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  1. Agreed. And pretty much all the REQ packs can be bought with RP. Even the special ones they come up with every once in a while can usually be bought at around 80k-100k RP apiece. ~~~~ Bring split-screen back for Halo 6! Please sign and share! https://www.change.org/p/343-industries-bring-split-screen-multiplayer-back-for-halo-6?recruiter=1146767&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
  2. I must be in the minority on this thread, because I loved Halo 4. The campaign was a little weak, but the gameplay was kickass. my buddies and I would spend hours on the couch, playing BTB. It seemed like it was really geared for teamwork, with the different abilities each player could choose to have standard. Halo 5 has included/excluded so many elements that i would not have expected, given the direction the first four games were pointing. I feel like Warzone and REQ Packs could definitely see some improvements, but I love that they're including different versions of weapons, especially throwback versions (Halo CE pistol FTW!). The main thing that really made it feel different for me was (and I know I sound like a broken record here) the removal of split-screen. That is how I primarily played: online, with a buddy or two (or three) on the couch next to me. So, this literally changed the way I play the game, more-so than any other changes to the mechanics and whatnot. All-in-all, I feel like Halo 5 is a solid game by itself. It would be my favorite Halo game if they had favored local co-op over 60fps. Halo 6 has the potential to be my new favorite, as long as they figure their sh-- out with split-screen. The first Halo Wars was fun, but it seemed like a slightly clunkier version of Starcraft, as far as the mechanics go. After trying the HW2 demo, it feels about the same as HW1, but with a couple extra bells and whistles (and some Brutes) thrown-in. I don't have too much experience with console-based RTS games, but this one is pretty fun--even if it's not going to win any GOTY awards. ~~~~ Help bring split-screen back for Halo 6! Please sign and share this petition! https://www.change.org/p/343-industries-bring-split-screen-multiplayer-back-for-halo-6?recruiter=1146767&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
  3. It looks a little like the Recon armor. ------------------- Bring Split-Screen back for Halo 6! Please sign and share this petition! https://www.change.org/p/343-industries-bring-split-screen-multiplayer-back-for-halo-6?recruiter=1146767&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
  4. Dude, sign my petition to bring co-op back for Halo 6! https://www.change.org/p/343-industries-bring-split-screen-multiplayer-back-for-halo-6?recruiter=1146767&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
  5. Hey guys! Frank O'Connor mentioned in an interview last year that we were better-off petitioning to bring split-screen multiplayer back for Halo 6. Well here it is, Frankie! Please sign and share this petition. Let's show 343 that split-screen is still important to us! https://www.change.org/p/343-industries-bring-split-screen-multiplayer-back-for-halo-6?recruiter=1146767&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
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