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Halo 5 Feature Ideas and Wishlist


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Halo 5 Feature Ideas and Wishlist:
I posted this a while ago, but since it's a little outdated, and now that the forums are re-assembled (multiplayer), I chose to make a few tweaks and to post it in the proper category.
  • Rank and Skill System: The simple solution to the ranking "epidemic", would satisfy both the competitive, and the social community's needs. There would be 2 systems. Rank, which is the credit based system that earns you the basic new armor, stances, player cards, etc. But next would be the Player Skill, using the 1-50 system that Halo 3 and 2 had implemented, or along those lines. Matchmaking would be based upon player SKILL, not rank. It would be shown in lobbies on the Player Cards just below the rank. Also, for the Social Playlist, player rank would be deactivated (or at least not visible).
  • Social and Ranked Playlists: This is quite near an absolute MUST have. I can go into further detail about why this should be implemented, it would satisfy both community's needs, it would have further competitive and social optimizations for quite near every game-mode as there are 2 copies of them, good players vs good players, competitive vs competitive, casual vs casual, or I can show you a funny cat picture. Or nothing at all...
  • Community Playlist: This will be an extra playlist, to fit in with the more, action sack game-play. Stuff like Griffball, Tennis, Avalanche, Race, Parkour, those really fun little extra things that made Halo Reach's Custom Games awesome! It made Halo Reach awesome. The bad thing about it was that if you didn't have 10 friends on at the same time, playing Halo, up for matchmaking and had the knowledge of these fun game-modes, then you couldn't play. With this playlist, 343i could test out different custom games and map and only those of which are worthy enough will be featured to the open matchmaking.
  • Armor Abilities: I believe armor abilities should be like the equipment from Halo 3. They should be spawned on the map where the players will have to fight in strategic locations and secure the spawn to take them. Imagine, when you and your teammates are holding up in a tower and there is one ramp, that ramp leading up to the backside. You and your team have an overlook of the majority of the map, making this a strategic vantage point. The opposite team will then have to push up the ramp and secure the location for a, let's say a shotgun drop (never wanna place power weapons where they will be most useful). So the enemy team coordinates an attack up the ramp. It is pretty simple enough for you and your team to defend, there is only one way up. At least that's what you guys thought. When the enemy begins to finally retreat back down the ramp from an unsuccessful assault, you hear a slight noise of fire slicing through the air behind you. One of the enemies have a jetpack. He assassinates one of your teammates, then goes on to melee another. You and your 2 remaining comrades turn to take out the Air Assault unit, when the enemy retreating down the ramp pushes back up in full force. You and your remaining teammates find yourself stuck between 2 enemy units. This happened because while your team was focusing on the vantage point, one of the enemies seized a Jet Pack, then flew up there behind your guys backs. Now that you learned from your mistakes, you will be sure to watch out for that one guy with the jet pack, possibly take a sniper up there with you as a lookout. But if everyone had a jetpack, there would be no team coordination, no vantage points, or even teams. The whole enemy team would have jet packed up there and it would be a random shoot fest. And, imagine just that one guy with a certain armor ability, and how relieved you will be once he's dead, and the tactical callouts. Whew, that was long. Also I should mention that spawning with Armor Abilities could/should be aloud into certain game-modes and/or playlists (social). NEXT!
  • Customization: I, myself, am a heavy RPG player. Though a prefer shooters over RPGs, I still love them. So when my most favorite genre collides with the greatest feature about another, I go ballistic. For me, customization will make a terrible game great. Customization in Halo Reach turned (for me) a great game awesome! Here's what I think should be customizable in, if not Halo 5, future Halo games. Helmet, Visor, Chest, Arms, Gloves, Shoulders, Legs, Knee Pads, and of course, attachments. Why were attachments not in Halo 4! And I think attachments should then be featured for; Helmets, Arms, Shoulders, and Legs. You can add utilities, knives, bullets, grenades, tactical equipment, etc. Then complete button mapping should be featured. Something so simple can go SO far. Next is Player Cards, with different stances, emblems, colors, boarders and Spartan IDs.
