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DAT Wraith

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    AsK SniperMagic

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Reduce Promethean Vision range and duration.
  2. Who cares if a game copied another game? Enjoy it and stay, or just don't buy it. Many games had the same features as CoD, but as soon as Halo takes a crack at it, it's unacceptable... Battlefield and Crysis both had perks, Crysis had killcams, many other games have ADS, many other games uses the flinch mechanic, etc. But as soon as Halo implements some of these ideas, it's copying.... Plus most of them aren't even copy and paste, so to what degree does a game count as copying another one? "Oh no they made a short, medium and long range weapon category, they're copying CoD" It's plainly stupid and arbitrary. Every FPS game copied the original Wolfenstine, end of story.
  3. You gotta be more specific about what kind of game you're looking for.
  4. Yeah...But in a way, stealing someone's assassination is sorta a **** move, especially when it didn't involve sitting in a corner with Camo or camping the teleporter, and when it was for a challenge. That's basically saying "I'm gonna get this easy kill that the other person tried his/her arse off to flank and find the golden opportunity to assassinate just to increase my KD". And that sorta relates to the point you had before, with how people think KD is vitamins or something. I dunno why, but I found Assassinations to be a bit harder in Halo 4 than Reach.
  5. You need to remove the Title update file, download and install the specialization file, then download the Title Update again (it seems to work best if you install the two files on different storage drives, I have an Xbox 360 Arcade so there's the memory drive and hard drive, I'm not too sure about the new Xbox 360.) This would be reverted back to the way it was after rebooting the Xbox though (for me anyway), sorta like temporary files, so every time you need to change specializations, you have to do the whole procedure again. I hope this helps. And I hope 343 fixes this issue
  6. I redownloaded twice, it didn't work Oh crap i got it, I just needed to download the Title Update again Gonna spread the news
  7. I got one of those late codes from Xbox for unlocking all the specialization. I used it and the list of all the specialization came up for a few weeks. Now for some reason my specialization tab is back to Wetwork and Operator only. Can someone help?
  8. It happened to me as well, but i sorta feel bad about it. Also for some reason all my unlockable specialization was reduced to the two starter ones, even though I downloaded the add-on before and it worked. Can someone help me?
  9. I got one of those late codes from Xbox for unlocking all the specialization. I used it and the list of all the specialization came up for a few weeks. Now for some reason my specialization tab is back to Wetwork and Operator only. Can someone help?
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