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Bring back the Scarab Gun!

Darth Drake

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What's nice after you've gone through a campaign is to go back through and find all the hidden things the designers put all over. I think my favorite was the scarab gun in Halo 2. It was and still is a challenge to get to it, very rewarding once done. It would be great if the gun was placed at the beginning of the episode, and you can carry it on to the next level. It would be great to see similar surprises.

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What logic is this? Easter eggs like the scarab gun make campaigns memorable. It was supremely difficult to obtain, and was awesome. Let me guess you don't like giant soccer balls either?


No. To scarab guns, giant soccer balls, and golf clubs that work like hammers. What is this super smash bros? Just no. That's what logic it is. And if you WERE to bring back the scarab gun? It would make more sense to bring back the scarab first...


Oh and I thought good story telling, awesome visuals, and addictive gameplay make a campaign? Not ridiculous "Easter eggs". Pfft. Lol.

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I agree a campaign doesn't gain its quality from easter eggs, but otherwise don't have any problem with easter eggs in a campaign.


I would oppose such things in competitive multiplayer for obvious reasons, but to me the real "reward" of easter eggs is the idea of rewarding exploration. It's actually a little frustrating exploring a campaign map's nooks and crannies only to find out that they serve absolutely no purpose, offer no advantage on the enemies, and aren't even very interesting or exciting.


I like to explore, I don't always need a huge reward, but I'd like it if map designers EITHER put something worthwhile there OR put the most interesting exploration in combat zones so that in later playthroughs I could approach the conflict from a different angle.


The street combat in the Halo 2 level "Outskirts" is a good example of this. There was no scarab gun, but the actual map was very complex with a lot of good perches and pathways. This made fighting the enemies more interesting because they were IN those perches and pathways, and it made exploring the map more fun because you felt like you were continually striking it rich every time you found a new elevated walkway or rooftop apartment in which you could regain your shields. New paths also allowed you to tackle a tough encounter from an angle better than the obvious one. THAT was wonderful.


No super secret surprise awesome gun, just rewarding exploration. I want more of that. It was the kind of thinking that made a lot of the covenant go to sleep in Halo: CE. You'd enter a room and find all the grunts sleeping, if you were quiet and careful about killing the patrolling elites you could approach the encounter in an entirely different way.


I like those options, and the kind of game developer who makes it possible to approach an encounter in many ways tends to also be the kind of game developer who wants to stick easter eggs in the game, so I'd take the easter eggs if I got richer campaign design out of it.

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I agree a campaign doesn't gain its quality from easter eggs, but otherwise don't have any problem with easter eggs in a campaign.


I would oppose such things in competitive multiplayer for obvious reasons, but to me the real "reward" of easter eggs is the idea of rewarding exploration. It's actually a little frustrating exploring a campaign map's nooks and crannies only to find out that they serve absolutely no purpose, offer no advantage on the enemies, and aren't even very interesting or exciting.


I like to explore, I don't always need a huge reward, but I'd like it if map designers EITHER put something worthwhile there OR put the most interesting exploration in combat zones so that in later playthroughs I could approach the conflict from a different angle.


The street combat in the Halo 2 level "Outskirts" is a good example of this. There was no scarab gun, but the actual map was very complex with a lot of good perches and pathways. This made fighting the enemies more interesting because they were IN those perches and pathways, and it made exploring the map more fun because you felt like you were continually striking it rich every time you found a new elevated walkway or rooftop apartment in which you could regain your shields. New paths also allowed you to tackle a tough encounter from an angle better than the obvious one. THAT was wonderful.


No super secret surprise awesome gun, just rewarding exploration. I want more of that. It was the kind of thinking that made a lot of the covenant go to sleep in Halo: CE. You'd enter a room and find all the grunts sleeping, if you were quiet and careful about killing the patrolling elites you could approach the encounter in an entirely different way.


I like those options, and the kind of game developer who makes it possible to approach an encounter in many ways tends to also be the kind of game developer who wants to stick easter eggs in the game, so I'd take the easter eggs if I got richer campaign design out of it.



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