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Status Updates posted by Trifle10

  1. halo 4 matchmaking is becoming boring. all the good playlists got removed leaving the crappy ones. you cant even get a full 100% at this time or get any dlc achivements. when is 343 going to announce and do something about this. ps, expect dominion and multi team to be nerfed when they come back

    1. Buns


      I just honestly miss Dominion but the rotational playlist are always fun

    2. Spyro


      How do you nerf a playlist?

  2. love to forge. message me if you want to play together

  3. no reason to post here. let my sig and my posts speak for me

  4. where is the DLC playlist? even with the rotational playlists, there is hardly any DLC showing up (if any). when they add DLC playlists that will actually become permanent, players may start coming back

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      343i still have much to learn

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