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Everything posted by xxDarkninjaxx

  1. But for the players who like the original way of customizing you armor color, you could click normal customization for the old halo 3 or halo reach color grid and customization, or you could click advanced for the color wheel. now both sides are happy, and i think 343i is smart enough not to have pitch black right?
  2. I think it would be nice if 343i added a color wheel to halo 4 instead of just a few colors to choose from, like to be able to choose from a bunch of shades of blue, instead of just 3 shades, like in Halo:Reach, and to have a color wheel for the visor, instead of a few colors like in Reach. And the color wheel should apply for every single part of your armor, like feet armor color, calf armor color, knee gaurd color, thigh armor color, chest and back armor color, shoulder pad armor color, arm armor color, helmet color, and visor color, and color options such as Pearl, Metallic, Sparkle, Gloss, Matte, stuff like that.
  3. How about this. Press Right on the d-pad for first person view driving. Press Left on the d-pad to go back to 3rd person view when driving. Yay everyone is happy now! The same goes with turrets and passengers seats.
  4. u cant fix reach... its broken down piece of bull****, its dead, the average population is 50,000- 80,000 players, the ranking systems ****** up, everything is unbalanced. but if you want a good answer. 85% bloom or no bloom update on everything
  5. a final kill cam wouldnt be that bad.
  6. there is forge and multiplayer dumbass
  7. the reach weapons were only to show in the trailer. yes we will be using the original weapon. they are remastering ever weapon that will be in halo cea to look a bit like it use to. so we will not be using reach weapon looks.they will be adding detail
  8. get halo 2 pc, then plug in your xbox 360 controller. BAM!! there you go u might have to download some things to put your xbox controller in though. not sure
  9. yes it will look like a halo 1 assault rifle in reach graphics
  10. will the banshee look normal in halo cea or will look like a halo reach banshee? what do you guys think
  11. we already have it. look up "halo anniversary grunt funeral" and you can see the guy playing holding an original assault rifle in reach graphics
  12. Once i had a checkpoint with sergent johnson running over me every time i respawned. i had to restart the whole level
  13. When halo reach was announced, bungie said there will be armor abilites. i said to myself" i cant wait for this game!" but now i hate halo reach. the armor abilites were just hype to get people to buy the game and armor abilites are horrible. as soon as you shot someone with armor lock, their first thought is" ima use armor lock" then you have to wait 10 seconds until you can kill them. camo sucked, you cant even use your radar, and if you move your easy to see. drop shield was a ****ty version of the bubble shield, you can destroy it pretty easily so its worthless. im ok with sprint and evade. hologram was only good for dumbasses who didnt know what a hologram and a living spartan looks like. when you looks at a hologram your crosshair doesnt turn red and theres no gamertag above their head. and the multiplayer maps sucked. what did bungie think, "oh i know what to do to rush the game, we can just put in areas from the campaign into the muliplayer and call them maps. i mean who wants to make nice looking maps like we made in halo 1,2, and 3 into reach when we can rush the game". doesnt anyone like the old days of halo 1 and 2 when there was no armor abilites. everything was natural.the gameplay was fun as hell. the maps were awesome, nice looking and fun to play on. people whats your opinion on armor abilites?
  14. I dont want armor abilites. Hologram sucked.armor lock sucked because whenever you got close to someone1 and shot them, their first reacton is" Ima use Armor lock" and then you have to wait 10 more seconds to kill them. drop shield is a gay version of bubble shield which can be destroyed very easily. sprint and evade were ok. i have mixed feelings for jetpack. in my opinion i just dont like halo reach or armor abilities.but chiefs zero gravity jetpack might be ok and also i wouldnt mind bubble shield
  15. does anyone think the halo reach energy sword in halo cea will glow like in halo 1. It looked badass when it had that glow. now the sword looks like plastic or glass. PLEASE 343 MAKE IT GLOW IF YOU CAN HEAR ME.
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