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Is not JL

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Posts posted by Is not JL

  1. Beyond that, I don't really mind which generation of Spartan we play as, as Locke could really be from any of them without harming canon: he could be a Spartan-II washout like Osman whose body was able to accept a later generation of augments, a Spartan-III pulled from Alpha or Beta companies like Noble Team, or just a regular Spartan-IV inductee. Regardless of which one is picked there's plenty of potential to give him a good character and backstory, and I'll be very interested in seeing what they do with him in Nightfall.

    He's not old enough to be a Spartan-II.

    • Like 1
  2. wow junior

    wow plot movement

    wow torchwick's voice actor literally made a cheesy grunt for every time he turned his head

    wow comedy that at parts don't make people cringe

    wow expansion on semblances


    Action scenes weren't exactly amazing; it was excruciatingly obvious how Blake and Sun's running-across-rooftop's animation was being heavily re-used. We did get to see Neptune in action and what appears to be Sun' semblance being revealed as well. The fight between Team RWBY and the Mech wasn't exactly designed to showcase amazing fight moves but more to showcase their team dynamic - in other words, their capability to take down an all new advanced military mech without busting out their flashy moves.


    Yang's semblance has shot up in the OP list though, sitting right next to Pyrrah's magnetism. 


    All in all, one of the most enjoyable episodes yet.

    • Like 1
  3. We know Ledgend isn't mafian. 

    We don't. We are making an assumption based on the hope that the Mafia did not make an elaborate scheme to lynch one of their own after they confirm the Medic is working to save them.


    The chances are high - but the confirmation isn't there.

  4. I don't have as much free time as I used to back then, meaning less time for careful investigation, and we also don't have much evidence to go off of yet. Anyway, while I do think JL is most likely to be Mafia, that's more of a side thing really since we don't know who will be on the next suspect list.


    Once we get into Round 2 we might be able to see more connections. Round 1 by nature is more blind than the other rounds are.

    "The guy who voted null is the most likely!" Said the guy who voted for the civilian.


    Detective, investigate him please.

    • Like 1
  5. I can only hope that weapon aesthetic customization makes a return and with more options. Some of the designs look great, but the color schemes just aren't for me. A black BR looks great, but that yellow streak is something I still dislike. Same with the DMR, and the scope's color makes it stand out extensively in a way I don't really like. And I can't say I favor all the navy green/beige being added to the weapons.


    On the other hand, the dual coloring of the SMG in dark and light grey looks really good in my opinion; the one dislike about the SMG I have to say is that it's dotted with little black shapes in the light gray areas. 


    (It looks of normal size to me. Stock isn't extended, and that's fine by me, but I see no reason why it isn't extended when dual wielding isn't in play. Could it have two firing modes? :3)


    I'm sure they'll grow on me, but more options in customizing is always great, and also something that can provide incentive to play.


    New RPG/MAAWS weapon looks cool. Painted in a green that looks like sewage puke, yes, but looks cool as well. If the Promethean Nuke isn't returning, could this be an alternative? How does it work? I'd like to see that when the beta arrives. 


    I wonder how these new designs will appear when used first person. Open sight instead of a scope on the BR will take a bit of time getting used to; if we can customize that, awesome. The scope on the DMR looks a bit like an IR scope to me considering it has an added bulk and it's also featured in a different color scheme - which potentially suggests customization for the scope? - and hopefully less bulky and asymmetrical than the version that appeared in Halo 4. And the sniper......well........


    I hope there isn't a tank to the right of the screen when we wield that.

  6. Neptune is a cool guy, but he's basically being built at this point to both be hated and loved. Even though he looks to be on the protagonist's side, from both his interactions (so far) and the trailer, I hate that he's basically development bait for the MC's. Hope to see more things that make us like him.


    And Wukong. Great Voice Acting from michael, still, but god I'm still peeved about the name. Why does everything need to take Sun Wukong's name? Anime, games......


    And mercury and his sis are looking to be cool antagonists with a nice dynamic. I wonder when we'll see more of Team CRDL too - as shown in the OP.


    (I swear, if it's in another CRAP BULLY ARC, I'll be really. really. sad.)

    • Like 1
  7. Yes we do Rue. Oh look, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.

    You're so crass


    Here's my foot up your-


    (You actually aren't crass, it's just that I saw what is essentially that exact same line at the exact same place where I play Mafia, and I honestly just had to)


    And I realize that I can PM you, but I really have no intention to because I have a hundred better things to be spending my time on


    So I'll just laugh when I die, lynched by you guys

  8. There is no such thing as honesty. No such thing as proof, until you are able to physically log on to another person's account, or use your eyes to see their computer, without a PM from the GM.


    There is no such thing as true evidence except for what is written in stone by the GM. All you can do is trust or distrust. It doesn't matter if you are being honest, because we have no way of telling that.


    And, the the average Innocent player, the odds are always stacked in favor of everyone being a liar than a person speaking the truth.

  9. Yeah, now I'm convinced you're a Mafian. It looks like you're so eager to get me killed. Why? *gasp* You're not really a Mafian are you? I get voted to be killed by innocents, you'll just find out I'm an innocent civilian too. If you're a mafian, then you know that I'm innocent and you clearly want me out now.


    Um, medic? You think I can get a little protection (not that sort of protection)?

    Blake confirmed Mafia



    Delpen, the baseless accusations really don't help us at all.


    You've been doing this every game, have you ever considered that it may be time to stop?

    are you the offbeats police


    sho me ur popo badge

  10. Sleeping Dogs as meh for me. If it gets remade, cool, but I won't buy it again, and I don't think a lot of people will either.


    I WOULD have, if the footage in the trailer WAS actual gameplay footage, but nah.


    Game also needed more Emma Stone. One mission isn't enough.


    And I wouldn't exactly say it's a great rendition of Hong Kong. Granted, it's a game, but in general it, rather than attempting to emulate the city itself, attempts to emulate 4 different excruciatingly generalized archetypes plus the general thought process of 'oh my god this city is sssuuuUUUUPER BUSTLING' and dot it with few real-world attractions and locations that look nothing like the real thing.


    The only things that could've possibly made it better IMO, is for it to be in Japan. 



    Wombat above basically says it. This is like saying "GTA: San Andreas is a great game and the only thing that could have made it better was if it was set in Liberty City"

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