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I thought reach was the shame of the halo series!


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We have Halo wars, halo 1,2,3 reach and now 4.

In fact i just bought 2 brand new XBOXs and 2 copies of Halo 4, 1 for the living room and the other for our sons room.




Halo Reach and bungie killed the halo series with its crap connections (p2p) system and its ridiculously stupid non existant matchmaking, making games either winable hands down or loosable hands down, obviously anyone could see that one team allways had the advantage over the other with around 20 kills apart, very rare was an evenly balanced game, which in turn made the game fun.


Halo 4 and 343i have just made sure that the halo series is finally dead and buried and the final nails are solidly hammered down. 343i haven't even thanked the world for the cash that everyone gave them in exchange for a useless piece of dog poo!


This has to be the worse game i have ever played, the matchmaking is even worse than reach and you either win or loose with an even larger difference in the scores, than with reach. Usually there is 1 person who has around 25 to 30 kills and everyone else has under 10.

You can see that you are clearly shooting someone in the head, even the playback shows this, and they are not taking a single hit. Suddenly you die and watch the killcam to see that you have just been killed by a single bullet that somehow hit you after being fired around 5 meters to the left or right of your foot. It is stupidly over the top.


My son on Halo 3 and reach was averaging 20 kills has never had it so hard. He had a (maybe lucky) game on his first or second game on H4 and got 38 kills which proves my point about the winning or loosing hands down.


The only thing about reach that was good were the textures and the assasination animations, and that is all.


Halo is pretty and thats all it has going for it. Forge sucks as there is no real open ground to build what you want, the animations are jumpy and look like old cartoon animations that are missing a few frames (half at least) and it looks as though kids have made it.


Joining a game, is the biggest load of old trash (trash, sorry i am trying to speak american rather than English, its not easy when you don't now all the invented words in an american dictionary) you join a game that is almost at the end and are 9 times out of 10 on the loosing team. Why have how many games won in the stats when you join a loosing team. It goes against all logic.


The final words.


Microsoft should stop the gaming industry and concentrate on getting windows to work correctly after all these years and developing and upgrading their technology such as the new tablet (another screw up, with a basic W8, have to wait until next year or go for a Samsung)

343i should be legaly forced to rembourse everyone they have ripped off with this piece of jumped up copy conform of other games, and imprisoned for theft.


I wonder how many people actually fell for this ripoff and simply gave their hard earned cash to this bunch of thieves.


If you are reading this as a newcomer don't buy the game its as jumpy as hell and the game play is just screwed. You will regret it.

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Ok so you don't like Wargames which was really your only point other than mentioning the Forge. There's plenty other stuff to do from the campaign to Spartan Ops. For instance, people have invested over 13million hours into the campaign and 17.9million into Wargames and Spartan Ops.

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@ Nmalthus,


You are almost correct, i like war games, i just HATE THIS LATEST MICROSOFT BAGO****, we have all the MW amongst others and i loved halo up to 3. Reach and halo 4 are just money spinning releases for the stupid (me included i bought 2) people that will swallow anything that they are told or think because its new its better, usually gullable kids and not people my age.

I done all the campaigns on legendary, and this time round because of multiplayer i can't find the interest in playing the campaign.

With Halo i have always been a slayer player, running after a flag or a bomb is just (in my opinion) ridiculous.

Even my son who is an avid player thinks that halo 4 is already cheated out because there are so many discrepencies on who kills who and how. Some things in game are just crazy, and its obviouse that there is a serious problem behind the programming. I seriously think that microsoft should open their eyes, pull their fingers out of there arseholes and wake up, they are employing idiots to make games, or its just an outright ripoff and gates should be held for responsable. Why should a big multinational have the right to release a game that doesn't work correctly. In fact i think there should be some form of consumer protection which prevents any game being sold untill fully tested for ALL bugs and problematic gameplay. Why should the world be satisified with a game that works more or less. Especially at 60/70 $.

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I love Halo 4 and, for me, the matchmaking seems to be the most balanced out of all the Halo games. Most of the games I have been is a big tug-o-war match with the score, neither team has a big lead over the other and the leader periodicly changes through-out the game. As for the dropping in and out part, when ever this happens to me the match is just starting up. Maybe you should take a break from the game?

