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What factions would you like to see return for Fallout four?

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These can be any factions that still exist in Fallout lore from F1,F2,F3 and FNV.....


Here are the top five factions I want to see in Fallout four.


The Brotherhood of steel :


The Institute :


The Railroad :


The Enclave :


The super mutants  :




I want theses factions to come back because it has the potential to be a very interesting set up.



The Bos is in decline because of NCR Bos war so they send guys up north to the commonwealth to find new tech.

There they encounter the Institute, so Bos is in a war with the Institute for tech.


The Enclave is also secretly there pulling puppet strings so they can destroy the chapter of Bos near the commonwealth and take down the Institute so they can get their hands on tech that Bos and the Institute have and become a major power again.


The super mutant faction can go a lot of different ways, maybe the Enclave get more Fev and start mass producing them to do their dirty work, due to Enclave having to be in secrecy to avoid being destroyed for good. These new supermutants have enhanced intelligence to boot. So some go rogue and even try to create a cure for Super mutants to return back to humans etc


Of course you also have the Railroad doing what they do Helping slaves/ Androids of the Institute , being enemy's of the Institute in all.



Point is  :  These factions all being in the same game makes a very interesting set up and can go a lot of ways.

What I just wrote was an example of how interesting this set up is and why I want them in F4. :)

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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Since Fallout 4 is going to be on the east coast, I can't really tell you what I want to see. I can however tell you what I don't want to see.


The Enclave: They've had their bases nuked 3 times already, they've suffered massive defeats, it's time for them to die. They should not be a main faction anymore, instead they should be presented as they are in FNV. Remnants of the faction that can give use insight into them and get rid of the whole "Enclave is evil" thing.


The Brotherhood of steel: They're being defeated on the west coast and Lyon's BoS has changed so much from the base group that it's not the BoS. Re-invent the faction as something that's new, grown from their BoS roots.


Supermutants: They should not be in as a faction at all. The fact that FEV was on the east coast at all kicked dirt in the face of the Lore.


Androids: This is just stupid and doesn't make any sense within the FO universe.



Basically, I want to see Bethesda get their own ideas and develop them, rather then relying on previous games to introduce a familiar face so people can identify it as Fallout. Groups like the BoS or the Enclave don't make or break a Fallout game. I want to see new things, new ways of doing things, new ideas, new conflicts. That's what Fallout is about.

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The only pre-existing factions I want to see is a small presence of Lyons Brotherhood. Maybe have some Enclave Remnants stuff, they shouldn't exist as even a minor power.


As for the Institute I want them to downgrade their ability to make Androids, the one in Fallout 3 was far far too advanced.


A couple years ago I had some pretty descriptive stuff for a Fallout game in Philadelphia and I am tempted to dig it out and post it.


Edit: This is from October 2011 and was more organized when I first made it. It is hard to believe that it was almost 3 years ago when I typed this all up.




