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Everything posted by Spinssss

  1. Hi guys, My Goal I tried to make this map competetive and make teamwork an accet in this map for you guys.I was happy with the outcome and we had a ton of fun playtesting this map. Don't you hate forging big linear infection style maps? takes forever I'll show you the outcome of my map. map link: http://www.halowaypo...s=&startIndex=0 Relentless Confine2 gametype link: http://www.halowaypo...s=&startIndex=0 pictures: http://www.halowaypo...entless confine This map is fun for both human and zombies which makes this map a whole lot more interesting. When you spawn as a human you will want to be on the move or you will be cornered bye the zombies and you will die. 2 options go down the hall and get the rocket launcher and another gun and try and hold off or you can go straight for the bridge which will limit your ammo badly. This map is used with the alpha zombies game varient but not much was changed from the alpha zombie and regular infected which boosts gameplay a lot. Zombies are slow but tough in this gametype varient but still can be taken out pretty easily by the humans with enough ammo. You will get 2 custom powerups at a certain point in the game Extremely boosts health. Lowers speed.These zombies will basically take as much as 7+ rounds of assult rifle ammo which will take its toll on the humans. Each zombie will be colored differently. Additional info: Linear infection map 14-16 players medium to large map Heres some pics for you guys. Healthpacks will be used as humans take up to 4 hits to kill. Tell me how you guys liked my map so I can know if I did great.
  2. ''I like the overall layout of the map'' ,and that there is many seperate areas throughout the whole map to play in. I cant tell much from the pics but It looks sick so I'll check your map out later on. KingxMe Out
  3. This map has left me nothing short of speechless.I love the clean asthetics and great weapon placement. Thats smart I wish I had thought of that.You inspired me to make a new map.
  4. Awesome map,You are really good with forge.
  5. Robius,Your most welcome.Thank you for posting Sweet glad you like it.I had a lot of fun making itEnjoy
  6. Robius, Im not saying I disagree with you but the zombies are given Height advantages on every phase.It balances out and thanks Your a great forge too.
  7. Thanks.I spent a lot of time working on that. Its cool when someone notices.
  8. Pretty cool map,Really unique.How long did it take you to make it?
  9. INTRO like this post for Ponys lols Hi,this is spiniestword4 bringing you another Linear infection style map;this map takes place in the middle of a city type area that humans have to hold out in.This map is where most people will not be able to get to the end because of the lack of ammo and amount of zombies. It plays great with 16 people but you can play from 10+ players if your lacking gamers. update gametype:http://www.halowaypo...etails=31064809 Map:http://www.halowaypo...etails=31068410 HUMANS:Humans start off with an assult rifle and sprint.However you will have low jump height and slightly lower movement speed.There is 4 different areas humans will have to survive in with 4 minutes on the clock..As you start off in the first area you will face 3 slower but tougher[more health] zombies and then later on in the game quicker zombies will spawn with less health.Weapon locations are risky they have poor sightlines.Last man standing takes a ton of hits to kill while a regular human can take 2 hits. ZOMBIES:You will start off with High shields but have reduces movement speed Zombies spawn in a simple starting room but will have teleporters spawn later. 3 alpha zombies spawn/you will want to get as many kills as you can get between the first area and the 2nd one.I have placed the zombie teleporters in strategic places around the map for improved gameplay. The zombie initial spawn[Teleporters will spawn later on in the room to take you to the uninfected players around the map ] Area past 1st Forceshield[has a turret assult rifle and a sniper in this phase] One of the many zombie teleports Initial Spawn[Point A] Point B KingMe is Out Enjoy
  10. Mmmmm... Very good asthetics Congrats on being viewed bye THFE.BOY! id be so happy if oakley were to come across one of my maps Hint:http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/13772-urgent-post-needs-attention/
  11. GO FOR IT! If Mario can make its millionth game title why not masterchief? I hope it has Forge mode If you like forge check new map out here:http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/13772-urgent-post-needs-attention/
  12. Overall Bad asthetical forges-trying to get me to download this?
  13. This is a fun Free/Realm-map designed to be a more short ranged map. Humans start off with an assult rifle and sprint but will find more needed weapons and ammo throughout the map.The map features an underground area and many various buildings to holdout in. Map Info Undeadzone:http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30814983 Revalation: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30863897 Medium sized map 4+ players Reccomend 10-14 FreeRealm map Overview of The Map Map/Download:http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30814983 Gametype/Download: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30863897
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