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Is not JL

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Posts posted by Is not JL

  1. Also, the ranking system 'sucks'. By that I mean the one with the divisions, the competitive rank. The problem is: My friend wins a game, he gets around +3 / 4. He lost one game by one kill diffrence. He got decreased by 22... Also, my stats are almost twice as good as his. And I get put in Gold I while he's in Onyx. ( He got ranked in Onyx. )

    22 isn't actually that much; I think '100' is an entire rank within a division so he only got decreased by 20%.


    But yeah, it seems to be decided only on games won; that much seems to be claimed by many who played the preview.


    I hope they implement a formula that takes into account player skill/performance. In the mean time I'll just enjoy muh wins.




    The shield recharge systems a little sketchy, requiring you to have to wait in the area you just were at after winning a battle. Running to another area to actually support your team just leaves you without shields. Needs to be fixed, it's a problem. Not a bad idea, but I think it was intended only for people who run away from battle.


    The prophet's bane is a little low powered. It's a reskin of the energy sword, but the lunge range is really close and not very helpful.

    You don't have to wait. Just walk towards your team. If you want to support your team faster then you take the risk of being capped without your shields.


    Have you tried smart scoping with the sword? The lunge range increases but you lose radar usage.

  2. That and you can expect quality posts and help from all active members :D

    Which...Also...means....that critical posts you receive on this forum will tend to be far more analytical than the likes you find on Waypoint.


    So yeah. Just a heads up. And never post when you're mad, because that's the worst time to type something and send it.


    Try to stay away from the 'Waypoint hate group' though. It's not really something to be proud of, hating a different system because of it being different. We've had...some... immature happenings derived from people wanting to make fun of Waypoint being bad.




    Still, I think unless you tell us exactly what the post you made on waypoint actually was, we can't judge at all whether you were deserving of that ban you received. 

  3. Eris - may as well be a cardboard cutout, she has no character, does nothing of worth, and you really don't know if YOU did anything of worth. Nobody reacts to the deeds you do :/


    More materials have been added, which, like anything else in Destiny, acts to lengthen the endgame.


    Old exotics now have to be re-upgraded. Once again, you no longer have a choice in customizing your guardian; max level gear only comes from one exotic and the rest must be raid gear.


    Things in the Vanilla game such as the Weekly and Nightfall cannot be played for the week because it's the WIll of Crota strike. This doesn't affect me, but it's not a good decision to restrict something in the base game to people who buy DLC - because that isn't part of DLC.


    The Raid is much harder apart from the first bit, which you can complete without firing a single shot if you're a good team. Bridge now requires EVERY player to not be trash - so try as I like to ignore it, I have the urge to boot people for doing bad. It's not more important than EVER to listen to people who know what to do because the concepts and requirements rely on every single player. But that part if easily the highlight of the raid - which is really short compared to VoG.


    And then there's Deathsinger (Edit: My bad), which is a fight dictated by RNGesus. And you don't get rewards for it despite it being an full blown checkpoint. :<


    Nonetheless, the Raid is very enjoyable to blast through provided your aren't being dragged down by your team. A group of players who can hold their own will perform miracles in Destiny; this is still the case.




    Its ok for DLC.


    But it really doesn't expand anything lol; we're still doing the same things over and over. just...more.



    • Like 2
  4. Yappa's isn't really a turn based RP. You can 'post' when ever you like, but the reason why we are still around is because it's not all shooting things and taking names. We have social threads, character development and in general, we try to bring the cultures of each race into our RP with varying success. 


    Our missions are mostly combat, but members create social threads like... a bar scene, for example. Or a family BBQ with some friends. Training exercises, interrogations. If Yappas was just shoot, shoot, shoot I'm sure it would have crashed a few years ago but after almost nine years we're still going fairly strong. 

    Of course. A book, a story, that is designed to last long and has conflict needs to characters to love, doesn't it? And an RP is a bunch of people writing the story, leaving their mark.