Table of Contents
1. General Info
- plot
- factions
- general locations
- skills
2. Character
3. Minor Locations
4. Weapons
- Guns
- Explosives
- Energy Weapons
- Unarmed
- Melee
5. Major Factions
-The Patriots of America
-The Red Ghouls
-The United Federation of Pittsburgh
6. Timeline of the Capital Union
*NEW* 7. DLC ideas
Here is my Fallout 4 Map! This is a Work in Progress.
1 Fallout 4 featuring Philidelphia
Obviuosly located in Philidelphia, now called Philly
A few reasons it should be considered
-5th most populated city in the U.S.
-Home to some historical sites
-Home to historical monuments
-Next to a river
How about this plot, this is just off the head no real thinking.
1. Capital Union (will now be refered as the CU) - With sights on expanding they need more large cities to house their large population, Philly is a good target. Being the smartest and best equip faction this is the easiest. Youa re tasked to got sabotage the supple warhouses of the Patriots. Then go kill Wahington and his succesors. They say Liberty Prime will have most of the area cleared out by then. After this is done, you come to the gate of Philly to find
a bloody mess of ghouls, and humans from each faction. Basically Liberty Prime malfunctioned and attacked the "communists" while CU soldiers were engaging. While they set-up another offensive, you have to destroy the UFP's armies by a nuclear bomb which is used as torture in their slave camp/military base. Once done, you find many paladins in the city and you have to go to the final place and kill the ghoul.
2. The Patriots - They want a strong capital for their people The (insert cool title here) ventures into Jersey to find out the Pats need your help. They have just recently found about the Cu and UFP, so they are not taken as a threat. After several easy sentry quests you report your findings, depending on how you complete them will make the end hard or extra hard. If you send good reports, Washington masses a huge army. If you send poor reports you are given minimal support, but first you have to destroy the battleship. When done you come back to get the next task of raiding Philly from the south. While the main force does this, you must kill the UFP and the CU's leaders. Once done you have to kill all ghouls remaining in the area, and the leader. Once done the slides will say how Philly prospers and the Pat's move north to capture that and stuff.
3. The United Federation of Pittsburgh (UFP) (Might get rid of them) - They want a large city to be able to make a much larger army to be feared. (very lame excuse) With their sights on Philly, their main opposition is the BoS, you are assigned take a team of 10 soldiers, custom picked and destroy their main base (very difficult). Once done you go to Philly to find The Patriots storming the City. You then go in and while they are fighting you have to kill the leader, then take out a few waves of Patriots who are storming the place.
4. The Redcoats (still would like a better name) - They want a place to call their own After discrimination for decades after they original left the vault they roamed the Philly wasteland looking for a place to call home. After this and that they settled in Philly, and Ghouls from around the area flocked to it to be safe, especially those from the Capital Wasteland. Now with 3 factions at their doorstep, they decide to ask you, The (insert cool name title here), for help. If you're a ghoul they accept you immediately, if not you have to talk your way in. They want you to sabotage The CU and UFP's supply lines. After this you are set to assassinate General Washington, and sabotage their two supply warehouses. After this, you must hurry back and protect Philly from all three factions at once. They only become hostile to each other when close to the city.
All the endings will be in Independence Hall, but each one has you traveling across the wastes to do different tasks on the opposing factions. 
Lyons BoS - They will obviously play a major role. They have discovered T-51b power armor in facilities in Baltimore while they were traveling to Philly. Only some Paladins wear it though. After hearing how Philidelphia has large amounts of technology and a good amount of people they decide to investigate. They are met by three other factions trying to capture Philly for themselves. The PC can decide to side with them or get rid of their presence or destroy them.
Red coats - They do not take after the British redcoats, but their oppsing faction has used the name and it has influenced their armor.. They seek to control Philly just for the sole fact to not let their opposing faction have control of it. They use conventional weapons ranging from R91 assault rifles to swords. There main quests are to destroy the Revolutionairy's and to get rid of the presence of the Brotherhood of Steel and get rid of the presence of Pitt slavers. They only control Philidelphia
Revolutionairy's - A faction that takes after the American rebels in the 1770's. They wear crude armor and clothing and use weapons that can be easily scavenged. They want to control Philly for reasons to expand their army substantially. They basically created the redcoats and who they are today. They also want to destroy the redcoats. Their quests have you destroy the redcoats and get rid of the presence oof BoS and Pitt Raiders, in more barbaric way than the redcoats.
Pitt Raiders/Slavers - Sent out by Ashur from the Piit. In search of more resources and to gain more land to make the Pitt look more menacing. Though that is their mission they have set up an HQ that enslaves people, and they tend to wreak havoc on the surrounding land. The PC when sided with will have the moest challenging quests to destroy all three other opposing factions in complete barbaric means.
