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Is not JL

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Posts posted by Is not JL


    actually, your both wrong. scholastic has said they will publish it if i get copyright permission. PERMISSION not RIGHTS

    What the hell does this mean?


    Copyrights are rights. I mean, 'Rights' is in the damn word!


    In any case, I'm confused. Chapters in books - even scholastic ones - tend to last longer than a few pages. Quite a few of your chapters probably will be grateful to pass the halfway mark of an A5 page - unless scholastic decides to increase the font size to 100 or something.


    The Good:






    The use of punctuation is good. Lack of grammatical errors is always a good thing, and although there are one or two spelling errors it's otherwise well polished. I don't like the continuous use of short, basic paragraphs but the structure of paragraphing is certainly good. It doesn't look like it has depth, but it certainly doesn't look stupid, the latter of which is a pro.


    The Bad:

    - That confusion I have above? It's a con. Super short chapters are a con, because they end up explaining nothing. Indeed, any form of introduction to characters in the story seem to have been relegated to a brief mention; it's as though everybody is a side character who are doomed to become cannon fodder.

    - As Caboose said, very basic sentences. Describing the situation, doing so from a characters point of view to let the readers be more empathetic to them, is always something that'll help draw the reader's attention.

    - Basic narrative structure that only books for kids would have. Do we have description of setting? Like, one or two sentences every chapter where we have a new setting. Do we have a description of the context? Of time period? Nope. The 5 W's of Writing - Who, What, When, Where, Why, have all been shoved away in favour of:

    - What appears to be childlike hyping for an enemy who appears in cartoons akin to singular episodes of Ben 10 crossed over with Pokemon and Thomas the Tank Engine. 'The Dark Ones?' It feels heavily like a childlike take on monsters from the Dark Dimension or something, hell bent on invading the world except for that one good guy who represents all the things that kids should learn to be good people when they grow up.




    We don't know where we are.

    We don't know who we're following.

    We don't know why anyone is doing anything.

    We don't know what's going on.

    We don't know how this relates to the timeline of the Halo canon as we know it.


    So what do we know?


    Not much. 


    It does't seem well that 5 chapters have passed out of...is it 18? And we know absolutely nothing.

    • Like 3
  2. They're tweaking it so that Halo: CE's primary playlist is also the Team Doubles playlist; however, to begin they also need to ensure that Halo: CE's settings work well with the gametypes and play fun; they may also be working on improving the terrible hit detection in Halo: CE. 


    The fact that matchmaking itself along with other things such as UI and Lobbies are bugged and broken doesn't help; much of their manpower working on the MCC are probably focusing their time on fixing the game-breaking issues first.


    No point in having a Team Doubles playlist if you can't find games and you end up on the opposite team of your partner.


    Also it was my understanding the the dust the humans found wasn't something that made precursors powder, but was actually precursors only desicated. Then just sitting there somehow made it flawed and this was sort of like a beginning of the flood. The remaining precursors who survived then turned the powder into the flood so they could use it to eradicate the forerunners.

    The dust is Precursor powder. It's not that they're 'dried up' though; they essentially 420 blazed it and turned into biological powder.


    The Chief HAS been communicating with Mendicant Bias; Halo 3 Terminals. A theory that has decent likelihood is that Mendicant Bias was the one who, at the end of Halo 3, changed the co-ordinates of the slipspace portal of the ark to Requiem, since MB wanted to show his creators that he has changed. Of course, the unfortunate thing is that the one Forerunner he expected the Chief to encounter was also mad crazy.

  4. First off.. Why do you guys always wait to add team snipers to new halo games? 

    Not us. You're looking for 343 Industries. Not... us.


    Personally I don't want TS at all. That thing is essentially out-camping the other team, such a thing isn't as fun as...well, games that don't encourage camping.



     Secondly why did you screw up the playlist? 

    Lets...take a look at what exactly you're expecting of the playlist first, shall we?



    All you had to do was make it halo 2 game play and let us vote on a map ( halo-halo 4). 



    You want Halo 2 gameplay on maps from Halo CE, Halo 3 and Halo 4....?


    You realise how stupid of an idea that is right? These maps aren't designed for Halo 2 gameplay. Hell, they don't even run on the same engine as Halo 2; what did you expect from the Master Chief Collection?



