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Everything posted by DrunkPonyMaster

  1. the gravemind or something resembling the gravemind should be in halo4
  2. i tbag for fun, when i get tbagged i go hardcore and get at least 20 more kills than i had
  3. usually when i turn on music while playing reach i start doing bad, i'll have 15 kills then i turn on the radio and start doing terrible
  4. I'll start out. Snapple Fact 1: Babies aren't dishwasher safe
  5. i think it would be interesting to see how multiplayer went with ai's in it. im not sure if it would work but it would be cool to see
  6. i like the flood, it adds another perspective to the game
  7. i still play, but not as often anymore
  8. my hope is that the game is entertaining and fun, with a great campaign
  9. i want to change my gamertag on xbox live, but i dont want to pay 800 microsoft points. My gamertag is Vince4420 so if you could please report my gamertag
  10. i wanna help ya out, but i dont have a recording mic or the any of the other software, but im gunna try and get some soon
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