Talon Company - Their HQ is based NW of Philly. Not a major faction but has a lot of quests. As of 2298 their main purpose is being hired by the redcoats to sabotage and slaughter Pitt Raiders/Slavers. Most quests involve sabotaging the Pitt Raiders/Slavers. The rest of the wasteland views them as saviors, but the BoS and revolutionairy's want to have no part to do with them, resulting in if you side with BoS or Rev's they are hostile.
Red Foxes - (Raiders) After over 200 years of living in hostile tribes, one group lead by "The Fox" is determined to unite all the raider tribes into one large group. They are a less violent group of raiders that pillages shacks and towns for their own fate and survival. "The Fox" though still enjoys the thoughts of senseless killing, and doesn't want to leave it all behind, you can either help him, or remove him from power.
Fort Washington - Only large community of people that is not conquered by other large factions. They are a main target of the Revolutionary's. They continuously fail because they cannot get through the defenses. The locals have found a secret underground facility equip with prototype laser technology and prototype power armor which is larger than taditional and has less DR/DT.
Philly - the Main city that the main factions are fighting for Owned by the redcoats. It is equiped with amazing technology and structual buildings that can support a larger population, at least a fallout population.
Washington Castle - (not to be mistaken with Fort Washington) The ravolutionairy'e place of Operations located in present day New Jersey.
Talon Company HQ- HQ of the Talon Company
Large faction bases - spread out throughout the wasteland. Rev's East, BoS South, Pitt West.
Fort Washington - largest free city in the Wastes, it is based in the North. Present day Fort Washington
Vault 76 - West of Philly, unknown
Vault 83 - North of Philly, unknown
Vault 95 - Southeast - unknown, was going to be in FO 3
Vault 100 South - unknown, was going to be in FO 3
Military Industrial Supply - Red coats own this, it still has years worth of supplies stocked inside, enough to feed a whole city.
Fox River - A portion of the Delaware river that the red foxes call their own.
Stealers HQ - Pitt Raiders HQ and a nice play on words.
1. Crafting - makes clothing/armor/other things from materials found in the waste ex. Leather armor is Brahmin skin and more, affects workbench instead of repair and science
2. Energy Weapons - again same, determines Energy Weapon effectiveness
3, Explosives - Doesn't include shooting weapons, grenades and mines mainly
4. Guns - guns with bullets
5. Lockpick - unlocks doors
6. Medicine - same how you can heal yourself
7. Melee Weapons - determines melee weapons
8. Repair - repairs armor and weapons now lets you repair more
9. Electronics - used to fix energy cells, and generators and such
10. Science - same, affects only minor things with workbenches
11. Sneak - sneaky sneaky
12. Speech - persaudes others + barter
13. Deception - allows the player to lie, and blend in with an enemy faction
14. Survival - same with more stuff
15. Unarmed - same
That's about all I got for now, will probally add on later. I am also working on a map, the first will only have places of importance.
2 Character
Well this is completely new idea for me, but I have seen some other people posting about character stuff, so why not me too!
Character Choices
Traditional Choice (more info to come)
(More info to come)
You should be able to choose you body size from 5 different choices
1. Very Short: 5 feet 2 inches feet for men, 4 feet 11 inches for women
2. Short: 5 feet 4 inches for men, 5 feet 1 inch for women
3. Average: 5 feet 8 inches for men, 5 feet 4 inches for women
4. Tall: 6 feet for men, 5 feet 8 inches for women
5. Extra Tall: 6 feet 4 inches for men, 6 feet for women
1. Skinny: 155 lbs for men 100 lbs for women obviously a thin look
2. Average: 180 for men, 120 for women, the normal look
3. Overweight: 230 lbs for men, 170 lbs for women
For now I just want the weird looking shadows around the eyes moved
3 Fallout 4 location ideas 1
Vault 83 - A very simple vault experiment. The "researchers" wanted to see how the community would react when they handed out a reverse Vault-Tec jumpsuit, main color being Yellow and smaller being Blue. The different suit was to be given randomly to a citizen every 50 years, it was handed out 3 times before Vault 83 opened. The vault opened in 2231 and a small town appeared next to the Vault after the reacotr leaked massive amounts of radiation.
Vault 76 - A control vault designed to open after only 20 years. After 20 years passed in 2097 the original overseer had died of a heart attack, and the new overseer was smarter than most. He sent out a party of 5 people to see how the world had changed. The detonated warheads left the surrounding area highly radioactive. 3 of the men died and the other two began to turn into ghouls. When the two returned with some of their skin falling off and their hair, the overseer was scared that "zombies" now ruled the Earth and then locked the Vault. The two then moved to Philly to see if the city had any survivors.
Vault 100 - A Vault-Tec experiment. Out of 1000 people 500 were hardcore criminals, and the other 500 strict cops. All members had their memory wiped. There was also an extreme amount of money and a large amount of civilian weapons put into the vault. Only several years after the war, flaws of the memory wiped emerged and some of the people started to regain their memory. A group of criminals took other members not knowing whether they were fellow criminals or not. They ran away from the vault and settled their own town - guntown. When the player enters the Vault they find it destroyed with guns and corpes all over the place.
