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Fort Dead/Frozen Valley 3v3 Cobra Defensive Strategy


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I think this is just a good bit of strategy to share with other HWars enthusiasts...If you are on Fort Deen sieze control of the Shield Walls, and have a UNSC player deploy Cobras behind the Barriers, using his/her Spartans to beef up the most important positions. With the Barriers sealed, the Cobras will be able to shoot far beyond them without fear of retaliation. Needless to say, a heavy force can destroy the barriers BUT the Cobras will do sever damage, and scare any light attacks away from the center of the Map.


On Fort Dean, 4 cobras usually suffice to hold the center, with two Cobras on the sides. Use more or less Cobras depending on how Ground vehicle intensive they are, and make sure that Vampires or Wolverines are standing by to ward off air attacks which are the bane of Cobras.


If you have Infantry or Tanks on stand by, make sure they are stationed close to the Cobras, preferably so they can get in close if a serious attack is made.


On Frozen Valley, a similiar strategy is used with Cobras. On the two sides, when you have both bases, deploy them in the wide space between the Bases. Place Infantry units in the Watch towers as soon as possible, as they can provide a huge over watch, so large that you'll be able to see Enemy units that cannot themselves see the units in the towers. this early warning is vital. The middle path is different, but less used for attacks. Use a disposable unit or aircraft and place it in enemy territory on their side of the healer thing, so you can get a cheap early warning if they rush the middle.


Also, take note, for the UNSC, the best leader for this kinda defensive gameplay is Anders beacuse she can swiftly research the upgrades for Cobras and Wolverines that make them much more powerfull.

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