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Infinite LuLz

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Posts posted by Infinite LuLz

  1. That would be so epic to have in costume games, me and my friends would love to have that in on of our "forge battles".

    Especially if you could make people sit and walk in the transport room.


    And adding 32 player matches would make everything completely bad ass, with bigger maps and all that.

  2. I think they should make sprint and evade buttons but change them a little bit to fix some of the problems with having both at the same time.


    I hate when people run away or use double beat down, so I thought that we could make sprint so you could use it when there was no enemies on your radar. But when you where alone you could sprint forever.


    And evade so you could tap to short times and evade half of what you does in reach, or you could hold it for a short time and jump really far like in reach, but then you only could do it one time before recharge.

    The recharge should obvious be longer if we changed it like this.

  3. Destructible environments.


    And an opportunity to give objects alfa status, that would allow you to set other objets to stuck to the alpha object(s).


    In that way you could make destructible brides with explosives or indestructible peaces inside.


    You should also be able to burn the destructible environments.


    More nature should also be included.


    Also give us the opportunity to place caves and holes.

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