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Everything posted by iBloom117

  1. i couldn´t test it, because my friends are never online at the same time. i would like a few people to download and test it with me, so i get some feedback, because i don´t know if it´s balanced enough
  2. looks like an advanture.. like that btw check out my invasion map http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/13993-epic-inv-by-ibloom117-elite-defense/
  3. -A specific area where you can walk upside down -cut off parts of forge objects to create your owns this would create some awesome and epic invasion moments
  4. made by: iBloom117 Map: epic inv: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30740400 Gametype: epic inv: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30740402 Recommended players: 12-16 Desrcription: (As attackers) Tier one: jump out of the frigate make your way through the canyon and try to blow up the brige. Tier two: take over the covenant generator or take over the covenant aa gun. Tier three: steel the core out of the satelite station and make it to the falcon or fly the falcon towards the core (risky).
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