  • Companies: Companies are guilds, just fit into the lore. You will be-able to invite players, promote, de-rank, and kick players. You will be able to personally customize the ranks of your Company, along with the emblem, and home map with a game-mode. You can set certain roles for certain players, along with set events and what-not. Company wars would be featured.
  • New Vehicles: It's a time for an upgrade in our arsenal. What ever happened to that bada** concept art of that UNSC boat for Halo Reach. Feature some kind of Tropical Island map and throw that in there! It would make all the sense in the world! Imagine that boat speeding across the river placed slicing through the black rock of a tropical island, with everyone sprinting towards it and chucking grenades at it, with a gunner on the back of it mowing people down. Then there is the Light Assault VOTL, acting like the Manta from Unreal Tournament 3. Use that thing for 5 seconds, and while your using it, imagine that in Halo. Also, if the brutes aren't in Halo 5 or future Halos, you can remake the Brute Chopper as a smoothly rounded, purple chromatic, plasma fueled machine of death. The center could be made up of plasma or energy sword like projectiles. Or for the center it can just be an opening into a gaping maw of plasma that will be sure to feast upon any who dare get too close. Or a Promethean remake of the soft, grey rounded material. When you jump on it, the frontal part will then begin sliding away from the center until it opens up to whatever the hell that magma like stuff is.
  • Halo Soundtrack: Let me just clarify something here really quickly, Halo 4's soundtrack was in NO way bad at all. I really enjoyed the soundtrack! But it's missing that certain flavor of Halo in it. I mean, the music in the BETA trailer caught a little bit of that Halo, especially at the end when showing off the Master Chief Collection. But just a little more of the classic feel to it would make it alot better. I don't mean start trying to compose exactly like Marty O' Donnel, unless...unless you hire him. But a mix of Halo 4's music and the classic music would be perfect (ala what the trailer was starting to hint at).
  • Ordnance: I believe Ordnance Drops should only be allowed in the Ordnance game-type that would take place in the Community Playlist. I believe this was the biggest mistake 343i made. It's okay, everyone makes mistakes, but if this gets featured in team slayer in the next Halo, it will END terribly. This must be removed, and halted from being featured in the new Halo game! If it's in 2 Halo games, why remove it, right? It would only destroy the entire timeline. So this MUST BE REMOVED from at least the competitive playlist. We all know why...
  • Invasion: This is a game-mode idea. It would feature a high number of players, such as 64 or 32 (or way less but with NPCs). It would be a fully fledged warzone of the Covenant vs the UNSC. With Pelicans, Mammoths, Phantoms and Scarabs, it would be heavily oriented based combat. With both team receiving Filed Orders, it would match that of a true warzone. Missions would include; The UNSC must stop the Scarab from reaching a certain strongpoint of the UNSC by destroying it, while the Covenant's is to defend the Scarab as it makes it's way through. Or the Covenant must capture a valuable UNSC asset, and deliver him to an outpost to take shelter while they destroy the UNSC AA turrets. The UNSC would have to defend both the Asset and the AA Turrets. If the asset was taken, then they would have to brake into the Covenant outpost and secure him while still defending the AA turrets. If the AA turrets are destroyed by the Covenant, then they can deliver the Asset to a Phantom where he would be delivered to a Flagship. If the UNSC capture the Asset, they can then take him to a Pelican where he would be escorted off the battlefield and to safety. Remember, the Asset would just be one major objective. Major objectives can only be delivered one at a time, but that objective would bring multiple others to the table.
  • Backing Out: Technical design idea I'm throwin out here. When a player joins a match on a Competitive Playlist, he/she can not simply back out once map voting starts, not just when it ends and the map is selected. This will avoid the quitting of an entire before the match begins. Another thing is, the match cannot begin until all the player slots are filled to the fullest extent, as there will be NO join in progress features for the competitive scene. On social playlists though, there is backing out always, and, there will be join in progress.
  • Forfeit: Another Technical design I'm throwing out here. Ever been in a match of Halo 3 where there's 2 guest and they end up leaving directly after the game starts, and you have to suffer the entire time, getting slaughtered over and over because you don't want a massive penalty? Well, here's a way to fix that! When you find yourself outnumbered 3-to-1, you can go to the start menu and select "Forfeit". A vote will then be put up for your entire team to either accept or deny defeat. Once your entire team admits defeat, the match then ends and the other team wins. Though there will be greater rewards for finishing the match, forfeiting is an easy way to leave with a good reason without any penalty. The enemy team gets extra rewards for both beating their rival, and halting them to a complete surrender.
