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Status Updates posted by Twinreaper

  1. I slither like a viper, and get you by the neck. I know a thousand ways to help you forget about her...

  2. I'll be around if you need be...but not much...

  3. Rested and ready to get back into things...

  4. You're graceful, your grace falls, down around me in my eyes. You're lovely, your love leaves, So easily in my eyes.

  5. You're graceful, your grace falls, down around me in my eyes. You're lovely, your love leaves, So easily in my eyes.

  6. You're graceful, your grace falls, down around me in my eyes. You're lovely, your love leaves, So easily in my eyes.

  7. You're graceful, your grace falls, down around me in my eyes. You're lovely, your love leaves, So easily in my eyes.

  8. Argh... I hate "adding key index -1" map errors.....AARRRGGGHHHH!

  9. Argh... I hate "adding key index -1" map errors.....AARRRGGGHHHH!

  10. What givs girl? Haven't been on in sooooooo long. Miss you!!!

  11. You look so pretty, digging your grave. You look so pretty, what's left to save.

  12. What you get is what you see. It won't take much to get hooked on me. So shoot me right into your skin, and I will be your heroin...

  13. Working on "The Web Show" intro credits...

  14. Not sure how I feel about the new look...


  15. Just about sick of the Halo community and all the neadless complaining....and you wonder why Bungie never bothered to really listen...

  16. Congrats to Slenderman for being the big 1st place winner of the Casmpstravaganza! Congrats bro, you earned it!!!!!

  17. Upped the intro for Taco. Hope he likes it. Next up is planning some skits from the community forums...

  18. Upped the intro for Taco. Hope he likes it. Next up is planning some skits from the community forums...

  19. Did you step down or something? I thought you were still staff. Didn't know if staff could have yellow Legendary status or not....

  20. I can't decide, which one of us is dreaming tonight, I'm just a shadow in the light you leave behind. The only thing we need is time, to change your mind set.

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