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Everything posted by Balloonloons

  1. So using all my weapons in my arsenal to wipe out a team of 4 by myself to steal a flag makes me a noob? Ah ok I forgot halo is all about one gun otherwise dummies like you call you a noob lol. Why dont you learn to use all the weapons not just one from across the map. True skill is being able to wipe out a team by yourself using everything around you. Not peppering someone from 500 miles away.
  2. - place weapon spawns on map - dmr needs to lose effectiveness at long distance because it encourages some really terrible gameplay where opposing team just camps for kills from across the map. There is no fun in getting pummeled by a team of 5 or more all with super powerful and super accurate guns. Most of the time your forced to hide for cover because if you stick your head out you get destroyed in a split second by 5 people or more. -remove instant respawn and increase respawn time! Current method only makes battles either one sided or stale mates where the game doesn't progress. One on one combat is rare now which was a big part of halo. When you're up against two people now a double kill is a dream since you 90% of the time stand no chance against two people with this overly powerful and accurate weapon. Get rid of it or make it a weapon to pick up once you bring back weapon spawning. Otherwise no one should spawn with this. -bring back one sided bomb and ctf!!! -redesign the over complicated menu UI. It's awful. No need for the huge play cards of a picture of someone's character! I want to see my stats. I want to see medals. I don't want to scroll past 15 tabs to get there. Go back to the types of menus used in all other halo games. Don't need to reinvent the wheel there. - get rid of weapon drops and place them on the map! - make grenades naturally stronger. The whole fun of halo was to be able to kill massive groups of people if you were good enough. I put in halo reach yesterday and in one game I was racking up double kills and triple kills. I think I have one double kill in halo 4 since I got it!! That is not a good thing. It's not engaging in this way. And along with grenade strength I blame the dmr here as well. Even with the grenade perk the grenades are still mostly useless. -remove the awful waning icon that tells you when a grenade is about to hit you! What a horrible idea this was especially when they are already so weak. It's become too easy to avoid being grenaded. -running should be limited period. Not a perk. You think you clear an area but within seconds the whole other team is right back there! That's horrible gameplay! - brings me to...reconsider your perks. Things that make halo halo should not be a perk it should be naturally part of the character. Seems in some instances you were reaching to add more items to perks taking away from stuff that should be already part of the character. It's like making jump a perk! Why in the world can't I naturally pick up grenades from the guy i just killed???? That's natural! -halo was always more of an arcade feel type of game. Pop in a coin run into battle kick some ass like Bruce lee by jumping all over and using everything at your disposal. Now it's become a pathetic game of camping. The reason I never played cod and won't. Please bring that kick ass feeling back! -too many power weapons make vehicles utterly useless. I feel like everyone has a sniper or laser or something else that can just rape a vehicle. This has rendered vehicles mostly useless death traps. This wouldn't happen if weapons were placed in the map in set spots instead of these ridiculous drops. Within 1 minute the whole other team has snipers and lasers lol. It's horrible. - add classic playlist with ctf and other original game types without all this perk nonsense period. I can almost guarantee it will be the most popular playlist in the game. And split that list into big team classic and regular objective classic.