Vault 95 - To see how the easiest means of communication could be accomplished Vault-Tec made Vault 95. They had 250 people come from over the world and the U.S. who had no idea how to speak English, but the Overseer could speak English. There where no books or holotapes to teach English or the other languages. The Overseer was then given two list a short and east list full of simple minded tasks, and a very complicated one which had jobs that were necesarry to live. The Vault was raided by the Patriots and only remains of the different languages are there.
Abandoned Camp - A camp that was used for people trying to get into Vault 76, it is seemingly abondoned, but rumor is that the campers collectively dug a small underground shelter of their own in a matter of a few years.
Yellow City - The city built by the remnants of Vault 83. They worship the Yellow Vault jumpsuit and believe that a being will come to them and them as their leader and wear the jumpsuit and lead their people to salvation.
Guntown - A very strict to the code town where there is practically no crime whatsoever. There is an excess amount of civilian guns, such as pistols and hunting rifles. One man wants to raid the armory and capture the town for himself. The town itself is controlled by the Patriots. Each officer was then trained to be more strict than what they already were. 
Big Hill (northwest corner) - Obviously on a big hill. Tribals wandered the wastes of Pennsylvannia for decades, until they discovered a shining beacon, being a large hill near Philly. They went to the area, and found many pre war houses around it, the scavenged what they could from the houses and started to build small houses on the hill in a spiral formation, with their town hall on the top. The population is small with small families. They mostly farm, and make unique remedies that is unknown to other parts of the wastes.
Sourland Caravans - Started by survivors of the great war who took refuge in the sourland mountain park. When they came out of the facilities they could still see mushroom clouds in the sky, so they waited even longer. When they re-emerged they decieded they would ship out supplies from around the park to other nearby towns. The radiation almost stopped this relief effort immediately, but they stayed strong and enough survivors remained to continue to ship supplies. This is when all the remaining cars stopped working and they discovered Brahmin, horrible creations of the war. Eventually with more and more people making their own settlements, the people from sourland, made the sour caravans charging the wastelanders and tribals pre-war money and convenient bottle caps.
4 Fallout 4: Philly Weapons
9mm pistol
10mm pistol
.22 pistol
.357 magnum
.44 magnum
12.7mm/14mm pistol
9mm Mauser
.45 auto pistol (maybe)
Hunting Revolver
New Pistols
7.62 mm pistol
R91 assault rifle
Chinese Assault Rifle
Hunting Rifle
Cowboy Repeater
Trail Carbine
Assault Carbine
Marksman Carbine
BB gun
Sniper Rifle
Brush Gun
Anti-Materiel Rifle
New Rifles
7.62mm Rifle - AK 47 / 74
Bolt Action Rifle - 1903 Springfield
.30 Wooden rifle - M1 Carbine
Service Rifle - now an M14 design
Assault Rifle - M16 design
Automatic Rifle - now an actual rifle STG 44 (trying to keep away from WWII guns, but couldn't resist)
M199 Assault Rifle - In Fallout 3 mentions as being reliable last M series guns.
Combat Shotgun - FO 3 design
Hunting Shotgun
Lever-Action Shotgun
Single Shotgun
Sawed-Off shotgun
New Shotguns
Double Barrel Shotgun - unless you count Point Lookout
Trench Gun - Model 1987
Semi-Auto Shotgun - Browning 5 auto
Submachine Guns
9mm submachine gun
10mm submachine gun
.45 mm submachine gun
.22 sub machine gun
H&K G11
12.7mm submachine gun
New Submachine Guns
H&K MP5 - don't have name yet 
H&K UMP - again no name yet
Heavy Guns
Light Machine Gun
Missle Launcher
Fat Man
Grenade Rifle
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Machine Gun
New Projectiles
Crossbow - similar to Call of Duty explosive only
RPG-7 - comes with its own rare ammo
Frag Grenade
Plasma Grenade
Pulse Grenade
Incendiary Grenade
Frag Mine
Plasma Mine
Pulse Mine
New Thrown/Mines
Explosive Grenade - powerful grenade
M80 - basically a toy in FO combat people get scared then mad at you when thrown
Land Mine - bigger and stronger than Frag
Energy Weapons
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Defender
Laser Pistol
Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol
Pulse Gun
Recharger Pistol
Gauss Pistol
New Pistols
Tesla Pistol - Shoots a lightning bolt type shot
Rifles/Not Heavy
Laser Rifle
Wattz 2000 Laser Sniper - had to change it
Plasma Rifle
Multiplas Rifle
Recharger Rifle
Tri-Beam Laser Rifle
Gauss Rifle
Laser RCW
New Rifles/Not Heavy
Laser Assault Rifle - hold 30 rounds more accurate than RCW with Iron sights
Tesla Rifle - Again shoots lightning basically
Some kind of Plasma Gun
Heavy Weapons
Gatling Laser
Plasma Caster
Tesla Cannon
(heavy) Incinerator
New Heavy Weapons
Plasma Launcher - basically will shoot a plasma Grenade
Brass Knuckles
Spiked Knuckles
Power Fist
Zap Glove
Displacer Glove
Ballistic Fist
Boxing Glove
New Unarmed
Tape and Glass - tape with glass on it
Iron Fist - a glove with Iron on the outside
Combat Knife
Fire Axe
Straight Razor
Switch Blade
Thermic Lance
Chinese Officer sword
New Bladed
Pocket Knife - a 7 inch kind of blade
Sword - one hand sword one that collectors would get
Katana/ whatever it could be called - again something a collector would have had
Baseball Bat
Lead Pipe
Tire Iron
Nail Board
Sledge Hammer
Super Sledge
Rebar Club
Police Baton
New Blunt
Frying Pan
Fire Place Stick - seems like a creative idea
Shock Stick - like Jingwei's sword but a police Baton, would have been to calm riots
Staff - basically a long stick
Throwing Knife
Throwinf Hatchet/Tomahawk
Throwing Spear
New Thrown
Ninja Star/Shuriken
Ninja Throwing Knife 
5 Main factions
Patriots of America (formerly revolutionairies if you read my ideas post)
General Washington