    Still, I think conflict always has an importance within a TBRPG. Imagine two bar scenes - one of them features a bunch of people who face nothing but peace. The other scene features drinkers who have been in fights, battles, wars; who have experienced loss and who have been the ones to create loss. Both can be fun to write - but I think the latter gives more meat to chomp on, if you understand what I mean.


    What I was more referring to, however, is the system of 'Open' and 'Closed' threads. I'm more used to sandbox rping - where the only 'closed' posts are internal monologues, important plot-based events or quite literally unreachable. In my eyes, an RP is a cohesive book being written, where the only limitation is the literary skill. Somebody has a plot? Cool, but whether or not they have a plotline planned ahead, I've always been used to other player characters being able to butt in and affect the plot in one way or another, whether expected or not, and them being able to do so purely by joining into the interaction with the player's writing skill, not being limited by 'open' and 'closed' threads.

  5. We have never (As far as I recall) attempted to legitimately role-play within one of the Halo games.

    oh man


    this brings back me-when-i-was-just-a-wee-lad memories


    @Ailean I can guarantee you that it's possible for Halo to exist within TBRPG form. Whether or not the TBRPG itself will be enjoyable game is another issue generally dependent on the players and how the game is run, but considering Yappa's has survived 9 years I'm sure there's at the very least some form of appeal.


    @MrKill The rules Ailean probably refers to are the URL Link rules, which are:




    • You may link off-site in order to give credit to the original source of your material when writing news articles
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      • The image or video in question does not violate any other forum rules. Mild swearing is acceptable in videos, provided it is clearly labelled as such
    • You may link off-site to clan websites such as Enjin, however is only permissible from within threads in our dedicated clan recruitment subforum
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    • You may not link to any content which contains adult themes such as nudity, bigotry, substance abuse or realistic violence, whether in image or in video form
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      • Any links should be fully supported by textual descriptions so that members know what they're about without needing to follow them
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    Lastly, you may directly contact a member of the moderating team to ask for permission to post specific links: if granted, the relevant moderator will then edit your post to include the link and show their approval. This system helps to protect against falsification of moderator approval, and whether permission is granted or not is entirely at the discretion of the individual moderator: however in most cases where the link is found to be safe and to comply with general site rules, permission will likely be granted. In essence, if a link does not meet the standard auto-approval criteria listed above, check to make sure it has moderator approval before following it, and please report any posts which you feel may violate this policy.

    Personally, I think it would be best if you temporarily suspended having the URL in the OP of the thread and went to grab permission from some of the moderators.
    In any case, while I'd be happy to try out playing with you guys, having a separate thread for every single story that goes on is something that I'm still nowhere near used to; instead I'm much more inclined for location topics and for everything within the location to be posted there. Nonetheless, we do have several other prominent writers/roleplayers who may be interested.

    This is the third TBRPG I know that's lasted for more than a year. Props to you guys for making it work with a setting where the basis is in shooting stuff too.

    It's cool to know that a community like this still exists for Halo, so... Nice meeting you guys :)
  6. Sorry, but I've never had all that much fun with TBRPG's about shooters.

    - Story's are boring without some form of conflict, otherwise they'd be just happy happy before and after, which means nothing changes

    - In a shooter, conflict is in the form of shooting

    - In text, the conflict of shooting is basically 'I shot' 'I dodged' 'I shot' 'I was in cover' over and over and over and over

    - Without any of the other creative twists to writing, I just get bored of such forms of combat horrendously quickly.


    Nonetheless, props to you guys for doing something that every other RP that has popped up on these forums have failed to do, which basically made a lot of things absolutely miserable - allowing players to post IC as both 'factions', 'sides' etc. and not limit everyone to being good guys.


    If it isn't too much of a hassle, could you post a summary of the main plot, as well as summaries for any other smaller but important player-run plotlines on here? Knowing the story if halfway to joining the game. 

  7. Offbeat has only 1,000,000,000 threads, so I think adding just 1 more thread won't hurt.

    'It's already trashed' isn't justification to trash something more.


