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New Playlist Gamemodes and why are terrible


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I realise I ****** up the title... Don't look down on me for it :/


I've been looking forward to playing this game for quite some time. I love Halo for its singleplayer campaign, and even more so for the multiplayer. This is pretty much the only game that I will play on a console, and the others have given me and my friends countless hours of fun.


The new playlists aren't making this easy.


The standard classics are fine - 4v4, BTB, Objectives, etc. It's just the lack of original game modes which I find really bad. These should have been incorporated at launch: SWAT, doubles, multi-team, bomb, etc.


Also, the new FFA gamemode is a joke. Regicide is a terrible mandatory FFA mode, because it rewards the people who aren't as good as you. I can go the whole game being king, getting more kills than anyone, but because the guy in second place kills me near the end of my spree too much, at the end he can just take over and win as the bounty on my head is too high and it doesn't leave.


I'm not too sure on the mechanics, I only think about how it works between lives, but I'm guessing my bounty will stay stupidly high until someone gets a higher score and usurps my power. This isn't how the only FFA game should go, IMO. Flawless victories should happen. I'm not sure if people agree with me on "Regicide", but that's what I think.


Some Classic playlists won't hurt either. I'm sure 343 have said they'll incorporate these into the game at a later date, but I want this down as more support for getting on with it faster.


Oh, and getting thrown into losing games isn't fun, either.

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I agree with you on the Regicide thing. I'm playing now and I ALWAYS get either 1st or 2nd place because of what you just said. It's annoying. I also agree that they should have had more classic playlists like doubles and SWAT at launch but I heard they will be implemented in the next update probably in December.


Seriously, I don't know why everyone is complaining. Halo 4 is great. The only disappointment for me is the Forge world maps. (too small)

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I think Regicide is an interesting change. It tries to allow the game to remain competitive so that someone doesn't jump ahead by 10 kills and you know the game is over and you're playing for 2nd or 3rd place. It's a good incentive for the leader to stay on his/her toes and not let the guard down. Sure, like every FFA mode you're going to have players who "cherry pick" kills, but you need to work to pick them out of the crowd and beat them at their own game. I understand that regular FFA Slayer is still favored, but I don't think Regicide takes away from a fun experience and I actually think the game was implemented quite well.

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