A boy, named Thomas and his parents who were poor and starving wondered the ruins of D.C. in the years around 2252 endlessly each and every day. When the three of them were in the area of the national mall they were attacked by a group of super mutants who had plans to capture them. The mutants unable to capture them quickly made the decision to kill them. Thomas ran to the Washington Monument and climbed all the stairs to the very top. There he made a small camp and would scavenge for food and water each day during the safety of the night, slowly gaining skills that would inevitablly help him in the future. Eventually Thomas' scavenging trips became longer and longer until one trip he got caught at the Arlington Library. Interested that day he looked up the history of America. His favorite subject was the Revolution which inspired his name Washington. His dream then became to re-establish the 13 original colonies to their former glory. At the beginning of 2272 (wiki's date) he set forth to the North. When he arrived at his home he saw men in huge suits of armor setting up a huge barrier around the monument. There he met a crazy man who told him about the good fight. Thomas took this personally as restoring America, to do this he would destroy everything "evil" that in his eyes was anti-american. Knowing how D.C. was in ruins he set his sights on Baltimore one of the nations old capitals. In 2273 when he arrived in Baltimore he found it in ruins also, he also found hundreds of people suffering from radiation poisoning and the countless raiders around. For five years he taught them what he learned how to scavenge and hide. During these years he also learned much more skills in combat and trained the wastelanders as much as he knew. In 2278 he left Baltimore on his own. Within days the wastelanders he had trained followed began to follow him as their leader, thus he named his tribe/group the Patriots of America. After discovering that Philadelphia was overrun with ghouls he decided he needed to wipe them out as they were "evil" and keeping America from being a great country again. He lead the group to New Jersey to an Air Force base. He had the group spend hours building thorough defenses. At the same time he set up a government/leadership in the visions of the Constitution. The people unanimously voted him into office as the president where he would enact a Marshall Law and control everything as a dictator. In 2296 he finally sets his sights on the his capital of America, Philadelphia.
The Patriots of America
Scavengers and Wastelanders from Baltimore were in terrible shape. They were starving and thirsty and each day was a struggle for life. In 2273 when Thomas Washington came they were suprised that anyone would come out of their way to their slice of hell. For the five years they were taught to survive by Tom they came to look at him as a leader. Finally when he left the people came together and followed him out of the city to wherever he may have gone. In 2279 when they arrived at the military base the began to scavenge immediately. They found large amounts of munitions in the base, but they could only see with binoculars. Eventually they made a team which prepared to go into the bunker. They found hundreds of skeletons crowded around one small door. Inside the first room was the luggage and and food of the hundreds of dead civilians trying to gain safety inside the bunker, unfortunately it was all highly irradiated. On the other hand their luck was still in their favor as the bunkers door has fallen apart from years of neglect. They found even more skeletons and some feral ghouls. After a couple days of fighting they found the dark recesses of the bunker which was full of food untouched by the war and guns to supply a small army. With their new weapons they set their goal to expand to take Philadelphia. They spent a decade destroying towns forcing raiders and other wastelanders to join there nation. With a growing population they had to set up a real government modeling old America as in new Constitution. They smartest men and women of the settlements came togethers and created their own Constitution. With Marshall Law enacted almost immeadiately, Washington promised his people that they could be free and finally enjoy life once they were able to set up America's new capital in Philly. To do this they needed to destroy the vast amount of ghouls in the ruins of Philly which remained largely entact. With their main goal to conquer Philly they needed to expand their armies with a proper training and soldiers.
What's New?
Washington Castle - Current day McGuire Air Force Base. I have said mostly everything in the above posts. It is used as the main base for the Patriots, and it surrounded by three walls, first concrete, second concrete, third forcefield like Fallout 3 found on the base. There is one main entrance, and an emergency exit that leads out from a sewer. There is plenty of weapons and armor. Population: 359
Adamsville - Named after Samuel Adams, other argue John Adams, only thee educated. It is the Patriots second largest city/town. This area is the main town for civilians of the faction. It is mainly a farming village to feed all the people, but there is still an armor and gun dealer in town. There are almost no military personel in the town, but it is of no interest of any place.
Fort Greene - Named after the General Nathaniel Greene, it is the second base for the military close to the front lines. It houses more men than Washington Castle, but they are mostly infantry and no specialists (not rank). It is a very simple square building surrounded by a concrete wall. It sits a couple miles away from the Delaware River and is an important role to take Philly.
The Pitt
