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Serious Halo 4 team wanted


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I want to create a 32 member team so we can practice in Custom Games for all game types. I don't care how good you are but what I do care about is that you are not cocky and listen to your team mates. I want to play halo completely strategically, no unnessary risks, no obsessions over kills, we listen to each other (we will also train on specific quick shoutouts), etc. Our lives in the game are held over our kills. (Meaning [and I know this hurts] but no suicide plans that get you a bunch of kills) Because we are not centered around kills but wins with as much effiency as possible.


There is no central power, even though (if this team is assembled) I started the team all of you will have as much authority as me to begin with(Then some members in the group will have authority in some areas then others but vice versa for them too, so authority will completely balance out). For every team there will be leader(s) depending on who shows themselves as a good stratigically thinker in battle but they only control general aspects in combat (like fall back, flank (name) and (name), etc.). Also we will determine specialist when we first train, whatever your skill set is (sniper, shotgun, etc.) you will be the one to handle that gun during real battles. We will also support and pair up weapoon wise, some people will be meant for getting assist (but not all the time, what I mean is we can switch the assisting role). So one member will have a sheild draining weapon and the other will have a dmr or something.


Tea Bags are acceptable, if not encouraged.


Will will have "short plans" like baiting and such we will make up names for and when this team is assembled we all will make more "short plans".


We will be in packs not seperated giving us a numbers advantage most of the time. And some of our game tactics will seem cheap to some, but we play to survive.


When we get more kills then the other team, doesn't matter if it is the first kill of the game, we play defensively, they come to us. This allows us to force them into situations and terrians that give us an advantage.


I use strategic strategies like this already, it helps me have games where i have around 10 - 20 kills and around 2 - 7 deaths. (I am not too good skill wise but it is the strategy that i am good with) But it can only take you so far when alone, in a team however it will be awesome. Also the 32 members will often be split up unless we practice a big team batlle match in Custom games.


I can't play on week days so this team that I'm trying to assemble is not dependent on me.


I am hoping the whole team will have 0 to an insignifiacant number of deaths by the end of this.


If this has enough "hype" or views or whatever I will post my gamertag.


Oh also this will take along time to start up. Building well diversed teams thats member can communicate quickly and accurately and and effectively will be hard work. So we will be in Custom games for a long time to start off with. Sorry but you got to be expecting to wait when this is built. Patience.


I'm going to start making a counter of members right here: 30 members, 2 to go.

I posted on another forum so this is the collective members. We will go over 32 members because many people are not on at the same time.


If we reach 12 members I am ready to start, so when more come the 12 can split up and show the new members what we learned and how we work as a team. It will be easier then teaching all at once.


Also this might take a while to set up (a few weeks... maybe... I don't know). Getting enough members takes some time.

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Add me, FaTaL TnB.

I'm interested.

i am most deff intersted,all my friends are playing call of duty.

and i have no good competive team :( add me oG Flexx.

Omin0us Fenrir. I wanna see how this pans out. Anyone whose decent and wants to add me, feel free as well

I'd love to try it and see how everyone's chemistry affects their game. Message me.

GT: nofatchicks6920

All this sounds good and adding with the other forum that makes 12 members guys my gamertag is robel9tail.


Just send me a friend request telling me you are a part of the team.

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