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Project 415 - Prologue


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PROJECT 415 - Prologue


It began long ago on Station 982, the High Council appointed the New Republic's top scientists to work on a new project that would provide increased armor, shields, improve battle performance and increased intelligence for their units. The Council believed that this project would help the New Republic ensure security for all their colonies, they called it Project 415. By combining elements from the periodic table the scientists were able to create a new implant and a new suit of armor for the future super soldier. 2 members of the New Republic's security detail volunteered to be the first to test out the super soldier project, but the scientists failed to realize that their project would turn into a disaster. As the security detail were given the the new implant their performance level in battle increased to elite status having excellent marksmanship and increased intelligence for strategic advantages. As the tests were in progress the soldiers were able to demonstrate how powerful their suits are in battle, but just as everything was going well the soldiers started to act different and they just stood there. The scientists thought this was just a minor armor malfunction but as they approached the suits they noticed that the visor on the armor changed color from blue to orange. All of a sudden the soldiers started attacking the scientists with their own inventions. One of the rogue soldiers grabbed the lead scientist and threw him at the lab table, knocking over chemicals on the floor and gas cloud formed in the air and soon all the people stationed on the space station became apart of the project. Not even the safe room could prevent the gas from tainting them with the chemicals from Project 415. Soon all communications from this space station went dark and the Council declared Station 982 out of service. In an effort to hide this failed project, the Council did not make this project public... 2 Years later the New Republic's Space Exploration Team found the decommissioned space station drifting in space. Since no records of the station were given to the Exploration team they sent a small recon group inside the structure for further investigation but as soon as they entered the structure contact was lost. Before the transmission was lost the Exploration team received word that the recon group found that the interior of the structure was a mess and that no signs of any inhabitants could set up camp inside the station as the doors were blocked from the outside which seems that whoever left the station did not want anyone trying to leave it. After trying to reconnect the Exploration team received another transmission from the interior of the structure but the transmission was unclear, all that could be interpreted was one of the Recon members giving a warning that they're not alone in the structure and after that, it was just static. Word soon reached the High Council and in a final effort to eliminate the infection, they sent the New Republic's elite covert ops unit to neutralize the infection. The Wolf Pack was sent in to take care of this once and for all by planting explosives in the interior of the labs so that the all data and formulas for the project can never be re-created. But what the Wolf Pack failed to note was that the subjects of Project 415 still settled in Station 982.


To be continued...

Edited by Onsokumaru
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