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Where the eff is grifball?!

Dirty Murd

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Oh, ok. I forgot money grows on trees. I mean whats $60 for a coster. Yea, totally worth it. I bought it to play when i bought it. idc if it comes out soon enough. 343 said it would be available on launch day. So on launch day when i bought it, i'm sitting here looking at my screen wondering why the **** would they lie about that? Soon enough is not soon enough, sir.

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343 said it would be available on launch day.


Actually, no they did not. 343 never once said that Grifball would be in the game right from the start.

They did release a list of gametypes that would be in War Games at launch in the last bulletin before the game got released, i believe, and all the playlists that are in War Games at this point were in that list. None more, none less.


Other playlists like Grifball will be added in an update in the future.



And on the "play Grifball by myself" topic.

Just message some people you meet in the other playlists if they want to join you in a custom grifball game. I'm sure you'll find people soon enough since as you can see already you're not the only one who wants to play grifball.

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