     You had the opportunity to not only bring back the game that made halo but to make it better with all of our favorite maps.

    Halo: CE was the game that made Halo. And no, playing it 'on all our favourite maps

     isn't gonna make it better because these maps are designed for the games they were played on. Playing my favorite map from Halo 4 with the Halo 2 game engine will be dumb and boring.



    If you guys wanted to make up for this just put halo 2 back online

    That's what they DID; well, now with 1080p, 60fps and running on dedicated servers and on 8th gen rather than 6th/7th gen consolels.


     leave it as it use to be......A GREAT GAME. 

    - You want to leave it as it used to be

    - You also wish to play Halo CE, Halo 3 and Halo 4 maps on it

    - You think that playing on the above 3 maps will somehow exemplify Halo 2 as a 'great game'


    The logic is more than just broken.


    Even after Halo 3 and new Call of duties came out we still played Halo 2. Why, because it was perfect.

    > Meanwhile, Halo 3 went on to break record sales and maintained around 1 million unique players each day on Xbox Live

    • Like 5
  5. In terms of gameplay,


    Friendliness to beginners in reach involved compressing the skill gap; which happened through:


    - A ranking system that isn't skill based

    - The inclusion of many more random factors in the multiplayer (Most vehemently, bloom)


    Other issues that made people mad included:


    - Armor Abilities were easy to abuse and, when abused, were annoying as hell (Jetpack let you get out of the map and stay out and kill things easily with sniper, Camo let you just sit in one spot, Sprint let you escape from fights that you would lose, or just ignore having to shoot and double pummel, same as evade)

    - Old functionalities that slowed down gameplay (Health packs)

    - Different functionalities that slowed down gameplay (No bleedthrough melee)

    - Frag grenades were nearly at Halo 1 level strength



    In general, people saw Halo Reach as the point where, in terms of gameplay, the developers started adding elements taken from other twitch shooters and injected it into Halo. The result was a sandbox that lost its balance and was also slowed down heavily despite the addition of sprint. Rather than create a symphony between classic Halo's arena style shooter and the faster paced action of games such as CoD and Battlefield, a conglomeration of overpowered mechanics were produced that generally favoured players who camped on small maps or hung back on big maps.


    If you could describe Halo 5: Guardians as Halo 2 on steroids, then Halo: Reach would be like.....giving Halo 1 the slow-drug.

  6. They look nothing like the Aliens we'd expect from the Halo series and more like something from Star Wars or Star Trek. That said, the Covenant Fringe provides a lot of new meaty information that I'd be happy to sink some of my teeth into for Halo 5: Guardians; doing legitimate stealth missions as Locke in campaign missions where you can ignore entire fights provided you are good enough at sneaky-sneaky while investigating the Covenant Fringe comes to mind as something I would love to do.


    Axl is one weirdo though. We see him repeating to himself that the great journey is real like a mantra; yet at the same time Yonhet do not believe in the Prophet's religious faith in Forerunner ascendancy.

  7. Having Dual Wield in Halo 5 is genuinely going to be a stupid idea that will cause an uproar. Reasons?


    There is very little aim assist, which helped mitigate some of the superhigh kick we had in Halo 2 and 3. Dual Wielding in Halo 5 would be much, MUCH harder to control because the kick pattern will have small variations each shot + the lack of the aim assist which...assits the player in aiming.


    That, and the fact that kill times are so, SO much faster in Halo 5 Guardians if you land all your shots; a single SMG in Halo 5G will be able to take out a fully shielded Spartan just as fast if not faster than a Dual Wielded SMG in Halo 3 and 2, at double the range. 


    Combine the two and you basically get the horror of a near-instakill dual wield. And to balance it, we really have two options:


    One is bloom, the reasons of which I explained why would suck in a post above a few months ago; to counterbalance how powerful dual wielding in Halo 5G would be the amount of bloom would also be blasted up to crazy levels which is also an increase in randomness - and thusly a compression of the skillgap, which is a) No fun for anyone on the higher end of the spectrum and B) Not in the spirit of Halo 5G, which so far has been marketed as the 1337 MLG ESL HCS Pro Competitive Ranked Equal Start game.


    I may have exaggerated it a bit, but that's because I like these types of competitive games.


    The other way they can balance it is recoil. But I'm sure the recoil will be so powerful that you aim will literally go through the roof and your spartan will end up arching his/her back as if making a bridge.


