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Everything posted by Kyuun

  1. I hope 343i will reduce the chance of a Forge World map made by Bungie. Because honestly, you can camp in all of the maps and spawn kill because they're that flawed.
  2. Man, good luck out there, they ALWAYS aim for the Medic first...
  3. Then people who liked Armor Lock would complain. I don't see a problem with Armor Lock. It's balanced to me, it's just that the majority of Armor Lock haters don't have enough common sense to counter it. Standing in front of it is not countering. Spamming grenades isn't countering. Besides, when I use it, I always end up getting a double or triple because they stand around me and I toss a plasma grenade at my foot last second. Easy points for me, they rage because they surround me instead of sniping me from the distance.
  4. I will never understand why Bungie didn't think of doing this in the first place. That would've cleared up the Reach forum by over 99%.
  5. I'd love to have "fun" armor. You know, storm trooper helmet, boba fett's helmet, Juggernaut's, Darth Vader's, etc. Same with visor colors, I'd like to have a mirror one.
  6. ...Go to a school that isn't co-ed. The thing is, all the students are the opposite gender of what you are. Seems like a dream right? Wrong. If you choose to go to this school, the following conditions will be set for you. - You don't get a dorm. You either sleep in one the classrooms (But can't get caught), outside, or next to the gate. - In P.E, whatever the top time is, you have to finish that in half the time. - You can't get into a relationship. - You can't have any electronics. - Your food will consist of whatever you find that is edible. - You have to wear the uniform. No matter what, if you're a boy, you're in a skirt. If you're a girl, you're in slacks. - Casual Friday involves you wearing a toga. The same one. And you can't wash it. - You must learn to use the opposite toilet. (e.g: women have to learn to use the urinal, men have to learn not to lift the toilet seat) - You must score over a 3.5. Anything lower is considered failing. Now, would you go do this opportunity under these conditions?
  7. Haha, it's okay. I'm earning a bit of money where I'm at doing various... odd jobs.
  8. Lol, okay. Since I saw the video, I've been more inclined to buying it, but I might not due to not having enough money.
  9. Can I have your CEA if that happens? :c
  10. I played Halo CE at a friend's house the night it came out, played it, enjoyed it, got my dad to buy it for me the next day.
  11. I wish people would figure out how Armor Lock works and experiment with it enough before complaining about it. It seems more like they didn't try to beat it and they just got mad that they lost against someone who used it.
  12. I'm into woodworking. I might be into writing and drawing.
  13. If so, then yes. I keep running into the same idiots over and over again who keep betraying me for DMRs and Snipers.
  14. Welcome! Leave your clips and magazines in the door, pick up a cup of coffee, grab a seat and have fun in 343i forums!
  15. The pistol in CE killed its target in 3 shots. Anyways, I just want more map balance and weapon balance. Hopefully they'll get that.
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