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  1. The thruster pack, in wargames, is completely worthless. It barely moves you two steps forward and not much quicker than you can sprint it. This item desperately needs a re-tuning in the form of greater distance traveled. (As a fun side note, go into a custom game with Player Traits set to Move Speed = 300% and gravity = 50%, and then hit the thruster pack... now there is some thrust! Unfortunately, unless you get a speed boost from an ordnance, you are handicapping yourself by having effectively no armor ability.)
  2. I loved Halo multiplayer; starting with Halo:CE, then Halo 2 on XBL, then Halo 3. Obviously I was incredibly excited for Halo 4 to come out; only to find that my beloved multiplayer had morphed into another Call of Duty clone (As if there weren't enough of those in the COD franchise already). I think you made a mistake to go in this direction, and so does everyone that I have spoken with. (The unanimous agreement has been that we would rather play Halo 3 multiplayer, if only more people were in the matchmaking). Please, Please, Please make all of us old-school halo fans happy by releasing an old-school playlist that closer reflects the style and pace of the multiplayer in previous titles. Force starting weapons to the AR/plasma pistol; weapons / equipment spawn on maps the way they used to; turn off all ordnance. Put these changes into a playlist or two (Oldschool Slayer, big Team Oldschool, Oldschool Skirmish), and I think that they would be instantly popular. As a sidenote, I was disappointed that many of my favorite weapons and vehicles did not make an appearance, and that there were no promethean vehicles added, but overall I enjoyed the campaign, although it was difficult to follow the story sometimes with parts of it told through terminals that I had to exit the game to view; really broke the flow. Was it that hard to include those in the game? Looking forward to the next chapter in Halo 5; DoubleTap
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