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Infinite LuLz

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Posts posted by Infinite LuLz

  1. Arbiter armor should be there but it should be almost impossible to get so only the real legends was having it, not the screaming british kids with no skill.


    So you should be like: "OMG I will not survive" when you saw one with that armor. And the greatest pleasure in the world would stream trough your body if you killed him as much as once.


    It should also be possible to de-rank if you became worse again.

  2. 1. Halo is owned by Microsoft, not Bungie.


    2. There is a point to the complaints. Some people wish simply for small things to be changed, while others want there to be more drastic changes. They complain because they believe the changes would improve the game. That's the point of any complaints that are given(even if they're not well thought out complaints). I'm sure people are sending complaints to 343 and asking them to fix or alter certain things about Reach, and yes they CAN change Reach.


    3. If you've seen one of the newest Damnation videos, it shows that there is a lack of bloom. That might be an option that they're giving players. I also saw someone melee and kill someone before taking down their shields(probably another option to turn on or off). Those are changes.


    People will complain about something no matter what 343 does. People always try to find something to complain about. I personally love Halo: Reach, and would only have two small changes made.


    1. Set the default melee damage to 75% of what it is now.

    2. Remove the partial health regeneration. (Not too sure about this one entirely though. It could make grenades a bit too much to handle if implemented.)



  3. I quit if there is more than one armor locker in a match, or if I am going outside.


    You should not be banned for having a social life outside Halo.


    Anyway, turning friendly fire off would guarantee 3X grenade spamming and it is to much already. Friendly fire should be turned off when you had a power weapon so no one in your team could kill you.

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