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Everything posted by Delpen9

  1. This red writing must be in the blood of your enemies.
  2. I didn't even vote yet! That makes me sad.
  3. Confirmed: Bread Destruct a toaster bomb. #BreadDestructisMafier2015
  4. You're supposed to pull wagons in the right direction. Are you a mafian? I didn't know you died.
  5. After a dull and depressing day, goodly greaten is an amazing place to besten scraing. I Destruct you all. ~Penguin Noises/xoxo/RedneckSelection, Ian :)

  6. You guys are dumb. Everyone's voting for EK, which means that he can't be the mafian. If EK was the mafian, we would've seen atleast 2 or 3 mafians vote for someone else to shift the votes - with an explanation too; they would've voted for the same person, but that has't happened. Doesn't that mean EK isn't a mafian? Me thinks so.
  7. The Destructs are like rain, sometimes we seem to come straight up from underneath. 0:22-0:28
  8. We're goodly greaten this forum. We'll outnumbu y'all 4 to 0 because there'll none a ya left.
  9. I'll have fiber optic internet in 1 to 2 days.

    1. Azaxx


      Grats man, enjoy those nice speeds.

    2. rrhuntington


      need it, can't have it, WHY!? Oh yeah...


      I live in BFE.

  10. I think we should kill the person proposing to kill the host.
  11. I'm surprised anyone remembers that I'm playing this game. Funny thing is, I watched Ex Machina yesterday night at the movies. It wasn't a bad movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470752/
  12. Isn't this more like a demotion?
  13. I vote the person who doesn't have a vote yet.
  14. How could you think Yoshi is not pro-town if he is what he ain't not?
  15. I have a theory that Caboose is the true creative director of Halo 5.
  16. "Post the worst but canonically plausible Halo 5." My idea was ruined.
  17. I could've done it, but I didn't do it, because it wasn't done.

    1. joshyzburton



  18. Most people don't know that Hello Kitty is neither a kitty nor a girl but an anthropomorphism.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Hello Kitty belongs in the "other" category for gender that you see when signing up for Gmail.

    3. Delpen9


      Hello Kitty came from the Beyond section of Bed, Bath & Beyond.

    4. Drizzy_Dan
  19. I now realize that if I had written every 3 letter word in one shout, I wouldn't have been banned.

    1. Azaxx


      I still would've banned you

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