During the conflict with the slaves, Ashur guranteed them good things to come, as his wife had discovered how to make vaccinations. The slaves listened and settled down, but not before they hunted down Wehrner. Years later after all the slaves were free of radiation, and all the trogs were wiped out. The Pitt began toexpand into the city.They discovered even more scrap metal and weapons and more ammo types. Ashure then decided to trade the ammo much more widely, excluding the Capital Wasteland. Around 2285, Ashur started to grant slaves more freedom, and hired them as workers. This decreased the soldiers pay, so the rebeled, but the loyalists were better equipped and stopped it rather quick. Ashure realized how powerful his army was and decided to expand further on around Pittsburgh. Some of the wastelanders refused to join, but most accepted this and made many farming towns to support the Pitt's growing numbers.
Towards the end of the 2280's, the Pitt looked like a good place to live. The streets were cleaned up, the people much nicer, and their terriotry thouroughly protected. With all the good things, and more to come Ashur officially announced that the Pitt would break away from the U.S. and become The United Federation of Pittsburgh. It included several cities including its Capital the Pitt, Youngstown in Ohio, and as far as Harrisburg in Pennsylvannia. With the massive expanding Ashur saw its citizens being upset, so he decided his last conquest of his life would be Philadelphia, little did he know 3 other groups wanted it too. When they arrived in Pottstown they set up camp in an old warehouse. They headed to Philly, to see men in black armor running from the town, when they investigated they found 4 dead ghouls all dressed in red. They figured it was just ordinary wasteland violence, but the next few days they kept seeing the ghouls in red shooting at any wanderers outside their wall, with intense violence at a certain few. The scouts from the Pitt reported this, and Ashur told them to lay low until they destroyed each other. With 5 years of pointless waiting, Ashur decided to take some action, he enslaved some locals and forced them to work on farms and other jobs. When he arrived personally to the sight he ordered a small group of men to set up a camp to the west of Philly. Now in 2298, their numbers have dramatically increased and there armies are ready to march onto Philly, and claim it for themselves. 
Pitt-town - Previously Pottstown, the UFP took it over first thing and established an Philly HQ here, only the leaders of the army stay here and the player can only receive a few quests, the guards here have high tier weapons from the start.
Southern HQ - The front lines for the UFP. They have most of the soldiers stationed here. The armies are rather large and the weapons are top notch. There are only tents here along with one large building used as an HQ. The UFP moved their base of operations here.
Stealers Fist - (like the football team) This is the camp where all the enslavement takes place. Slaves come thorugh have their belongings taken then distributed to the Southern HQ or Pitt-town. It is also a farming town where slaves farm furing the day, then pack munitions for the army at night.
Red Ghouls
Ghouls of Philly - after decades of punishment some ghouls were tired of being pushed around by the "bigots" Several wandered the waster as a large group, such as the ones in Broken Steel who want a New Underworld.They knew the best way to keep the humans out was with radiation. After years of wandering they discovered Philly in what seemed a pristine condition. What they didn't know what that the downtown was completely destroyed, but the surrounding area seemlessly left unharmed. They came to the area of Penn's landing and wandered from there discovering the historical sights, mainly Indeoendence Hall. They read up on all the documents and decided to call this area their own. 
Slowly but surely they gathered other ghouls around. Again, knowing the humans wouldn't come with radiation the ghouls powered up some nuclear reactors, and let the toxic waster lay around the perimeter. Slowly the expanded outward making a powerful city. They also found a Military Storage sight, full of food and water for centuries, and weapons for thousands. Humans barely ever came to the ghoul "safe haven" and when they did they were questioned, and if found mysterious shot.
After brutal skirmishes with the new enemy, The Patriots, they heard time after time the patriots calling them redcoats. This made the ghouls paint all of their armor and clothing red. There weapons grunt weapons, and their armor leather, combat, and metal.
Now with the areas.
Independence Hall - The town hall of the ghouls.They use the courthouse for putting humans and trial. There is also an upstair, where all the food was transfered to keep it clean, as the radiation surrounds the perimeter. Additional ammo and armor is also stored on the second floor. The leader of the ghouls, a man named Jacob Williams also runs things from the 2nd floor office. In the basement (I'm pretty sure there is one) you can see labs and scientists working hard. On this level they are trying to find a quick way to take radiation out of water. If you talk to some gulible scientists and hack some terminels, you can find a hidden elevator on the back wall. In the bottom of the place, a much larger lab is set up. Two basic rooms. One smaller room with feral ghouls and scientists, and another with humans and scientist. The small room full of ferals is to see if the ghouls can make them senseable, and the larger room is to see if they can turn a human into a ghoul 100% of the time.
Battleship New Jersey - A museum before the great war. The ghouls found it in the Delawat and pulled it to Penn's landing. It is uses as a military base for the ghoul redcoats. There military leaders live there, and there scientists are working on making it operational.
6 Timeline of the Capital Union (Brotherhood of Steel)
This was made by Sebor13, and is an will be edited in the future by Sebor13 and myself