  • Bigger Battles: With the power of the Xbox One, and the long lasting power the PCs had 8 years ago, this should be an easy one. In the book, "The Fall of Reach", Chief and Blue Team set an ambush for a covenant cavalry unit made up of a thousand grunts. It was four Spartans against an ocean of barking dogs charging their position. With the help of high ground, rockets, mines, and team coordination, the four Spartans laid waste to the invasion force. With explosions rocketing the earth (or ), and 100s of plasma projectiles sizzling through the air, a thousand corpses lay dead in the large plain that had become a graveyard. Wish I could do that...
  • Assassinations: I believe it would be pretty awesome if every weapon had unique assassinations, kinda like the different executions from Gears of War. Though I still want really cool hand to hand combat exercises. Like look at the Red vs Blue animations. That is pretty much what Spartan 2s are like, I mean hell, they can dodge bullets and in some cases slice them out of the air with a combat knife. They can still stay just as mobile with a collapsed lung as if they didn't have one, without feeling any excruciating pain. They can kill a 6-10 foot tall alien with 2 hits. SHOW THIS! I know we aren't Spartan 2s, we are Spartan 4s (stupid design choice), but show our ultra, super soldier, space marine, roman, god-like natures! I want assassinations that engage two Spartans or elites with each-other that looks like the animations from Red vs Blue. Also, when you gain higher levels, you will then unlock more, and cooler assassinations that you can equip to use. Maybe 4-6 equipped assassinations. Oh, and also hunter assassinations. Maybe you have to cycle it 4-5 times to kill them, each time weakening them.
  • Forge World Properties: In forge, I think it would be awesome if there was special effects like Reach, but adding in stuff like turning a certain area within the radius to different skins. The skins would be; desert, rock, snow, default, magma, swamp, forest, etc. You could then go into properties and for special effect, in certain areas within the radius, there could be snow, ash, rain, sandstorm, etc. Also, each object would have different skins. There would, again, be; UNSC, Metal, Bunker, Covenant, New Mombasa, Forerunner, etc., with flood version of all of them. Again, another thing. You could connect any object to another, and when one is acted upon by a certain force, the other reacts in a certain way. Also, of course, having one object be reactive once acted upon. This could make for shattering walls, buildings, light bridges, doors, buttons, and so much more.
  • Spartan 4s: From what I saw in the trailer...yes. The Spartan IVs are beginning to ACT like Spartans! When I played Halo 4, (then read the comics/books), I was REALLY disappointed in Spartan IVs when compared to that of IIs and IIIs. They were short, skinny, weak and extremely annoying when compared to that of the others. Their backgrounds aren't interesting at all and they feel like ODSTs more then Spartans. From what I saw in the trailer, their Spartan title has finally been earned. Please hold onto the idea of this version of Spartan IVs!
  • Story:  Understandibility is one of the biggest gripes I have with Halo. You know why? Cause I did not know who the Didact was, why he was attacking us, where he came from, what the Prometheans were, why they're attacking us, where I was, what was happening, what the librarian was telling me, why was I doing this, what that thing is, why is this happening, until I read 3 books (soon to be 4) that cost $20 a piece! STOP! I know that this is gonna happen in Halo 5 because there is no way to stop it now. I already watched as Mendicant Bias (if that's what that thing was) rise from the ground. It's gonna take a long time to explain what the hell he is, what happened, why he was created, why he's back, how he's back, and I know their not gonna take 40 minutes off the shooting maniac's time. I just hope, please, that there is some understandability and explanation as to what is happening. Please 343i, I can't afford to buy book after book just to understand what's going on in an already $60 game. Halo's story has ALWAYS been hidden away in the books, so when new players come to experience Halo, they don't understand anything. Oh, COD has a better story then Halo cause in Halo you only shoot aliens while in COD there's (insert stupidly laid out copy and paste story released every year here with no emotional impact or realistic behavior). Don't mean to beat on COD, I still play the game alot with friends and what-not, but people don't realize the great wealth of deep and intriguing story content that the Halo universe is packed with, and sometimes the rather dark subjects. The players need to realize this when their playing the game, what the whole universe has revolved around since it's creation.


