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Everything posted by playedhalosinceiwasfive

  1. When people complain about multiplayer they're just stupid super soldiers should be able to sprint i mean they are super soldiers drops should be something more advanced than just weapons that should just be on the ground or unlocked for a loud out for ordnance you should be given a scorpion or mantis or even sentinels to help fight in battle these are real rewards!!! When you are in the ****ing future you should be able to do futuristic things it's only common sense. Now to the important part because multiplayer can suck my balls when it comes to Halo because in all honesty the halo that i know in love since i was five was always about the story i don't know about you but when you hear aliens talking to each other in deep voices in riddles and uphold nothing but honor it gives you a tingle down your spine or atleast it did with me great music and cut scenes you make me laugh the music was horrible it was like some retarded kid got a hold of a phone jack and a recording room. just so much to say so little will listen. I mean in halo 2 wasn't it awesome when arbiter chief and the grave mind together and the conversation goes like this [A hazy view of an underground area and a circle of red lights. The Master Chief comes fully awake to see himself held by a tentacle. It's attached to a creature that seems to be entirely head, neck, and tentacles. The eyeless head bears a strong resemblance to the mouth structure of an Elite.] Cortana: What...is that? Gravemind: I? I am a monument to all your sins. [Two more tentacles descend holding a struggling Arbiter.] Chief: Relax. I'd rather not **** this thing off. Arbiter: Demon! Gravemind: This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded. This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded. Arbiter: Kill me or release me parasite! But do not waste my time with talk. Gravemind: There is much talk. And I have listened. Through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk, and you shall listen. [Another tentacle comes into view, wrapped around a monitor with a red eye.] 2401: Greetings! I am twenty-four-oh-one Penitent Tangent. I am the monitor of installation zero-five. [Yet another tentacle. This one is merged with a half-Flood Regret.] Regret: And I am the Prophet of Regret...counciler most high...Hierarch of the Covenant! 2401: A Reclaimer? Here? At last! We have much to do. This facility must be activated if we are to control this outbreak! Regret: Stay were you are! Nothing can be done until my sermon is complete! 2401: Not true. This installation has a successful utilization record of one- point-two trillion simulated and one actual. It is ready to fire on demand. Regret: Of all the objects our Lords left behind, there are none so worthless as these Oracles! They know nothing of the Great Journey! 2401: And you know nothing about containment! You have demonstrated complete disregard for even the most basic of protocols! Gravemind: This one's containment...and this one's Great Journey are the same. Your Prophets have promised you freedom from a doomed existence. But you will find no salvation on this ring. Those who built this place knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent, or all will perish as they did before. Chief: This thing is right. Halo is a weapon. Your Prophets are making a big mistake. Arbiter: Your ignorance already destroyed one of the Sacred Rings demon. It shall not harm another. Gravemind: If you will not hear the truth, then I will show it to you. There is still time to keep the key from turning. But first, it must be found. You will search one likely spot, and you will search another. Fate had us meet as foes, but this ring will make us brothers! [High Charity is floating between the planet and Halo. A battle rages around it as Covenant ships fight each other. Inside, the city isn't better. Brute guards in their new red and gold armour stand in front of the Council chambers. A mob of Grunts and Jackals cover the stairs and literally climb the walls. The Brutes use their spears to smash anyone who gets within range. Inside the chamber, Truth and Mercy are broadcasting to the Covenant fleet.] Truth: We are, all of us, greatly concerned...the release of the parisite was unexpected, unfortunate. But there is no need to panic...In truth, this is a time to rejoice! A moment that all the Covenant should savor! For the Sacred Icon has been found. With it, our path is clear-our entry into the Divine Beyond guaranteed! The Great Journey is nigh, and nothing, not even the Flood, can stop it! I mean come on!!!!!!!!!! Halo 4 just sucked at everything!!!!!!
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