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Brandon Valenza

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Everything posted by Brandon Valenza

  1. TheBigC - are you going to post that you "don't give at rats Ass about the books" in every thread on this forum? I understand that you wanted more of the story built into the game and not the extended fiction, and I agree there should have been a bit more in the game. But everything that comes out for Halo is considered cannon now. That is 343s job now and they have people who's sole purpose at the studio is to make sure anything that gets produced falls into line with the established universe. The more recent books like the Forerunner Saga and Kilo-five trilogy were specifically written to help establish the Reclaimer saga. I own all of the books but have never read them. But I do tend to glance over at the Halo wiki so I can get the basics to help further my enjoyment of the universe. Again I do agree that there should have been more dialogue in the game explaining the storm covenant and how they are the rebel religious fanatics seeking to release the didact. That's why they whole fleet was at requiem when the forward unto dawn arrives. The covenant had been trying to get into the planet for 3 years. If you search the rubble when you first crash on the planet you can find two covy ships with hidden audio messages explaining a bit more about it. There should have been alot more in the game about the didact and why he hated humanity so much. Why after being imprisoned for 100,000 years he still wanted to enslave the entire human race. The hidden terminals tell you more about this but not the whole story. I get it if you don't want to read the books but you should dig around the halowiki and expand your knowledge about the universe. It is all intertwined now and you will enjoy the new games better. I hope some of this helps
  2. Microsoft owns Halo, Bungie didn't have a choice when they wanted to work on other projects. And congratulations 343. Well deserved. I bought the LE Console (even though my Reach console was still mint), LE Game, LE UNSC Controller, LE Soundtrack (beautiful score), Art of Halo 4, and took 9 days paid vacation to play it. It was worth it. I can't wait to start following the road to Halo 5!
  3. They never showed Chiefs face. They show his eyes..... so what? That doesn't show what he looks like. The only thing it tells us is that he's white. That's it. If you listen to Cortana before the Didact fires the Composer, she tells us that there is a slipspace portal opening. This is what the Didact falls into. It is entirely plausible and highly probable that he survived. As for Cortana, she saved John by manipulating the hard light bridge to create a shield around him. There are hidden hints in the campaign suggesting that Cortanas rampancy can be beaten and the "accepted" 7 year life span may not apply. This is from a recording in Dr. Halsey's log that can be found in the wreckage from the Forward Unto Dawn after you crash on Requiem. The Didacts narration in the epilogue is not after the event of Halo 4, it is long before. It is him addressing the forerunner council after using the composer to enslave humanity as his army to defeat the flood. He was stopped by the librarian before he could convert them all into the Prometheans. The monologue at the end would be his final words before he was sentenced to the Cryptum and locked inside Requiem with his own army used to keep anyone from releasing him. After that the Halo rings were fired and we all know what happens next. By the way, I have not read the books yet. Most of this information is somewhere in the game. Between the 7 terminals, hidden computer logs, multiple campaign completions, and just a little wiki, the grand picture comes together. I loved every moment of this game and I have been playing since the first one came out. It is obvious that there is a bigger picture that 343 is working towards and I have 100% faith in them after playing this game. My suggestion is to go back through the campaign. Take your time to explore the levels. Look for hidden information (I have found 3 just in the wreckage of the FUD). Watch the cut scenes very closely. Listen to the in game conversations. There is way more than you expect, and it is very rewarding to discover the wealth of information that is scattered around.
  4. They never showed Chiefs face. They show his eyes..... so what? That doesn't show what he looks like. The only thing it tells us is that he's white. That's it. If you listen to Cortana before the Didact fires the Composer, she tells us that there is a slipspace portal opening. This is what the Didact falls into. It is entirely plausible and highly probable that he survived. As for Cortana, she saved John by manipulating the hard light bridge to create a shield around him. There are hidden hints in the campaign suggesting that Cortanas rampancy can be beaten and the "accepted" 7 year life span may not apply. This is from a recording in Dr. Halsey's log that can be found in the wreckage from the Forward Unto Dawn after you crash on Requiem. The Didacts narration in the epilogue is not after the event of Halo 4, it is long before. It is him addressing the forerunner council after using the composer to enslave humanity as his army to defeat the flood. He was stopped by the librarian before he could convert them all into the Prometheans. The monologue at the end would be his final words before he was sentenced to the Cryptum and locked inside Requiem with his own army used to keep anyone from releasing him. After that the Halo rings were fired and we all know what happens next. By the way, I have not read the books yet. Most of this information is somewhere in the game. Between the 7 terminals, hidden computer logs, multiple campaign completions, and just a little wiki, the grand picture comes together. I loved every moment of this game and I have been playing since the first one came out. It is obvious that there is a bigger picture that 343 is working towards and I have 100% faith in them after playing this game. My suggestion is to go back through the campaign. Take your time to explore the levels. Look for hidden information (I have found 3 just in the wreckage of the FUD). Watch the cut scenes very closely. Listen to the in game conversations. There is way more than you expect, and it is very rewarding to discover the wealth of information that is scattered around.
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