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Ammon Johnstun

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  1. because without it you aren't playing against people your own skill. In halo 3 you played social to have fun, and ranked to actually play. it's no fun when one game you go 35-2, and the next you go 9-12. the old halo's were good because it's competitive, and this one is struggling because the competitive players don't care anymore
  2. 43 industries: thank you so much for making Halo 4, but please stop messing around. We want a real ranking system. Like Halo 2 and Halo 3. I want to know the rank of everyone I'm playing with, and I only want to play against people my rank. I want to get perfections while I play against level 1's, and I don't want to be CSR 22 after only 5 games. I want to play competitively I want to downrank when I lose and I want to uprank when I win. I want to use my mic again. These days when I play, I don't even care if I win. I lose an then see that I went 30-5 and am perfectly ok with that. And that's NOT ok! I remember playing games of slayer where I knew all my teammates. The score was 45-45 and my teammates and I are screaming callouts to each other. We would win 50-49, I only went 15-14, but I didn't care one bit because I backed out of the menu as soon as possible to see if my 49 would move up to that 50. Halo isn't like that anymore. You can't make me feel good with every 5 points for an assist. A 15 point comeback kill is not going to make me feel like I did anything special. Ultimately, minus the gameplay, I think what makes this game not as good as previous games is the lack of competitiveness. The other games were great because you knew that someone was better than you, and you knew that you were better than someone else. That is life, and that is ok. In this game, it's like CoD. Everyone is great right? Wrong. Some are great and some are not. That's reality. So just embrace that. Some are 50's and some are 10's. But guess what? The 10's play just as competitive games as the 50's. We all loved it. So please, bring back the competitive side of Halo. It's what made matchmaking so fun. Halo is the face of shooters. Bring back what made it so good. And to anyone who read all of this. Please like it, share it, or do something that will get it noticed. Halo 4 has all the potential to be a great game, and as someone who has played every Halo game from the beginning, I don't want to stop playing until the story is over. Thanks guys.
  3. Hey what up everyone!? Iv'e had an idea for a long time that there should be a game made in the Halo universe using the same play style as Star Wars Battlefront. You play as either the UNSC or the Covenant from a first person shooter perspective. As humans you would mostly play as marines which would allow for a very realistic rendition of the Halo universe (quicker kills, true effects of plasma, blooming crosshairs, unstable crosshairs, lower jump, slower sprint). Not only is this a perspective I would enjoy playing, but I think it would draw a lot of CoD fans/Battlefield fans to play Halo. Obviously the really dope part would be playing the covenant from a first person perspective... or at all. Anyway, I personally have an idea in my head of how I would make it, but what does everyone else think?
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