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Kandace Smith

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Everything posted by Kandace Smith

  1. Yeah I didn't really elaborate on that loll. Okay so different parts of the map could be a different element. You would have to figure out how to do that but that's where creativity and time pull into it. Just a quick idea I thought of one day. I just don't have the motivation to make the map but maybe someone with motivation would find the idea and make it.
  2. Yes banana the regret skull does except the elites surrounding it aren't there.
  3. I'm looking for some partner(s) to play Halo co-op with. My GT: ctefallout
  4. So I've always loved that Halo has skulls to find. However on the regret skull I played on normal, found it, and picked it up but the achievement never processed. Should I try on legendary?
  5. I had this idea but I don't use forge mode often but a cool idea (in my opinion) would be a four elements map. Kind of like Avatar the last airbender. It just has a lot of opportunity for creativity.
  6. Hey guys I'm ctefallout. Well that's my GT but my real name is Kandace however most of my friends call me Cassidy/Cas, I have no idea how they came up with it but it stuck with me. Anyways call me whatever you want. Halo is probably my favorite video game. I first played it when I was 7-8 and I actually refused to play it at my friends house because I told them I would miss it when I had to go home (I was so weird). Anyways I have Halo MCC so if anyone wants to play co-op just add me. I'd even be willing to do forge mode. (P.S if you are looking at my icon and are confused about my gender lol I'm a girl) I only mentioned that because people get confused a lot and I don't blame them. So yeah anyways that's pretty much me
  7. Hi I'm looking for a partner or some people to play Halo MCC with. I'm on most of the time/available most of the time. Preferably now would be great! But if no one replies or you are reading this late then my GT is ctefallout. Just add me and send me a message and we can play! Thanks
  8. Hey, I'm on Halo right now and I want to do some co-op. I was wondering if you would like to join?

    1. RAI Callion

      RAI Callion

      I'll join you later if you'll let me? ^~^

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Hey man i'd love to, however i'm at school. Sorry.


      Also, i'm in Aus. So the lag is going to be pretty bad.

  9. Hey how do I make a shout lmao?

    1. depressant


      You need at least 5 posts to be able to use the shoutbox, as well as a feq other things.

    2. depressant


      Also, posts on the introductions/goodbyes and offbeat items sections don't count for your overall post count, but you're still elcome to post there. Make sure you make high-quality posts!!

  10. Does anyone want to do co-op on Halo MCC?

  11. Hi guys! I'm completely new to this forum and that goes for any other forum ever. Anyways I'm looking for people to play co-op campaign on the MCC from time to time.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Welcome to be best site on the Web! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

    2. Fishy


      If you want players to join you, why not stick around on these forums and make a few friends? I'm pretty sure making friends would get you coop campaign help on MCC and even other games they might have. It's you're choice. :)

    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      lol You'll definitely find someone.

  12. I'll play with you although I'm more into co-op campaign. My gamertag is ctefallout
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