March 4th 2278 (random date that came to mind)- Lone Wanderer activates the Purifier.
May 11th 2278- The Enclave was beaten at AAFB.
June 24th 2278- Lyons Pride gets into Vault 87 after months of planning, they place explosives on key support beams and the entire Vault collapses, the children of Little Lamplight are gathered and brought to the Citidale against their will.
August 16th (today in real life) 2278- The BoS respond to increased raider attacks on Megaton by placing six soldiers there (four initiates and two paladins), they slowly start to make Megaton BoS territory.
December 17th 2278- Big Town is put under the protection of four BoS Initiates in responce to waves of supermutants attacking in that area.
January 3rd 2279- Arefu (which was under the protection of the Family) gets three BoS Initiates stationed there.
January 9th 2279- BoS attack and take over Evergreen Mills and the raider attacks stop, Megaton is then heavily influenced by the BoS.
January 23rd 2279- Vault 101 opens again, with Amata in charge. Megaton's front walls are taken down and are used to circle around Springvale and the now opened Vault 101.
February 5th 2279- Eight BoS soldiers are sent to Tenpenny Tower to place it under their protection, Tenpenny refuses to let them in and sends his guards to kill them. The Guards are slaughtered and Tenpenny is placed under arrest and the citizens of the tower go about as normal.
February 19th 2279- The day the BoS official become a country with the Citidale as it's capital and Owen Lyons as its first president.
March 4th 2279- Captial Union soldiers are stationed in Rivet City and it is annexed.
March 22nd 2279- The Capital Union demands the Outcasts either hand over all of their stolen tech and surrender, or die, only two surrender, the rest are slaughtered and their tech is taken.
April 11th 2279- Talon Company is pushed out of the Capital Union's territory as the take full control of Downtown D.C.
April 19th 2279- The Capital Union finds Canterbury Commons and takes it over, making the poorly defended caravan hub thrive.
April 23rd (My birthday) 2279- Megaton, Bigtown, Arefu and Tenpenny Tower are officially annexed by the Capital Union.
May 9th 2279- The Capital Union recruits the Regulators as its secret agents of sorts and two of them are sent to Paradise Falls disguised as slavers.
May 26th 2279- The Capital Union attacks Paradise Falls, killing everybody except Eugoly Jones who is arrested and the slaves who are freed.
June 3rd 2279- The Capital Union annexes the Temple of the Union who form a politcal party in their government.
June 14th 2279- The Capital Union finds Oasis and begins studying the vegetation.
June 27th 2279- The Capital Union finds the Republic of Dave, all of the adults run out guns blazing and once they're killed all of the children are brought to the Citidale.
August 13th 2279- The Capital Union finds Andale and uses it as a carvan stop on the way from Rivet City to Tenpenny Tower.
August 18th 2279- The Capital Union finds Girdershade and uses it to help them expand further west.
September 11th 2279- The Capital Union runs low on Power Armor for new recruits and uses combat armor that is spray painted brown as for initiates, this soon becomes the more common uniform.
September 30th 2279- Eugoly Jones, Allstair Tenpenny, and the surviving Outcasts stand trial for crimes against humanity and the Capital Union, they're all exectued.
November 7th 2279- Owen Lyons dies of a heart attack and the Lone Wanderer becomes the new president.
November 24th 2279- the last of the supermutants in the CW (besides Fawkes and Uncle Leo who have fled north) is killed.
December 4th 2279- Underworld is discovered and the ghouls are forced to leave, they head north.
January 15th 2280- The Capital Union begins expanding outside of the CW, annexing towns and bringing fresh water and protection to all.
February 19th 2280- The Capital Union celebrates how much it has accomplished since its official beginning.
November 4th 2280- Richmond is discovered by a large amount of Capital Union soldiers (thirty) they're held hostage by a large faction called the Confederacy.
December 5th 2280- The Regulators manage to sneak in and cause a prison break, getting all of the Capital Union soldiers out alive and starting the invasion of Richmond.
January 8th 2280- The Capital Union takes over all of Richmond and the surrounding settlements, a stalemate between them and the Confederacy begins the same day.
March 13th 2281- the Capital Union finds a large miltary base with T51b Power Armor, a new squad called the Heavy Hitters (similar to how Lyons Pride is a squad) begins.
June 10th 2281- The Captial Union meets the United, a large group of raiders who control western Virginia.
March 3rd 2282- the Lone Wanderer is killed by a Confederate assassin, Harkness is elected as the new president and he begins a campaign against the Conefederacy.
March 5th 2282- Project Purity is renamed the Lone Wanderer Memorial.
April 2nd 2282- the Capital Union is haulted by a fifty foot tall concrete wall to the south, the Confederacy built it to keep them from taking more land.
December 10th 2282- the United is pushed out of what used to be Virginia and disolves into a bunch of raider gangs.
June 3rd 2283- Harkness retires and 16 year old Arthur Maxson is placed in charge of the Capital Union. He makes a policy saying they will not expand further until they have absolute control over their current land and all of their settlements thrive.
February 20th 2284-All hostile wild life in the Capital Union is killed.
October 5th 2284- People from the Confederacy are fleeing to the Capital Union for its free, clean water and its protection.
Jaunuray 23rd 2293- Arhtur Maxson repeals the order saying they will not expand and they begin taking land to the north and the west again, but at a snails pace.
