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Everything posted by Geofry199

  1. that is cool, buuut i do think that PC would have a better time doing that than consoles (I'm referring to Crysis Sandbox here), but maybe they could do it... possibly a separate gametype, or a separate disc alltogether?
  2. hmm... I think it would have to load it inbetween space and land, maybe a cool "re-entering" cutscene, and a "entering orbit" cutscene? or, maybe more like Star Wars Battlefront II?
  3. DUDE check out these guys vid: Team0Epiphony (on youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsX7reMOlT4 fast forward awhile, he is talking to the computing guy and he says "...sir, Halo 4 is due to be released in November..." check, its true! but was he lying? if he wasn't lying then YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH! ME GUSTA! XD EDIT: I just found it, around 4:25 to 4:35, listen carefully!
  4. i would go over all my ideas, but all of them have been said already! keep it up guys, im sure 343 is listening
  5. i found the username/pass for my orginal account! yay! (laughing_llama was my second accound i made when i lost the details) thanks for the tip, @its LilBeast! i'll use it next time also, the reason we'd need a west us server is cos im in Australia EDIT: wouldn't 9 people be enough? i think that's nearly a whole team full. im not free on weekdays except friday afternoon in Australia (so maybe thursday evening/friday morning for you guys to sunday morning)
  6. I do spot enemies, but i hate it when others just don't! it could mean the diff between life and death for a guy in a jet, or mabye an enemy sniper could take your mates head off and he didn't spot the sniper, so you cant see him, then you get shot. I 100% agree with youm people need to spot more!
  7. yeah, i would love to! gamertag: Geofry199
  8. hey guys just wanted to start a halo wars clan for covenant players also, anyone interested in a halo reach forge session?
  9. trololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol. now then, anyone want some.. EVIL STEAK PIE? MWAHAHAHAHA!

  10. i can never think of good skulls, but when i do, i'll post it here... so far, ka-thunk is my favourite!
  11. i don't know what people are complaining about with halo wars. it was a fantastic effort at a new perspective on halo and the war, and it also had greaat (or at least i thought so) online, campaign and skirmish. in fact, i really only ever play halo wars with my friend, that and bf3. i loved the vehicles (Vultures/Scarab ftw!) and the music, and both the unsc and covenant are fun to play as. There are things that can be better (obviously) but overall it was a great game. so STOP complaining.
  12. i havn't really noticed auto aim, but that's probably due to the fact that i havn't played reach in ages, cos when i do play, i suck at sniping. if there is one, then at least it isn't as bad as CODs autoaim!
  13. yeah, i loved halo wars, but even though i have always wanted a halo wars 2, i knew it would't come. if only 343i could do one... after halo 4, of course.
  14. Im an Aussie, im wondering... where is Halo Fest, America? 'cos i dont wanna havw to spend a lot of money on a plane ticket.
  15. also, we should make it one grenade kills you, not two, like in Reach.
  16. Sticky grenades are cool, but that was a covenant weapon! Maybe they'll have a UNSC variant of the sticky, recovered from technology after the war? I dunno, but it seems a bit more practical.
  17. Yeah, I reckon your right. That was definitely a g-nade launcher.
  18. OK, what the hell is with everyone and killing these damn Forerunners? Personally, this is what I reckon... START We have all seen the trailer, right? So, he's going towards a Forerunner world/ship/thing aaand so he might have to do crap. Sound good?
  19. Yeah, I agree. We should be able to change the actual texture/colour. Also, could we have a covenant building/wall etc? Also, would it be called Forge World, like on Reach, or maybe Forge Universe?
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