    And it's honestly just annoying you have to move to an entirely new thread. There's no point, and all it serves to do is make a hassle as people have to figure out if the game has started yet and go around searching for an all new thread.

  8. Matchmaking takes less than a minute to find a game unless players leave. If it takes longer than that you might need to take a look at your own connection.

    Well, ignoring all the port forwarding I've done for the Xbone itself, which is on a Wired connection unlike my PC, this is what data tests show.




    I doubt it's my connection.


    And consecutive macthes don't exist? Tell that to me and my party last night! Worked just fine for me.

    For you. This patch broke consecutive matches for me; it worked to an extent before; now it just kicks me.




    Your time is all but wasted.

    For what? Pointing out the fact that issues persist?




    So this update does work, unless you're being matched with people who haven't downloaded it, or your Xbox is being screwy.

    'This update does work.'

    'Unless it doesn't because of ......'




    Halo: The Master Chief Collection FIXED?!


    Is it finally fixed now?!


    Well the answer is both yes and no...

    Yes in that matchmaking works properly now. No more exessive waiting times and working consecutive matches.

    But no as in there are still a few kinks here and there. But luckely these will be fixed in the near future.

    Wrong. For many people matchmaking is still super slow and players are still put into P2P matches. Games still have unfair teams and consecutive matches doesn't exist - it just kicks you into the multiplayer menu rather than keeping you in MM.


    Kill me or release me, 343, but do not waste my time with faulty patches.

  10. Too bad Halo also decides to put in aim down sights, a bunch of one hit kills, bumped up the kill-time, etc. etc.


    Looking at all the footage out there, in a way, this is what I wanted Destiny to be. The reason I enjoyed older Halo games was because the gameplay was fast, fluid and based around the golden triangle. Now they've forced in a 4th pillar that reduces the size of the other three, and the abundance of automatic rifle usage has been blasted upwards because they have ADS now, which increases their accuracy at range.


    Do I think it will be a good game? Yes. 

    But I won't think of it the same way I think of other Halo games.

    • Like 1
  11. Hmmmm.....No.


    1. We can certainly judge with our eyes. Can we not see sprint being used? Can we not see weapons such as the Assault Rifle and SMG beating precision weapons now that they have Smart-scope? Can we not see the clear animation of a weapon coming up to the Spartan's eye level and 343 saying 'Its not ADS!'? 


    We can certainly judge with our eyes. Will that mean they are accurate? Probably not. But watching a game in action can tell wonders about how it plays, and to say that isn't true is.....well, not true.


    2. It isn't that the majority of Halo fans don't like 'Change'. After all, Halo is known for innovation. But as it is right now, what we want is for Halo to evolve it's current form - and that involves good changes, not bad ones.


    How many people have decried Sprint? How many people have been pissed off that 343 decided to randomly add a Fourth pillar to the staple 3 Pillars of the Halo franchise? 


    People want good change. Yes, good varies player to player but if we're talking about Halo, the general idea is that it has to FEEL like Halo. Being able to aim down sight with guns like the AR and SMG? Boosting around? Mantling? Ground Pounding? Shoulder Charging?

    That just doesn't feel like Halo to many people. If anything, these are things that we've seen in both Advanced Warfare and Destiny.






    Halo has always been regarded as unique and innovative. But taking a bunch of mechanics in other games and putting it into your own isn't innovation, it's following other innovators. It's as though 343 are not faithful in the success of the IP that has landed in their hands.


    Keep in mind that so far, of the 5 FPS Halo games released so far (Not counting the MCC since it's been released so recently), the 2 that have failed the most, that have received the most negative reaction, are the 2 that have tried to incorporate elements from other games; what you call 'Evolution' and what many see as 'Modernization'.


    Good change is good.


    But bad change is bad.


    And keeping bad changes is also bad.


    It's not like seeing gameplay footage rather than holding it in your hand magically blinds you from seeing all the bad changes you dislike.

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