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When did you start playing?


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Just some fond memories i thought i'd bring back up to everyone... the first halo I played was halo 2, I remember that day when I went over to my friends house, around the spring of 06, not knowing what halo was... It was love at first sight... lol, but seriously, I call myself a devoted fan and I haven't played through the whole H1 campaign.... good thing the remake is coming out =D!!


When did you first play halo and what halo game?


Note: Halo is the only reason I bought an Xbox 360, before I had a PS2 but it broke because we tried to clean it out, it had so much dust in it, and the only reason we had a ps2 was because my dad won it at a meeting in Mississippi(we live in Iowa)... Cool how one thing can bring up memories...

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I actually started playing when I was like 9 years old. I would go over to my friend's house and we would play all night! When I was maybe 12 I got an Xbox of my and Halo: Combat Evolved was my only game for the longest time. Since then I have been keeping up with getting the new Halo's as soon as I could, I even bought my 360 just so I could play Halo 3, my personal favorite Halo game so far. I have been happily working my way up the story line, one Halo at a time.

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Im hoping it doesnt happen any day soon, so hopefully you might have a bit of a wait.


But thanks for your concern :whistle:

Lol, okay. :P


Since I saw the video, I've been more inclined to buying it, but I might not due to not having enough money.

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It was sometime around Christmas 2001. I remember my nephews going nuts trying to get me into their room to try this game. "It's the best ever!", they said. I visited a lot with them and we played it till our fingers hurt and we could not stay awake any longer. My sister, their mom, used to call me the biggest kid ever. We used to go to their friends house, link some XBOX's together and have at it. They used to own me so bad it wasn't funny! It was the only game they could really beat me at and they let me know it! We still talk about those days as some of our best memories from their childhood. I will be 49 yrs old when HCE is released, may even take the system and game over to my nephews, have a beer with them and kick back and play! It is fitting the franchise has continued so it can offer more memorable moments like those to so many.

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