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Idea for a new Armour Ability: Promethean Jump


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This type of AA would require an extreme amount of fine tuning, testing, and balancing. That being said I don't believe 343 is up to such a task (based on how things have gone so far), nor should they attempt to implement it when community tensions are on high and they have so many preexisting issues that need their attention. This is a great idea none the less and if it's implemented in the fashion that AD and the OP suggested i'd love to see it in Halo 5. 

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Obviously it would need a lot of tweaking to make sure it was balanced properly, but what do you think of it in theory? Does it sound like it could be interesting, too overpowered, or too underpowered?


Seven things:


First, I really like this Armor Ability idea, and I have had the same thought while playing Spartan Ops of Campaign. What I would add to this to help it not be overpowered would be the player would need to set up his teleporter spawn location, or more simply when they set up the spawn location there would be something visible for say 20-30 seconds. This would keep it vulnerable and so placement of it would be strategic. You  would not just drop the spawn point on the middle of a well traveled path. And, this would level the playing field because if you are hunting someone with this armor ability (an ability in Flood too?) it would give you the incentive to be hyper-aware of your surroundings, because if the enemy manages to teleport you know they set down a beacon somewhere (two beacons can be hunted: the sender and the receiver. The sender beacon would last less than the receiver, maybe be only 5 seconds of vulnerability.


Second, There is yet another Promethean Abilty: The one that is in a way similar to thrust packs, but it is more of a shimmering similar to several teleportations a second as the knight approaches. But I think what it really is is the Knight can slow down time, which explains how when they rush you like this you feel like your response is sluggish. So, this would be another interesting idea for a new Armor Ability.


Fourth, We should be able to deploy Watchers in multiplayer. That would be sick.


Fifth: Knights can jump large heights in addition to teleporting.

Six: we should be able to pick up a Knight Sword.


Seventh and finally: A Flood like gametype with Knights instead of Flood, and a variant that is a reversal of the traditional Flood notion, of infection, and have one where killing Flood creates more Spartans. Starts with one or two Spartan against 14 or 15 Flood, until in the end 15 hunt one Flood.

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