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Posts posted by Elite

  1. Way to kill your market Sony. Not like any of the Xbox Community gives a crap. :P


    You mean Microsoft community.

    Microsoft just trashed on Windows 8.

    You need to pay over £25 to watch videos and film on Win8: there's no codecs to decode your lovely film.

    You'll be looking at £30-50 software to watch films. WMP also can't render Blu-Ray so...


    Yeah, greed on both sides.

    Just one you're not aware of.

  2. Seems like 343i thought it is time to go back to humanity alone instead of stretching out to alien allies.

    I myself would have not said "humanity", plenty more worth saving than that.

    This is one system, there is countless systems in the local cluster.

    Somewhere there, there's organics like the Covenant.

    Once they're not persuaded with bad religous choices and decimate humans, they'll most likely be interested in hugs and tickles / destroying Didact.

  3. So, do you think overwhelming Infinity's barriers by that collision was worth it?

    Despite the purpose of the ship, in the drydock must have thought "Mhm. Which idiot decided to leave no turret or launcher hardpoints on this?"

    Come on, it's an exploration ship!

    You need to launch 3-4 probes to scan and triangulate targets in space or you're just blindly flying along like a damn idiot!

    Faster than light is still VERY slow, no cynosoural fields either?

    If UNSC isn't advanced enough to plob this in R&D, no wonder they're dumb enough to waste barriers by crashing into another ship...

  4. I'm not a fan of these Specializations once I read the paragraphs under the images. This just changes the whole game for me. :/


    Read this:


    "As you’re taking shots [with the Stability mod], it allows you to keep your reticule more stable. Yep, this one is almost straight out of Call of Duty."


    “And also when you sprint, it adds some sound dampening so you don’t make as much noise when you sprint. Furthermore, the assassination animation will happen faster for you, leaving you vulnerable for a shorter duration of time. Though Ellis did also clarify an immediate question we had, saying."


    Are you joking?

    Someone from 343i wouldn't say that.

    You really think 343i would add that?

  5. Hello there!

    You may know that console gaming never has and will never cover some of the amazing aspects covered by PC gaming.

    That's why I'm proposing a department dedicated to get members on "Steam", a free software which is like Skype, you can chat, voice or typing with a bunch of people; you can shop for PC games at a low price, it's like a hub for PC users.

    Of course, people who thought buying an Apple computer was a good idea can download the Apple version.

    PC Games can be sold for a beautifully low price, the new "Dawnguard" was reduced to £11.50 at release, that'll cost £40 on console; why not PC game?


    There's a wide variety of PC games that we would like this community to connect; from Steam games to non-Steam games.


    New to PC gaming? Want to try it?

    PC gaming offers a mature community; people who PC game use teamwork that's extremely rare to find in console games; PC games have loads of fun games that never get tedious, unlike some console games.

    There's Arma II, if you want an actual realistic war game that requires teamwork to win; it's a lot more fun than a standard console game where you all run out in a disorganised fashion, fighting free for all in team games.

    Here's a clip of a bunch of PC gamers playing Arma II.

    There's still plenty of joking around, lots of fun instead of constant cursing you'll find on console games.

    ** Warning, contains infrequent innapropiate language **


    Of course, if you're not interested in PC gaming in itself, you can still use Steam to communicate via PC.

    This is just a petition for you to vote on wherever you think it's something that members should be able to enjoy; there's plenty to enjoy, no saying you have to use Steam at all.

    • Like 2
  6. World of Warcraft movie?

    Say, which country is screening this in the largest cinema?

    And how much fuel would I need to fly under 50 tonnes of sexy RAF pewpewpewness from Bristol (I live in North England, not Bristol) to the the largest cinema screening this movie?


    "Forward Unto Dawn" isn't a movie.

    It' live action, episodic series.

    There's been no news on the "Mass Effect" movie; it hasn't been abandoned yet.


    Fingers / Dog paws crossed.

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