  3. And that's fine if it was related to my point. My point is this game is the perfect example of what not to do with any game. A horrible UI paired together with the most unbalanced gameplay I've seen in years is all a disaster to the franchise. And it is a disservice to what halo has done for so many years. That is what is so sad here. This is not just a new game, it is a very poorly done game (graphics aside which I already said are great). Not to mention quitting has been encouraged here which only means a majority of the time you get thrown into games that are already hopelessly lost by the team you get thrown in with. You seriously have to play 20 games to get one good one going where in halo reach you could play a dozen at a time that are great. That's why balancing is important. Halo 4 feels like a beta version of a game concept and yet we all paid 60$ for it. Not exactly a way to grow your fan base or keep the current one for that. Analogy fail because you said so? Lol. It's actually the perfect analogy. It's your problem if you fail to comprehend what it means. I don't need you or anyone to convince me of anything. I want 343 to see this and take a second hard look at the poor design choices they made that stripped halo of its mojo. As far as your opinion goes it makes no difference to me. I'm writing here and it's the first time I have ever done something like this, because halo is something that I love and am passionate about. Much like you probably I've spent 1/4 of my life of the last 10 years playing halo lol and it saddens me that I just about have to say goodbye. Halo reach got boring because there is no new content. So this only means that halo is pretty much gone unless they make some fixes. These people were handed an engine, gameplay, characters, etc. all they had to do was make it work. How can you mess that up? And on a huge budget with a huge staff devoted to nothing but halo. How can you mess that up?? Makes no sense. Anyone of you guys who are talking down on me would have probably made a Better game yourselves had you been lead director. So why are you blaming me when you know that is probably true!?
  4. Boy did you miss the point on the dmr. Lets take ragnarok. First of all you 90% of the time get thrown into a game where the opposing team already controls the hill. Now you have at least 5 people there all with dmr that can blast you from across the map with 100% accuracy. I don't care how good you are it's impossible to even stick your head out of the base without getting destroyed. This is part of game balancing and an obvious poor choice in game design. This never happened in any of the other halos! You were always able to squirm out of a bind and that also has to do with short to no respawn times and the ability to infinite run. Even if you manage to kill one of the 5 who control, they get back to a spot almost instantly. There is no such thing as a battle when it's you getting blasted by 5 people spread out through the map. This is hardly welcoming gameplay for just about anyone. You open your mouth about my skills not even knowing anything about me and meanwhile I am approaching this topic from the pov of a game developer who knows damn well how important game design is. These are all examples of poor design and lack of knowledge when it comes to proper balancing. All of which you obviously know nothing about. I'm actually very good at this game as I have been playing it for 10 years. I know when something is off not just as a developer but as a gamer. As I said before, halo has always been the gold standard and these decisions have made it unenjoyable for a large portion of the halo community. If you like driving your ford that's fine but I think we all expect halo to be at least a BMW. Oh and btw, having a weapon that is 100% accurate from across the map that can fire rapidly is hardly something that makes you pro. It makes you a noob camper IMO. It's the most noob weapon I've ever seen because it encourages players to stay out of a good fight. So you can try to make yourself sound good but all you're doing is saying you prefer keeping your distance picking people off because they might actually shoot back otherwise.
  5. So you think that this game is so good people left it to play other games in one week!??? Lol that's absurd! The whole point of making a game is to grow the population not shrink it. You think they anticipated losing players? You must not know anything about game development to say such bizarre comments. You also seem to think that 343 created its online community?? The only reason they are what they Are is thanks to bungie. HALO has the following and 343 just jumped on its coat tails. And unfortunately they are destroying it a slow pathetic death. There are studios out there that would only dream of being in 343's shoes now and who would not piss all over the franchise that made them as well as the fans that allowed halo to even exist.
  6. That's great Antics but the fact remains that halo is bleeding players. And there is a reason for that. My hope is that they see posts like this and bring back the halo we ALL love. You may enjoy driving your ford but I prefer the Mercedes and so do many others. Just look at the awful user interface for starters. I'm approaching this from a develop we'd pov.
  7. Btw one last thing the main issue seems to be, as far as your team, the lack of a concept director or at least one that knows what this game should be. It seems to me that a bunch of people came together, threw ideas into a pot and then someone said ok you work on this one you work on this one and so on. Stop listening to the chatter. Stop trying to get everyone's input and just hire a damn director who will take charge and model this into one flawless idea from his own mind. Sometimes it's better to keep the vision of a single person than to jumble up ideas from different people. Ok I'm done.
