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    Planet Earth

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    Rem Retro

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Yert

    Who Wants To Play?

    Hello all I am looking for group of gamers who like to win. I'm not sure about you, but losing's not my favorite thing, and I am looking for any players who share that mindset. Don't get me wrong, I don't want teammates that are douchy opponents who talk **** and teabag (when undeserving, that is) all the time, I just want a team that can communicate, play srategically, and ultimately win. If you are interested and think that you fall under this category of gamer, message me and send me a friend request on xbox! - Long live Halo
  2. Great thread man! As I am sure you have gotten a plether of offers already, I don't expect a response. . . But, In the case that you read this, I would like to let you know a few things: I am glad that there are still players like you. I know what you mean, about losing touch. My hopes are the same for Halo 4. You should send me a Friend Request so we can play sometime. - long live Halo
  3. I am exiteed to see the return of the Carbine, and I can't wait to use the BATTLE RIFLE again! I also think that the Mantis holds potential fun for custom games. . .
  4. Yert


    I am a huge fan of race maps. You guys should check out ORL on YouTube. They make great maps, and they have side tournaments almost every day. Send a message to Xreignz or UCCxUNREALIZTIC
  5. I heard that there will no longer be a race gametype. . . Know anything about this?
  6. Gaurdian and Constuct. Though, they wouldn't play the same
  7. I love this map! I am invisioning so many space themed infection (flood) maps. :thumbsup:
  8. I think I might build a jumping puzzle, because I've only made 1 on halo reach. . .
  9. Good one, man. . . You are obviously to smart for me. I am going to quit Halo now
  10. Im looking for players who would like to play a halo 4 (and win) with me. I would definetly rather players who consider themselves 'good' at the game and can communictae well. idk about you, but i am tired af bad teamates who betray and ulimately bring down the team. i know we havent played h4 yet, but skill can carry over. if youre interested, plz message me and send me a friend request, and we can play h3 or reach. GT: Rem Retro
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