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  • Location
    Miami, FL
  • Interests
    Basketball, Halo, anything

    Also a brony hater, haaaaaaa.

    Hip Hop, Rap, anything besides rock. That's just.. ew

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Prophet of Mercy

Prophet of Mercy (12/19)



  1. Since the people above explained a lot already, I'll jus say Wild Wasteland is straight and it'll benefit you, ill be honest I didn't chose it because I prefered the YCS over some stupid alien blaster. Edit: Nevermind on that, didn't realize the alien blaster was so strong till I did research, but another problem was that you'll never find more ammo for it since its unique
  2. http://quizilla.teennick.com/quizzes/989272/which-halo-spartan-are-you
  3. Anyone ever took a personality quiz for a spartan before? I got Samuel-034 http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Samuel-034 Who did you get and if you can, post a link to that character's profile I got Sammy because of his love for explosions, he was one of the strongest ever. He was close friends with Kelly and John. Unfortunately he died sacrificing himself to blow up a Covie ship and was the first SPARTAN-II to die in the war. So post who you could relate to the most here in the comments!
  4. Have fun with your reticle bloomness while I have fun with Halo 4
  5. Maybe that's the original smg and that's where he's holding it Arbiter is a good pic
  6. Yay! You have to admit diamond and pearl were ok..
  7. Send the covenant after her. Worked for me Jk, but don't worry about it, just tell her that you know where she's trying to go and that your not growing those feelings for her
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