    Any other factors really don't make sense to me; Range of a gun doesn't magically get stunted; A drop in fire rate makes sense but that negates the point of Dual wielding in the first place; Buffing all the other weapons doesn't seem to be a good idea considering people are already mad that Halo 5G is taking too much from twitch shooters; and making the SMG really crappy isn't innovative or useful.


    And finally, people have been playing the Halo 5: Guardians beta already. I'm sure if Dual Wielding is in Halo 5G we would be hearing about it already.


    • Like 3
  8. Like a Gravemind, a Precursor is also described as being able to modify their physical bodies basically at will. Perhaps this was their actual form, resembling those of crustaceans; or perhaps that was just a form it decided to take. 

    There are many instances of Graveminds being able to re-arrange their body mass; the Gravemind that inhabited installation 05 then invaded High Charity and reconstituted itself there, and THEN tried to rebuild itself on Installation 04B (Which the Chief then blew the crap up). That H3 mission, Cortana? You were basically inside the Gravemind.


    IIRC, during the ending days of the Forerunner-Flood War, the Forerunners were basically fighting against a combination of:

    1. Precursor Star Roads

    2. Infected ships

    3. Giant balls of Flood Biomass the size of planets with slipspace capability (Graveminds)


    I DO believe that THAT specific Precursor, the Primordial, is a Gravemind, because it's words all talk based around the existence of the flood for many, many years and with knowledge that only a gravemind should know - especially the implications given that there is no true cure for the flood, but that the Flood itself decided to retreat from the war with Humanity.



  9. Here are the facts.


    A long time ago the Precursors 'created' Humanity and the Forerunners. We don't know the specific details and I doubt we will find out any time soon. The Precursors were like 'Yo Humanity you guys gonna get the mantle mmkay' and then the Forerunners were like 'But we're superior' and attacked the Precursors and nearly killed all of them.


    The ones who survived had 3 scenarios to take; 1. they left the Milky Way galaxy 2. They hid themselves, and 3. They created a material in powder form that would break down the Precursor's body and, a long, long time later when the galaxy is ripe for the picking again, would reconstitute the body.


    Scenario 3 bugged out; the powder mutated into something else which instead corrupted any and all sufficient biomatter it came across. 


    This... is the Flood.


    I guess you could say, just like how the Ur-Didact went mad and turned evil, Precursors, mad at the Forerunners and wrought with vengeance, and furthermore mutated by the powder into a parasitic form, decided to unleash itself on the universe.


    There are potentially still Precursors out there, but as it is right now, the Flood and all the Graveminds that have been formed are all superintelligent beings who contain within them the consciousness of mad Precursors. 

    • Like 1
  10. I'm not really able to join due to timezones, but another factor that has me less willing to participate is the fact that if you guys get into a party of 4 or more, you will basically be matched with other parties (and i have all the faith that that party is just full of some damn good players with spectacular teamwork).


    Keep that in mind; there is a heavy chance that, with a party of 4 or more, you guys could lose every game you play.


    Otherwise, enjoy. Remember to grab your bounties and buy your Buff.

  11. Sweet stuff.


    Destiny MM is essentially the welfare game of the year.


    Which, IMO, is plain and simple disrespectful to people who put effort into the PvP.


    The game; is it fun? Yes. But content in the base game ran out basically within the 3rd week of the game, and only because they didn't release something till 2 weeks in; it then turned into an endless grindfest between playing one of the most disappointingly well made trash multiplayers and grinding the exact same raid over and over for the chance at getting something - or getting nothing at all.


    Perhaps the DLC will provide; indeed, the art direction there is still as splendid as ever (Crota Await's background with him standing, back faced towards you? That. Was. Splendid.) but so far much of that content doesn't seem to be all too amazing; rather, just more things to grind. 


    Had much hope for this game. Now it seems like the story is hidden away in other material, the game content is going to be a reptitive button press best enjoyed with friends to swear at, and the multiplayer that we hoped would be in Destiny is manifesting in Halo 5: Guardians.



    **** u activision

  12. Deranked*, lol


    Two completely different words with two completely different meanings. One of them (Deranked) is to be expected since matchmaking is shoddy and, not just that, they've decided they'll reset everyone's rankings anyway once all the stuff is done. The other (Deranged) implies you're crazy.

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