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Everything posted by PORKDumplings

  1. I've explained this before. IF YOU GO INTO ARMOR LOCK RIGHT BEFORE YOU DIE YOUR SHIELDS WILL NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO RECHARGE. IF YOU ARE NO SHIELD WHEN YOU GO INTO ARMOR LOCK YOU ARE NO SHIELD WHEN YOU COME OUT. unless you get your shields off then you get 3-4 seconds to hide then you go into armor lock then your shield will recharge while you are in armor lock. Another bandwagon armor lock hater that doesnt know what hes talking about.
  2. Im sorry i have to bail. I got invited to a concert tonight last minute. hopefully someone else can jump in.
  3. I didnt say anything about grammar. I feel the point of my post was still easily understood and thats all that matters in my book. I didnt realize i was writing a essay that was going to be graded by some stupid douchy grammar nazi.
  4. how do we register? just say so on here? if so i want to enter.
  5. Play rumble pit and try to start a teabag war with someone. its great if it goes for three or four games.
  6. How is what you said in anyway being a troll?
  7. If you were constantly 100% cloaked and there were no radar jam it would be INSANELY overpowered. You could get like 20 assassinations each game it would be stupid and EVERYONE would use it. Active cam is good the way is it except if you dont move you get too much time. If you 4 shot someone and they go into AL, THERE SHIELD WILL NOT RECHARGE IN TIME. when they pop out give them the fifth shot and there dead. If his teamates come to save him then he isnt separated from his team, you contradicted yourself here. This means that AL is almost completely dependent on your team being around you to be effective. If your alone you get beat AL doesnt change anything, your dead as soon as you come out. Who said bloom is suppose to stop spam. No one, thats an assumption. Do you know what happens when you assume, you make an ass out of yourself. LOL Your not even making sense here. You can build a map floating in the sky if you want to (ever played on cage). You just showed you closed mindedness. use your imagination. I agree.
  8. Its not really a question as to wether it should stay or go. It obviously is a necessity. I was just saying the system it uses is very poor and should be done better. And if you dont care that its banning people that didnt do anything wrong than you must not care about logic or anybody else besides your self.
  9. I agree that bringing back the 1-50 ranking system would be better. that way you could have social slayer and ranked slayer completely separate. then you wouldn't have to ban people for not knowing how to play.
  10. Im sorry i didnt mean to come off as a ****. I didnt really understand your my opinion section when i first read it, but now after your second post i do. the reason i asked if you read my post is that i felt i covered all of your suggestions in the original post. My bad man its just this topic peved me a little bit.
  11. Thats so dope man! And why are a bunch of kids who never played halo2 online posting in a superbounce thread? My two favorites were the one on lockout and turf. grab a snipe super bounce and have a hay day.
  12. No im sorry but you dont blame AFK'ers you blame who ever made the system that is working incorrectly. "Do something else" its really not about the credits THERE ARE PRINCIPALS INVOLVED HERE. Meaning i was punished for doing nothing wrong and that is not right. As far as liability or no liability for making you lose games, reach is more of a social game hence the credit system of ranking. Its not supposed to be that serious. If you rage out cause you lose a game even though you got 20+ kills then play MLG or The Arena. Did you even read my original post?
  13. You shouldn't get banned for not playing well. ONLY FOR CHEATING. What if they were playing Rumble Pit and not getting kills BANHAMMER would still register that as AFKing and ban my account. Thats not right.
  14. I was told by a MOD that letting someone play on my account that doesent get kills is the same as AFKing and that there were custom games or firefight for that. I disagree, the credit system makes most game types like social slayer. They do not have the right to tell us how to use our account in that way. If you want to be hardcore competitive there is MLG or The Arena. What if my unskilled friends dont wanna walk around in a custom game alone or play firefight they wanna play and talk to real people. They should have every right to do so. Shouldn't BANHAMMER be able to tell if some one is moving around and shooting and not just standing there. Did the programmers just get lazy?
  15. I R KELLY YOUR my service tag is FACE just incase you were wondering.
  16. If you know how AL works its not that hard to defend against. The only thing I dont like is when people tap the AA button real fast and dont really drop they just kinda shake and turn blue but they dont take damage, maybe its some sort of glitch or something I dont know. Kind of a side note, I love when you know you have them beat and no ones around then after they go into AL you walk up close (but not to close) and start bagging, I swear I started that seriously. I also think its funny how a lot of people talk trash about AA's but the Classic game type is always like 2-3 hundred people at most playing at any given time. other AA's here is GENERALLY how i play To start i pick sprint or jet pack to rush power weapons. Then i stick with those unless the other team is A LOT better than ours is then ill go to AL of camo to try to counter act the skill difference. If im out playing them most of the time ill go jet pack and try to do some Michael Jordan ****. My favorite thing to do with jet pack is wait till you know someone is coming into a room or is chasing you into a room and jet pack up to the celling right infront of the doorway and if they are dumb enough they wont see you. then as they walk in you drop down and assassinate them. That deserves a bag every time. like i said generally this is how i play, some times i switch every death just to spice it up.
  17. Thanks. Thats kind of a jacked up system. because i wasent AFK just to get credits, someone was actually playing. the worst thing about people going AFK isnt that they got credits that they didnt earn its that there team is basicly a man down for that game.
  18. Kind of a confusing post. I've NEVER cheated at halo. I don't even know how really.
  19. Thanks for your help but that thread is worthless. I know the reasons people get banned. I want to know specificly why i got banned. And to the above post I have been letting my dad's girlfriends kids play on my account and they dont get kills but they are playing walking around and shooting.
  20. well thats the thing, I dont know. Talked some trash maybe. My gamertag is I R KELLY YOUR and then my service tag is FACE. I dont know if that has something to do with it.
  21. I honestly have no clue as to why i got credit banned. And would like to know why. If 343 industries wants to stop certain behavior they should let people what they did instead of banning them with out explanation.
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