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[GameSpot] - Indie Developer Makes SkiFree, But You're The Yeti For Game Jam


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If you're a gamer of a certain age, you probably have fond memories of SkiFree, an early PC game that put you in the role of a skier competing in slalom, freestyle, or tree slalom. However, SkiFree is perhaps best known for its version of the abominable snowman, who eats you after you complete a run. Now, an indie developer named Robert Shenton has created a version of the game where you play as the hungry yeti that eats hapless skiers.

Created as part of Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam 2023, the little game is called Yeti Upsetti, and it's exactly what it sounds like. You control the yeti from SkiFree as they run around and try to eat as many skiers as possible before you "die of hunger." It's playable in your browser, and it works with most controllers. Personally, I recommend sticking to the trees, as it seems that skiers tend to run into them a lot.

Shenton said on Twitter that the game has gotten a lot more traction than he expected. If you have nostalgia for SkiFree, it's a fun little experience that's worth a few tries. Unlike what your childhood friend may have told you, it's actually impossible by design to avoid the yeti's chase after a SkiFree round, though some online sources say you can avoid him by pressing the F key and going directly to the left or right. Watch out for those trees, though.

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