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Skill Trees


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So, I was reading the Infinity briefing pamphlet you get with the Limited Edition of Halo 4, and I was noticing how Palmer kept calling Spartans "over-achieving badasses", but when you think about it, you're limited to just 2 armor modules, and they all have an effect, but to be honest, sometimes I want to use my Stealth and Dexterity armor modules together. Then I thought: skill trees. So I thought, long and hard, and this is what I came up with.


You have the regular ranking system, which unlocks armor, weapons, armor abilities, grenades, visors, emblems, maybe even voices for your Spartan. That bit doesn't change. What does change are specializations, armor modules, and some aspects of weapons and armor abilities. Basically, you have 3 different categories of skill trees: standard skill trees, specialization skill trees, and skill trees for your weapons, grenades and armor abilities. As you rank up through the skill tree, you get your traits slightly boosted (not like movement speed up to 200%, but maybe 120%) and maybe some new special abilities (like ledge grabs)


The first category, standard, covers standard battlefield things like reload speed, sprint duration, maybe a combination of some things. Maybe you'll unlock new abilities that, while very small, make your Spartan as much of an over-achieving badass as you are. You only get one that progresses, but you get to choose which one does progress, and if you change your mind, you can change what skill tree is active while another one's being progressed.


Next, specializations. Similar to the standard ones, they cover more specialized aspects, like stealth, or health regeneration. Like the regular ones, you get to pick which one progresses, but you don't get to just change them when you feel like it. You've got to finish one to start another, like Halo 4. And maybe these ones are harder to get through than the regular ones.


Finally, you've got the ones that relate to weapons, armor abilities and vehicles. Each one relates to one specific weapon, armor ability, grenade type or vehicle, and all of them are active at the same time. As you get kills with a weapon, use an armor ability, or drive a vehicle (or just decimate people with the guns on board) you get better with that thing. Weapons reload faster, armor abilities last longer, vehicles go faster. Small changes that make you slightly better with experience. Eventually, if you master the skill tree of a specific loadout weapon, you could get yourself a customisable skin for said weapon, one which you get to build yourself.


It makes sense in my mind, I just hope it makes sense to you after you've read it. Obviously you don't get anything like double damage with anything, or massive jump height, but maybe as you use something, you get better with it. And, come on, you want your Spartan to be as badass as you, right?

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hmm this could work, but i see them needing to limit how many perks we can get, or we all end up with the same improved spartan's and it would also have to be earned like certain armors in Halo 4, what i mean is how u split the category's have skills related to those category's such as kills, head shots for weapons, splatters, kilometers driven (im aussie) for vehicles and damage taken for armor these are just my ideas though, sorry if u said some of that man but its 12:30 here and i skimmed

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Well, not really the best idea at all. Because, if everyone had a lot of powers, or whatever you may call them, it would be very hard and sometimes unfair in battle. Due to other people

having advantages, and the other having a disadvantage.

Sorry mate, not with you on that one. :)

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Swift, I get that, but if there's no way to get any major boosts, then what's the problem?


Wildfire, yeah, you're right, certain things do have to be limited, and the trees would be unlocked over certain periods of time.

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Being unable to get those few last perks would kill me. Halo cannot go down that path, I hated it when Skyrim did it until recently, and I hate it when any other game does it. Perhaps they could keep it as is, but instead of having two categories of packages, just let you use any combo of two?

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Being unable to get those few last perks would kill me. Halo cannot go down that path, I hated it when Skyrim did it until recently, and I hate it when any other game does it. Perhaps they could keep it as is, but instead of having two categories of packages, just let you use any combo of two?

there the support and tactical pakages already, and i was thinking like the Borderlands 2 skill tree system where you can fully improve a single aspect, 2 or 3 for halo and they would be our main playstyles, for egsample a longer radar from 1 metre to 5 metres that sort of little boost that dont give a single player a real upper hand against everyone else maybe just a early heads up

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Ryu, you'd be able to get all the perks, you would just have to work a bit more for them, although your idea is also quite interesting.


Wildfire, I'm not too sure about that. Borderlands 2's perk system did leave me wanting those other 2 major things.

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Ryu, you'd be able to get all the perks, you would just have to work a bit more for them, although your idea is also quite interesting.


Wildfire, I'm not too sure about that. Borderlands 2's perk system did leave me wanting those other 2 major things.

Ah, that sounds cool. If you want a more complex and lasting system, yours is the way to go, but if they go the simple path, they might consider going my way.



What if there was a perk that lets you keep sprinting when you get shot? So you don't get slowed down at that last second and die. Now, I know that's to keep runners from being wimpy, but it could help in some real tight situations.

Edited by Ryu♥Hayabusa
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Ah, that sounds cool. If you want a more complex and lasting system, yours is the way to go, but if they go the simple path, they might consider going my way.



What if there was a perk that lets you keep sprinting when you get shot? So you don't get slowed down at that last second and die. Now, I know that's to keep runners from being wimpy, but it could help in some real tight situations.

what did u mean my idea of the limited skill tree(s)? And it wouldnt be one tree we could complete say 4 of 7 trees maybe but u get the idea

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