  8. Ok. This isn't another hate or rant thread. This is a very sad thread. I'm actually sad about this beause halo is a game I've loved for 10 years. I feel like halo 4 is the girlfriend that broke up with me. I'm not going into too many details but the game just feels awful online. Dmr has made it nearly impossible to play unless your up against people who never played a fps ever. Sounds like a good idea to have a super powerful gun that is 100% accurate from across the map. Until 12 people all have the same gun and it becomes impossible to stick your head out of a base. Next the perks are so horrible. I have to choose to make grenades stronger or to pick them up from bodies when they should already be strong and should already be picked up like a gun when you kill someone. I am a game designer myself and I can't believe a whole team of people working on one game would make such awful decisions on so many things in this game. The UI is way too overdone! These menus are complicated for no reason. Who designed these? Look back at halo reach for a beautifully designed interface were you actually know what you're looking at. There are so many more issues I have but it boils down to this. This game is not halo. You were handed a Mercedes and you made a ford out of it. Yea they both drive but that's about it. What a shame because the right people will never be making halo again. That makes me sad because it saying goodbye to a decade of good time. There is a reason apple is very successful. Simplicity. The same reason halo 2 and 3 were great. You guys must have missed the class on that and it is quite the eye sore. I wish I had the kind of money and man power you guys wasted in my own development. I did enjoy the campaign for the whole 4 hours I played it to beat it. It was well done. But I think it's obvious why halo 4 is bleeding players as we speak. Players who are turning to other games after just one week because you tried to dress a ford like a Mercedes and thought no one would notice. For those of you who do enjoy the game. Good for you. Put halo reach in and you will see how that is infinitely better even though you may have not liked reach over 3. You may like 4 as a totally new game but halo it is not. And for us halo fans we are left out in the cold. This game should have been released in this version as a beta. Between all the bugs and glitches and lack of variety this is an embarrassing let down to a legacy that was handed to you and to us fans. Thanks for listening. I hope that somehow one day you guys can actually turn this around. But so far since you took over halo has not been halo. But you do have an amazing 3d team. Kudos to them!!
  9. But when you do have friends and online friends that you can form a team with, these game types were the best! Most of halo is a community and people by now have friends that they have played with since halo 2. I've been playing with the same team for years now! If ctf seems one sided. Make some friends. The problem isn't the game. The problem is you're being antisocial.
  10. Yea that's what I am understanding too. Basically because some noobs complained the rest of us lose the fun! I'm afraid they are listening to the complaints of a few while the rest of us stay silent who actually enjoy these things. Most annoying thing is that to me it seemed perfectly balanced. Very rarely did you get into any vehicle without being shot down after a few seconds. But the fun part was to actually try to start a killing streak. Nothing better than that feeling!
  11. Wrong. The map is perfect for vehicles! The mantis is far from unstoppable! Lets be serious. If you can't kill it you're doing something wrong not the game mechanics.
  12. Lol no I wish that was the case. But no banshee in the air either I assure you. Matter of fact all my team mates were also complaining about it as well!
  13. Played ctf a bunch of times tonight and the banshee is gone!! Maybe it didn't update for you guys yet?
  14. It sounds more like you need to make some friends to play with as a team.
  15. Again the noobs are out in full force complaining about nothing. One flag ctf and bomb are classic games that made halo 2 so awesome!! How could you even say they shouldn't be in halo 4?? Go play super Mario or something else please and leave halo that way bungie intended it to be.
  16. Burial mounds!!!!!!! Brian that back for once! It was such a great map!!!!
  17. This map was perfect. I'm so sick of noob complaints about stupid things that ruin the game for the rest of us when they are changed because of noobs. It's by far the best map in the game and now it's already ruined without the banshee. Lame as hell.
  18. Why can't there be one map where we can enjoy a feast of vehicles!? There are plenty of maps that don't have any. If you don't like it don't play it! The fun part of halo is the use of vehicles!
  19. Every time you guys make the same mistake! Why would you do that! It's been there since halo 3! It was so much fun! It was perfect on this map! These are the kinds of mistakes that have drawn me away from halo. I can't believe it only took a week for you guys to start listening to noob complaints. This sucks. God forbid there are some fun vehicles in one map.
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