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  1. Yes in custom games. not in war games. if you want to play slayer in customs you can now start with any weapon you want like the shot gun. or play shotty snipes. and not to metnion it was from a early build because if you the AA meter is still the long line not the circle
  2. The gametype was named YOLO = You Only Live Once. it was a custome game. it wont be in War games. and yest its still a power weapon just watch the 8 sec video on it. its made for people who want to create gametypes or play shotty and snipe with your friends
  3. this. I think Invisblity should be like the OS, speed boost, a power up.. on normal slayer it should be droped on some maps and on IS it should be option for you personal drop
  4. yes but not as much as if everything was combined. i tend to stick to the ranked playlist but from time to time i would go on social just to mess around. and yes there will be those few that go to rack up kills but that wouldnt happen so often and if it did you can just quit and hop on another game. yes i think they would to. what i was trying to say is thats another point why they should have a ranked and a social playlist. because if they dont the people trying to play a compettive game would get annoyed with people jumping in and out of games
  5. I forgot to mention the ability to drop in and out of games. this would really kill a ranked game. so hopefully they will be 2 a ranked and a soical. In social you can drop in and out while in ranked you cant
  6. the jetpack doesnt seem to go to high. or he just stop useing it.. i hope that its only makes the jumper higher and not like reach where you would have an entire team flying around
  7. Not a big deal you still can pick up grenades that spawn on the maps...i like it this way. there will be less spamming and people will have to work and find the grenades
  8. There are 2 kinds of people Competitive and not(social) The competitive person will be competitve on anything they do. Not because they are "try hards" but because competition is whats fun for them. i consider myself a competitive person. so when i play sports or video games i want competion thats what makes the game fun for me.if i play basketbal i wanna play to win and to try to win and the other team also trying to win.playing 4 on 4 close competitve game is whats fun to me. now the non competive person wouldnt want to play a competitive game of 4 on 4 they would want to play Horse or around the world. Now theres nothing wrong with that. i get it, its fun for them. now if we get 4 competitive and 4 non to play basketball it would never work...if its 4 competitive vs 4 non its not going to be fun for anyone, A. because most likely the 4 competitve would win easy and that would be no fun for them because they want competition. B. it would suck for the 4 non because they would get ran over because they arent trying or they just dont care, no one would have fun. Now if you mix them 2 competitive and 2 non in each team? it still wouldnt work. the 2 competitive would be pissed that the other 2 arent trying and the 2 non would be pissed the other 2 are trying so hard. again it would ruin the game for all 8. The same thing with video games. thats why i think Halo 4 need a spical and a ranked platlist so everyone can have fun. Do you guys agree or Disagree?
  9. Thank you guys . I was worried i would have to wait 2 weeks before getting it.
  10. I just moved to brazil and i want to know if the game will come out on Nov 6 here? and if it will be in english...also i went to amazon and it said the game could only be shipped inside the US is that going to change? i know you guys will probably not know since your not in brazil but i thought i would as jus in case someone Knew. Thanks
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