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Halo 4 disappoints: But it's a start


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Halo 4 multiplayer is not completely horrendous, but it definitely does not live up to the Halo 3 multiplayer and anyone who thinks it does is wrong. I really wish they would implement a true ranking system again, it gives each game meaning and therefore makes the game competitive. I know a few of you think Halo 4 is competitive, but honestly it's a joke in that aspect. Overall I do like it, but by allowing players to join late in a game, you are promoting quiting early from matchmaking. For example, in Halo 3 if you quit a ranked match, you more than likely were going to lose ranking unless your team won without you which is less likely. This promoted a competitive game and people did not quit out games nearly as much as they do now. Overall, this is way better than Reach, but add competitiveness and remove late game joining please. I want to fall in love with playing this game online, but without the competitive aspect, I'm already getting a little bored.


I would love to hear anyones comments concerning these aspects of the multiplayer. Don't even get me started with campaign, I beat it with my friend in 4 hours and 6 hours on legendary....way too short.



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First of all, If you are referencing to ranks back in Halo 3 and calling this game a joke as far as competitiveness then you must not be an old school Halo 2 player. When Halo 3 was released I reached level 50 by myself in Team Doubles in only 3 losses and a total of 8 hours of play time. Take into account I used to play back in Halo 2 when you had to win 4-5 games to rank up from 9 to 10 and getting to level 16 was a pretty good feat.


I will agree on the late game joining being a little unfair, or even the uneven teams at the beginning of the game. But, as far as competitiveness of the game..I believe they have evened out the playing field. Halo 3 was way too easy, Halo 4 is definitely harder due to the OP DMR in every aspect. I personally prefer their to be no armor abilities at all, but no complaint really.


But, do not get too frustrated yet because I assure you 343 will listen to the masses of players and fix many problems with the online gaming. Not to mention they have already implemented a hidden ranking system that will become visible in the later future.



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The competitiveness is not back, anyone can achieve max skill by logging in hours of play, but in previous games like H3 and H2 even, it was not like that. I've played about 200 games now and I just want a real ranking system because it gives you an attainable goal that you can achieve only if you play well, but right now anyone can achieve max level. I was not saying the actual gameplay wasn't competitive, let me clarify. During an actual match, there is a competitive feeling to a certain degree, I will admit that which is an improvement from Reach, but the overall system is not competitive because it encourages mindless COD playing in my opinion. I don't want them to change the gun power or anything, just the ranking system, and by the way I could care less if the DMR is OP, I use the BR and always will.

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The competitiveness is not back, anyone can achieve max skill by logging in hours of play, but in previous games like H3 and H2 even, it was not like that. I've played about 200 games now and I just want a real ranking system because it gives you an attainable goal that you can achieve only if you play well, but right now anyone can achieve max level. I was not saying the actual gameplay wasn't competitive, let me clarify. During an actual match, there is a competitive feeling to a certain degree, I will admit that which is an improvement from Reach, but the overall system is not competitive because it encourages mindless COD playing in my opinion. I don't want them to change the gun power or anything, just the ranking system, and by the way I could care less if the DMR is OP, I use the BR and always will.


Max Skill? It's not Skill. No one ever said it was. That will come later.

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Come later? No, you clearly don't understand the point. Right now, it is solely based on experience gained, aka everything is a social game type. There is no evidence that suggests actual ranked playlists will be implemented into Halo 4. They essentially added a prestige system with the new specializations and this is based on experience.

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Froz, They HAVE a ranking system in place. The experience you are gaining is just to encourage different styles of play using different weapons and such. The ranks are hidden for now. Which is why when you go into a MM game you don't run over everyone every single time. The matches are pretty equal in my opinion. Just because their is no number doesn't mean it is not their. Had you read the 343 article, it tells you the MM ranks are hidden and will be visible VIA waypoint in the future. I liked the old ranks too, but not enough to make me mad.

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Personally I like the rank system they have right now. You dont have to bash on me for that, its just my personal opinion. But i do miss how halo 3 did it to where you had your number rank and your overall rank and your rank in that playlist. I would love to see that come back.


