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  1. i've only played a game or two on each and tbh i'm pretty disapointed so far. extraction seems confusing and even after my first game with it, very boring. why get rid of assault and invasion, only to add a different objective game that SUCKS. i expected a combination of ctf and invasion, but got some crappy version of territories. also why are none of these large maps compatible with dominion? i was hoping to play somthing other than exile today. get rid of the mantis on the new map (can't remember name) and stop shoving your new toy up down everyone throats, we're not all easy to impress kids, add somthing thats more fun/chaotic like the rocket hog. i'll play the new maps some more but havn't enjoyed myself on them yet.
  2. swords was one of my favourite game types in 3, please bring it back. a good idea would be to have a rumble pit playlist where grifball, race's, swords and fun fan game types all chucked in to be voted for. k/d and win/loss wouldn't be counted, but you would still xp. tbh flood should be thrown in there too...
  3. wraith. i hate the mantis and how it plays on ragnorok. but the thought of one side having a wraith and the other a mantis seems pretty cool.
  4. agreed, it should just kick anyone who is afk for 90-120 seconds. other games have done this, so i do expect it from 343i soon.
  5. just played this and i agree, it would be far better to replace it with a banshee which takes alot less to bring down. i think its just 343 trying to put their new toy on as many maps as possible without thinking sensebly. look at meltdown, the cowardly campy way mantises play does not suit the speedy infinity lap map, if they needed to spice the map up add a rocket hog or something instead. what? the hog was made for CTF.... i bet that was fun for the other team.... its CTF not slayer, getting kills is not the objective and your k/d is not what you should be worried about in this kind of game mode.
  6. i've been playing quite alot on my days off work and have hit the cap once (lvl 49 with no xp bonuses). i don't boost or do anything illegitimate, i'm just a halo fan enjoying a new game on a day off. It really annoyed me when i hit the cap, and i stopped playing - not because i play to level, but because it accussed an innocent player off cheating. the system does not take into account the players who play alot in one day rather than a few hours everyday - we're not all highschool students 343, recognise you are catering for different types of people! it really does have a detrimental effect on players like myself who cant play every day, but go all out on days off. i stopped playing matchmaking the other day and played something else because i was 1 win away from the monthly challenge, but knew the cap would rob me of some of my reward. why should i have to work around a cap that shouldn't be there. this cap has p****d me off more than someone who is already level 90 for cheating ever will.... edit: lol i'm sr49 not sr46.
  7. - the dmr seems to sap the fun out of big team slayer, if you don't use it you get slaughtered till you do. i understand its a longer range weapon than say the br, but when people are spawining with such powerful long range weaponry and constanly sniping you with it it's just overly fustrating. - i also find that vehicles such as the banshee and warthog just don't cut it anymore. hogs never last long thanks to stickies and gunners just get dmr'd off constantly. banshees just don't last long full stop, small arms fire rip them to pieces far too easily. reach sucked but balenced this better, and now the banshee has been nerfed offensivly it would be more appropriate to return its durability a little. - the scorpion on exile is too far away from red teams spawn. blue get the rail hog no probs, but all it takes is blue to rush the tank with a mongoose and they either get the tank or catch a red guy just getting in it. move a few red spawns closer to the scorpion please? - bring back 1-50 please its just a number, but it was true skill, not time played. keep what you have now, just add in a few competitive playlists with lone wolves, btb and td's. over all you have vastly improved on wha bungie tried in reach, so thank you 343i!
  8. the DMR is superior, which is very fustrating, especially on big team. i was looking foward to the greater variety in weapons the loadout system would bring to halo 4, but instead everyone uses the DMR or is punished for not. i find this is only the case on btb though, the BR and AR are much more effective on regicide and 4v4 games. it would be nice for the weapons to be balanced better, not just the DMR vs the BR, but the other weapons too, like the SR, CC, and supresser. in short, look at your statistics 343, nerf the DMR and buff the less used weapons.
  9. overall i like it, it makes getting into games easier and i can join a mate rather than waiting for them to finish. i don't see why everyone is moaning about joining a team which is losing, it happens but not as much as people are saying. somtimes you'll join a winning team, a close game, or even a game that started a few players short - stop exagerating. the one place i believe JIP doesn't belong is regicide, there you are on your own and its pointless playing when you've joined a game where someone is up 200pts on you, thats if you play to win ofcourse.
  10. i find it more fun to play than just regular lone wolves, it is faster pased and people rarely camp as they have something to move for (the king). they should still bring back lone wolves, its not nice to force people to play regicide when they want a the basic ffa. also think 35pts is to much, 25 is more reasonable.
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