March 4th 2297- the Capital Union discovers Philidpelphia and the factions looking to take it over.
May 2nd 2297- the Capital Union discovers the Pitt and bring Three Dog to Philidelphia to spread propoganda by radio and public appearance (I forgot to put this in before, he was used as a propoganda piece to take over the CW and beyond, he is now a preacher of the Capital Union (he dresses in businesswear (they actually found out how to make and clean cloths so its just businesswear) and looks like a politician)).
7. DLC ideas
Thanks to Sebor13 for the great idea.
The Sound
After the Great War and once Nuclear Winter was gone the polar icecaps melted due to the lack of an Ozone layer. The ocean began toget more and more water, causing the floods to Block Island, Fishers Island, and northern Long Island (you're probably going to have to look it up, thats around the northeastern edge of Long Island). Only southern Long Island and Fire Island remained. Years later a large sail boat that was used as a pirating boat by the ghoulified crew shipwrecked on the shores of Fire Island. Slaving was a commen business around there and they got really into, forming the Sound Slavers with Fire Island as their headquarters. However the entire Sound is not populated by slavers, about half of the island is made up of farmers who use tons of slaves and will turn in all escaped slaves they see. The current leader was the founder's first mate when they were pirates, Jeremiah Smith (named after the most successful Fire Island land pirate, land pirates make the cargo ships believe they're the town or base where they are supposed to make their delivery) who is less cruel then the one before him.
In the DLC you have to escape and make your way to Jeremiah Smith on Fire Island to either kill him, hold him hostage, or join him.
8. Minor Locations #2
Fallout 4 Minor Locations 2
From the pre-war town of Doylestown comes Yodel, a small little town, population 13. There is little to do here, but recently the sourland caravns have stopped shipping goods to them for unknown reasons, and they are willing to join the Capital Union or The Pat's. The people who live here are very weak, and socially deprived. The town name comes from a local myth. It now says that the greatest of evils cam to the town, but a band of warriors stood against them, and when the warriors attacked they had screams similar to yodels that could be heard from miles away. The Legend is fading, but you can help them. A quest would set up Yodel as an important trade stop, from Sourland, to Walker to the CU.
Walker (Called Walker town on my map)
Previously one of the most important trade stops for the Sourland company, when it was called Bartertown. There town was large and prosperous, but with the introduction of the CU and the UFP the sourlands have been pushed out of the area. The town has tried to set-up and make their own caravans, but none have suceeded due to lack of resources. The only people who come to town now are calle Walkers as they just walk through town and never stay or do anything. You can decide there fate to let them die out or help them find a resource they can trade or connect them with Yodel and Sourland. If you make them independant sourland will struggle, and Yodel will die.
Weapon Testing Facility
Surrounded by the new marshes of new jersey this high-tec research facility was for testing the latest in weaponry. There current project was surface to air missles that were precise enough to shoot down ICBM's. Other standard research was conducted also including alien tech, but that had no success, but you can find alien weapons in the facility, namely the alien blaster. During the Great War the facility figured it was now or never to try their missles, they had some success, partly saving the city of Philly, leaving the historical site of Penn's landing and beyond, and other factories intact, but not all the missles were successful, even some failing and destorying local areas.
Prince town
One of the many Princeton's in the U.S. but the name has changed to Prince town. They want and demand independance from factions all around except the sourland caravans. The town is rules similarly to a monarchy. Instead of a king, the leader is a Prince, thus the name. Sourland Caravan company has a large department there, creating a market, that is used by many others.
A pre-war community by the name of Rantan, just like today! This small city is home of the Sourland Caravan company. In the center is the HQ with some other buildings surrounding it, these are buildings like foos shops, and other merchants. On the outside of this is the houses of all the people, and beyond that are the ranches and farms. The community is self producing with food and water. Due to the city being run by a caravan company it is in the form of an oligarchy, but some want it overthrown and made better, to help the people. Also the leaders know that many people need weapons, and need them cheaper, so they also have been building a factory for this purpose and need help with this. (Sourland is the outpost where the caravans are directed and the majority of goods are sold.)
Formerly the Delawre Memorial Bridge, now fixed and fortified by the Capital Union. It is one of the most fortified structure known to the locals, and controls all Traffic heading throughout the area. There are several gates and waiting rooms to get clearence. A new addition is the elevator (just a pulley system for now) on the Delaware side of the bridge, on the bottom are several boats in case of emergencies. This is one of two access points to get into Wilmington which is under CU control. This one can be accesses later in the game, but with no consequence, the other way would be a challenging way to sneak into the are from the north.

Edited by WonderWombat
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