  • Sangheili's Return to Multiplayer: This is a big one for me. No matter what anyone says, playing as the Sangheili was fun, even though I spent %98 of the time as a Spartan. The problem with this would be the size difference. Though this can be fixed by the (what seems to be) upgrade of the Spartan IVs in the trailer. Unless the Spartan IVs were edited by modifications or the Simulation itself, the elites would have a major advantage. Another things is if they are to be re-introduced as a playable race, then they should get the same amount of customization as the Spartans do. That's something that annoyed me about Reach.
  • Spartan Ops: I would like it to be expanded upon. More like a 4 player mini campaign then anything else. New maps would be released, instead of recycled from Multiplayer and Campaign. Remember when 343i said that non of their multiplayer maps were recycled from the campaign? This is just as important. It's okay to replay a map from the campaign, but when you force someone to play another copy of that copy of the campaign map, then a copy of that, then another copy, it gets old, fast.
  • Elite Ops: Yes please. To see the war wherever we are from the Covenant's point of view would be awesome to experience again. To bring in our personally customized Elite and fight would be (again) awesome. You know what the best part of playing an elite would be? Fighting the UNSC for once in a Halo game. YES PLEASE!
  • Covenant Separatists: The return of the Covenant Separatists (or what-ever their named now) is pretty obvious with the re-introduction of the Arbiter. Two player co-op would matter again, and make sense. I did love the Arbiter so much as a character, believing he was equal too or at least close to Master Chief, though I do not understand why some were mad at no return. It would also make Elite Slayer make sense, the Storm Faction Elites VS Separatist Elites, or just War Games. Possibly customize two different Elites? Oh, and another, grunt slayer would make sense Lore wise. Again, Storm VS Separatist. Same with jackals and hunters. It would return to the revolution which quite frankly, I thought was awesome. Imagine a level where it's UNSC VS Storm VS Separatists VS Prometheans/Forerunners VS Flood...YES PLEASE!
  • Easter Eggs: C'mon. The Easter Eggs were such awesome, hilarious features! Bungie, although not plot wise, took the whole game as a joke! Funny ragdoll physics, exploding YAYS! Hip, high class Covenant dancing clubs, dancing shirtless people, monkey families, skulls, some famous guy I forgot with hearts floating above his head. Flip-Yap! Or was it Yap-Flip? I'm serious right now am I even getting the name correct? Food nipples, English, elites telling arbiter their not gonna kiss him in-front of the others. C'mon! Have some fun. I'm gonna stop right now before I go any further with it!
  • Grunt Slayer: I know how this would work....I'm being super cereal this is how you do it. So, you make it Storm VS Separatists, to make it fit into the lore. It would be in first person for view, and whenever you jumped it would be a small, vertical booster pack to make sense. If you held down the armor ability button, it would switch to 3rd person view and you would be running suicidal with two plasma grenades. The END! Game of the year right there!
  • Focused Maps: I think what would benefit Halo greatly, is certain maps built specifically for certain game-modes. Most maps now-a-days try to cram in every game-mode they can. NO! The greatest thing a map designer can do (coming from a complete unexperienced noob except sketches) is focus on one game-mode. Like, maybe a dark and dank Forerunner Flood containment facility deep within the core of an Installation. With the ghostly, brown fog, and only the slight illumination of the blinking lights, it would be scary. Players would have to traverse through tightly packed, dark corridors, not knowing what lurks behind the shadows, and every corner. Can you guess what game-mode I'm thinking of for this map? Know how I thought of that? I thought of scary, dark, flood, and close quarters and it came together. Now would that be a good map for slayer? Not if grenades are enabled!
  • Firefight: We all know the whole ordeal. It's fun, it's simple, it's fun, and it's fun. You know what would make it more fun? Flood firefight! Like in the storage building in Halo 3 during the mission "Flood Gate". Guess what? YES PLEASE!
  • Descope: Once again, must I go into further detail? Replace flinch with this!!!
  • Alpha Flood: Why, why would you remove the ONLY game-mode I like in Reach, what made that game one of the best Halos, no, games ever? I beg of you, add the normal sprinting game-mode! Everyone I know hated infection, further expanding on that rage with Flood. Alpha Zombies is where it was at...n'stuff...that's about it...