About the joining in the middle of the game, I like it and dislike it. I think they need to add a thing to where it kicks inactive people after so long because i see alot of people just joining and standing there doing nothing. I love the multiplayer tho, i think 343 did a good job with it. Just take out the XP cap and it will be golden. :D

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Halo 4 multiplayer is not completely horrendous, but it definitely does not live up to the Halo 3 multiplayer and anyone who thinks it does is wrong. I really wish they would implement a true ranking system again, it gives each game meaning and therefore makes the game competitive. I know a few of you think Halo 4 is competitive, but honestly it's a joke in that aspect. Overall I do like it, but by allowing players to join late in a game, you are promoting quiting early from matchmaking. For example, in Halo 3 if you quit a ranked match, you more than likely were going to lose ranking unless your team won without you which is less likely. This promoted a competitive game and people did not quit out games nearly as much as they do now. Overall, this is way better than Reach, but add competitiveness and remove late game joining please. I want to fall in love with playing this game online, but without the competitive aspect, I'm already getting a little bored.


I would love to hear anyones comments concerning these aspects of the multiplayer. Don't even get me started with campaign, I beat it with my friend in 4 hours and 6 hours on legendary....way too short.




There is to be a 1 - 50 Ranking System in the Game apparently early 2013, It is going to be using True skill to. I to really want this ranking system to make winning worth doing again.. I just hope that they place weapons on the maps take out Drop in/Drop out and remove load outs for the Ranking side of things..


All I can say is hold on the ranking system is coming.. I have recently been playing Swat which plays a lot more like Halo 3 Swat than you might think.. My suggestion try giving swat ago to pass the time until the ranking system comes and just pray that 343 get the ranking system right.

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I like the current ranking system in a way because it gives every casual player a chance to get to max level and those awesome benefits but in addition though, there needs to be a ranking system for players who like the competitive aspect of the previous titles. Don´t remove the current system but add something to add up for everyone.

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I like the current ranking system in a way because it gives every casual player a chance to get to max level and those awesome benefits but in addition though, there needs to be a ranking system for players who like the competitive aspect of the previous titles. Don´t remove the current system but add something to add up for everyone.


Where is disagree with the fact people should get something just for playing (as I believe it to be lazy by the gamer not to learn how to get good at the game in the first place) I am to understand that the current Exp system is to continue running and complete separate Ranking system of 1 - 50 playlist will be released ...

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Halo 4 multiplayer is not completely horrendous, but it definitely does not live up to the Halo 3 multiplayer and anyone who thinks it does is wrong. I really wish they would implement a true ranking system again, it gives each game meaning and therefore makes the game competitive. I know a few of you think Halo 4 is competitive, but honestly it's a joke in that aspect. Overall I do like it, but by allowing players to join late in a game, you are promoting quiting early from matchmaking. For example, in Halo 3 if you quit a ranked match, you more than likely were going to lose ranking unless your team won without you which is less likely. This promoted a competitive game and people did not quit out games nearly as much as they do now. Overall, this is way better than Reach, but add competitiveness and remove late game joining please. I want to fall in love with playing this game online, but without the competitive aspect, I'm already getting a little bored.


I would love to hear anyones comments concerning these aspects of the multiplayer. Don't even get me started with campaign, I beat it with my friend in 4 hours and 6 hours on legendary....way too short.



Explanation on forthcoming rank system



As someone who's been playing Halo for the past 11 years, I completely disagree with you that this game doesn't live up to H3. It's obviously different in some aspects and similar in others but this game immediately reminded me of Halo 3 when I first started MM, and that's with a couple years removed from playing Halo 3 online.


Your post sounds to me like, "There's no competitive rank system yet and I don't like join in progress, Halo 4 isn't fun." Good for you, if you can't be bothered to wait a couple months for a ranking system you were never promised then leave because you probably were never that invested in the game to begin with. These arguments boggle my mind: it's not enough for you to just do the best you can anymore?; you need a tangible number to validate your own opinion of your skill? Just go out and do the best you can every game, regardless of a skill system. There will always be players above and below your skill. Measure your success that way. Rank really doesn't mean much.

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Woah here guys, it's just a game, everybody take a chill pill, or a chill strip, just place it on your tongue and just CHILL.

KEEP CALM AND PLAY THE GAME!! I mean seriously, who gives a $#^% if the ranking system is a bit off? Rank doesn't mean anything, I beat someone who is Sr 48, and I am only Sr 36, as for the competative stuff, that's up to you, most people play to be "competative" I play to have fun, why the HELL would I waste 60$ for something just to brag about my skill/rank in it?? I have been playing since Halo CE: Combat Evolved (The first Halo), I still play Halo 1 for PC for Jesus sake, there IS no ranks in that game, and I've been playing it for years, still enjoy it. Halo is the only game I ever really loved, I couldn't care less about the ranking, as long as the campagin is good and the gameplay is like...well...Halo. Infact this game actually remindes me of Halo Reach a lot with a bit of Halo 3 I find, and it's pretty good. Though Bungie could have done better with the storyline, it is still good. <3

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