useless weapon like in reach.

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it is what it is a assault rifle.. i mean assault close quarters combat like yeah there is one guy over here lets hold the trigger and kill him... for me that's balance because on reach the AR was totaly useless, i don't know what you try to mean about you don't neet to be skillful to use it i noticed that at the first day when i was sr1.. maybe you just are mad or dissapointed because now it is a usefull weapon and not another useless weapon like in reach.

Maybe you should read my post...

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Its is a powerful weapon, yu can get kills with it, but in comparison to precision weapons, it lacks the skill sense to get these klls. Thats all were saying. The fact thats its a weapon means that of course yu need something of skill but when compared to the skill needed by a precision weapon it seemingly takes no skill to use.


Read my first post too because it explains much more.

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Because they are. Its called a PRECISION weapon for a reason. You have to be precise with it, unlike the AR which you just point and hold down the trigger until your enemy is dead. Spamming the DMR takes infinitely more skill than spamming the AR.


EX. Take two people, face them together 5m apart, and give them each a DMR. If they are both equal skill they will both die. If one is better, one will die and one will live. If you replace that weapon with the AR, no matter what they both die. You cant be "more skillful" with the AR.


No you don't just hold down the trigger until they're dead. The AR has a bit of a spread so you have to make sure they're close enough so they get hit enough and you have to fire in controlled bursts to ensure you have ensure you have enough ammo to kill them.

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No you don't just hold down the trigger until they're dead. The AR has a bit of a spread so you have to make sure they're close enough so they get hit enough and you have to fire in controlled bursts to ensure you have ensure you have enough ammo to kill them.


And then you lose to the guy who held the trigger down because he got more bullets to you, faster. A full clip should be more than enough to kill someone and if it isn't, you are too far away and a DMR would be better...

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And then you lose to the guy who held the trigger down because he got more bullets to you, faster. A full clip should be more than enough to kill someone and if it isn't, you are too far away and a DMR would be better...



People who think we are hating are confusing our input. AR's are powerful in this game, but skill wise they are dimished by the DMR and BR.

Its true. And the short bursts are a good tactic with the weapon but is it that necessary with the

bump up it recieved?




And then you lose to the guy who held the trigger down because he got more bullets to you, faster. A full clip should be more than enough to kill someone and if it isn't, you are too far away and a DMR would be better...



People who think we are hating are confusing our input. AR's are powerful in this game, but skill wise they are dimished by the DMR and BR.

Its true. And the short bursts are a good tactic with the weapon but is it that necessary with the

bump up it recieved?

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Seriously are there people who complain about the AR?! Wow just wow...... I use DMR and AR set up, using firepower. I use the DMR for long fights and AR for close fights, its ment to be powerful up close! You wouldnt beat someone using a DMR long range with an AR. Besides ive been killed a fair few times by the BR close range will using the AR and tbh i consider myself a fairly good player.


The real issue is the boltshot, jesus every game is the same thing kids camping with that insanely OP gun, I get killed from miles away literally miles, beats the shotgun and the scattershot, AR, BR it doesnt matter that gun is OP

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I use firepower so I can have my BR and AR at the same time and I always switch to my AR when I know it's about to be close range. Why would I use my BR when it's more effective to use a close range weapon?


What do you want them to do about spraying the AR? It's always been like that. Nothing's changed about it except the reticle since halo started.


It's not hard to kill someone with your BR or DMR if they're using an AR. Just throw a quick grenade to get their shields off.


Basically you need to get better is what I'm saying. No offense though

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