  • Slide: Wether or not that's an actual thing (as it was shown in the trailer), that...is...the...worst...worst idea ever. Meaning it's not that bad of an idea at all really...In-fact I think it's really cool! Especially with the sparks igniting from his armor on the medal. It would speed up game play, and give you that extra sense of immersion and badassery that Halo has been falling short on. Imagine a sniper shooting at your head, then your knees drop to the ground as sparks fly in your wake and you slide to cover, instantly coming to a halt behind the object that catches a few sniper rounds for you.


  • Classic Playlist: Although no-longer that necessary, as Halo 2 Anniversary is just around the corner (PRAISE 343i/MISCROSOFT!), i find that it would still make nice addition. But once again, not necessary...
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After reading through this, there were a few things I really got excited about.


1. I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you don't like the Arbiter then gtfo. He was a champion. Bring him back. We love him.


2. With that said; bring back Elites in slayer!


3. Could not agree more about the story, both good and bad points. It is a phenomenal story. So many details, very intriguing for people that love researching and getting to know the nitty-gritty. But even as a true Halo Universe lover, I had NO CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING IN Halo 4 until I got on Halo wiki and read for hours about who these characters were and what the devices did.


4. Microsoft has done a great job of making the game feel like a Halo game. Funny you thought the music wasn't quite there... I was missing the classic sound myself.


5. Mixed emotions about load outs. If I wasn't feeling the BR after dying 3 times with no kills, I could bust out the Carbine and remember I don't suck. or vice versa.


Great suggestions, sir.



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I agree with a decent amount of this.


However, the forfeit option could be used to boost. It should only be an option when there is only one or two people left on a team, or another assigned number depending on the gametype/player amount.  

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Sorry should have made it more clear;


In the Forfeit paragraph, I said If you find yourself outnumbered 3-to-1, meaning a very meager amount of a team must be left to Forfeit. (I just thought of this) If they continue to Forfeit over and over, then the same penalty as quitting will began to take effect (removing skill rank, and banning for x amount of time). Therefore a whole team could not Forfeit over and over and over as trolls, it has to be a meager team with other players who had decided to quit the match and get penalized. If the Forfeiting continued, the player would be warned of de-rank and temporary ban, eventual coming to those situations should it continue.


And also I just wanted to say I have nothing against the Arbiter, and in no way was meaning to hate on him. Arbiter is a badass that I love and enjoy playing as, but I just didn't see why so many people were upset that they couldn't play him. The thing I didn't like about the companion (co-op) system is that it duplicated Chief, but I wouldn't care whether Arbiter or Agent Locke filled that empty spot...I like them all!

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