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Posts posted by Coldfreeze

  1. I think armor should unlock through a variation, the armors from the Halo 5 beta video, look more bulky and a lot more protectvie than I anticipated. 


    get it through challenges, achievements and maybe even skill ratings.

  2. *looks around*


    *make sure not to wake any dead-thread forum police*




    Can anyone tell me what is this about? 




    This is about the Great Forum Wars.

    Bnus has an event going on in which the forum divides in two teams and compete against each other.


    It has been going om for a few months now.

  3. Actually the Military does this thing called record keeping. Heck even the modern day Military does it.


    Anyone with the right clearance will know the service record of any solider. For example a Private won't have access to the service record MC but the CINCONI will have access.(being an ONI Spook and all)


    I never said "general intel" I said "service record". I never said the general public has clearance to the S-III information.


    And surely we can trust Oni for keeping that stuff completely 100% up to date and legit right?

  4. Thorne mentions in his notebook that Spartan-III's were even more ghostlier than Spartan-II's, receiving just about no mention at all in general intel as opposed to Spartan-II's, who were publicly revealed to act as a morale booster for the humans and also so they can actually participate in military operations as opposed to being a shady black ops team, like Noble Team, or suicide squads.


    So no, their service record won't clearly mention their S-III past. 


    I think that most of the remaining older spartans were put into the spartan-IV ranks for one single reason: cover up.

    Halsey is known to have created the spartans, but she is branded a war criminal because she used children.

    Spartan-II's and III's are valuable assets and Oni made sure that these spartan's were re enlisted as spartan-IV's.

    No evidence of Halsey's spartans and a bunch of experienced spartans to either train other spartans or to use in active duty.


    No harm, no foul.

  5. Well the thing is, if you go completely by the games and not the books than everything is fine. Seriously, no bad birthdays (included in the additional content for the games, i.e. game books), no people being where they shouldn't be, and no covenant strike teams landing on Reach before Captain Keyes lead them to Reach.


    The thing that upsets me about the canon breach with Reach (odd how that rhymes) is that it is easily fixable. A patch to change the time stamps in the game and saying "Oops, we missprinted the b-days. Our bad. Here's the real ones." A book on the other hand, that requires rewriting the book and rereleasing it. Which costs far more money than admitting a mistake.


    They could completely fix it with a patch, but nope not important. IT is stated that Halo Reach takes place in the later events happening in the book, but that just doesn't solve it.

  6. There shouldn't even need to be an "A before B" at all. It is NOT difficult to keep up with canon. 


    You know where the whole "games before books" or "books before games" thing came from? Bungie not paying attention to their own story and then trying to pretend they didn't mess up.


    Well I know Bungie doesn't pay attention to the lore, I just explained that they adjusted it as they see fit and fall of reach is a perfect example of that. I mean up to Halo 3 everything in the book is known as the official event and ofcourse Halo reach screwed that up.


    In my opinion I rather go with the games than with the books, but bungie dropped a big mess on the lore with Reach.

  7. Microtransactions have a bad name due to past games or f2p games and even mobile games (Looking at you Kim Kardasian) 


    AC IV had a sword set you could get, which in all opinion was only triumphed by one other set. You could earn this via U-play points.


    While the micro transactions allowed customisation to your ship and a shortcut to other stuff.


    The shortcut kits in BF are complete garbage. Everything is acquirable ingame, but pay 5 bucks to skip all your effort and really only gain the basic weapons (most boxes you get later on contain more attachments and such so most low level players who use this have useless weapons.) 

  8. As long as they remove of nerf the Boltshot I hope the Promethean weapons return. 

    Of course the SMG's are a long time favorite and instead of adding or bringing back new weapons, just give me dual wield, I miss that so much.

  9. I despise Yoinks, people who yoink me usually end up with no shield the whole match. an assassination is cool to pull off, accidents tend happen (looking at you P34nut) but people who purposely wait and then just yoink you, are people who I despise. I mean I accidently yoinked some people a few times too and some times on purpose (Looking at you again P34nut), but I tend to avoid it.

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