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Nazmul Hoque

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Everything posted by Nazmul Hoque

  1. YES, YES I DO now i know this is similar to star wars but it would be much fun (a lot actually) make a space battle either vs against computer or online were one faction (covenant) vs unsc in space and have different scenario like a hanger bay in each ship (done in reach) and a control room leading any room ie a place wear u can remotely control turrets and also have like in hangers have were u could enter sabres or pelican(use for transport up to 5 people lets say) and enter the opposition (covenant) carrier/hanger and also maybe command or create a formation with computer(controlled fighters to make more kill in online) fighters and frigates also it could be stations or other stuff so overall have space and hanger fighting (also add new fighter jets and new Covent (halo 4) vehicles design having a massive space battle would be totally awesome and be a great game aspect. thanks YES, YES I DO now i know this is similar to star wars but it would be much fun (a lot actually) make a space battle either vs against computer or online were one faction (covenant) vs unsc in space and have different scenario like a hanger bay in each ship (done in reach) and a control room leading any room ie a place wear u can remotely control turrets and also have like in hangers have were u could enter sabres or pelican(use for transport up to 5 people lets say) and enter the opposition (covenant) carrier/hanger and also maybe command or create a formation with computer(controlled fighters to make more kill in online) fighters and frigates also it could be stations or other stuff so overall have space and hanger fighting (also add new fighter jets and new Covent (halo 4) vehicles design having a massive space battle would be totally awesome and be a great game aspect. thanks
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