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I'd recommend a chill pill, a wall of text on how you hate the game won't do anything.


I felt that War Games was kind of sucky, too, but you just have to play it for awhile, and let it sink in, before you cast your judgment, akin to a new pair of shoes. I started off hating it, but as I played it more and more, I began to really like it.


I can't say you, or your sons, will have a change of heart, but I'd at least recommend you play it a little more.

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so basically because you are loosing a lot in halo 4 matchmaking 343 is to blame for this? why because there game is not an exact clone of halo 3? this is all i read when i hear reviews from non professional Halo 4 is Halo 4 not ******* halo 3 if you want a game like halo 3 then go play halo 3 this is an absolute joke of a thread your opinion seems like its based off of your individual skill ( or lack there of). this game is fantastic and i think for a developer that took the halo universe ( and were under extreme amounts of pressure from the fan base) did a fantastic job in matchmaking and campaign. you should really learn to appreciate the amount of effort these people put into the game to make us happy. If you dont like the wargames dont play them go play black ops 2 dont come on here and tell everyone that the game is not good because you cant win in a game.

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All I got from this thread is "Me and my son suck at Halo 4 so therefore this game is a POS and I want my money back". And the reason you get put on a team that is usually losing is because people quit because they were getting beat badly so it put you into the game to fill the slot and possibly turn the tides. Now does this usually happen, no but, there's nothing you can do about it. Just a part of the game and you have to deal with it. There's still Spartan Ops and a pretty good campaign. And Lag is something you have to deal with in all FPS games when playing online.

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I kind of agree. I also disagree. Halo 4 is an AMAZING game! Its super fun, really fast gameplay, and a very good campaign. The multiplayer , as fun as it is , is imballanced. BR: good at close- medium range. DMR: good everywhere. Boltshot, 1 shot secondary. Ordnance, random. Right now, if the game stays the same, MLG wont work. Luck based ordnance is really bad. One side is getting stickys, the other, energy swords. On the other hand, Armour abilities are fantastically balanced. The only one in question is the regeneration field (maybe). I remember being excited when I first heard the BR return. But I found out the return of the 4-shot BR didn't happen. I don't know what the designers had against the mighty 4-shot. In Halo: REACH, Bungie outright removed the fan-favorite weapon. WHY? to get rid of its 4-shot. 343 just gave us the weapon design, and made it a worse DMR. Another thing (this is personal) the lack of snipers on the map. In almost all halo maps. The sniper was somewhere on it. You couldn't miss it. Why couldn't you miss it? Because its the hardest , but the best , powerweapon to use. MLG teams would recruit a player based on their skill with the sniper. You would even see them on CQB maps like Halo 3's Guardian. Now with the random ordnance, you might not get the chance to use the super skill weapon. This can be fixed simply by including snipers on almost all maps. A good thing is its fast paced multiplayer. You also cant get away with being completely awful . Sadly, this is the only thing keeping it going. The boltshot brings back COD memories. If you played MW2, you probably complained about people running around with shot guns , and just using shot guns in general. People didn't get on COD (back then) to run around with the shotgun very often. It wasn't the point of the game. The point of the game (sadly) was to run around with GUNS! Not shotguns! And if you can have easy access to this kind of weaponry, it brings an unwanted element to the game! The sprint mechanic is actually, one of the best additions to the game. This brings it more fast paced, more combat, more teamwork, more... EVERYTHING! Lastly perks. 100% unnecesary, the game would probably be better without them. In COD, this was almost your forced perk choice. Sleight of Hand, stopping power, commando. You would find yourself at a large disadvantage. Same thing in Halo 4. Your mid distance dueling someone with an assault riffle. Both stop to reload. You dont have dexterity, you have the ammo perk. He has dexterity. He reloads faster BOOM! instant fight winning advantage. The best thing to do is ( I would think as 343) is to take into account of what I'm saying , and make some more balanced COMPETITIVE playlists. Sometimes, it is fun to abuse the imbalanced things about this game, and the right to abuse these things could still remain. With the seperation of competitive and non competitive playlists, everyone will be happy.

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I am sorry, but Halo Reach was still 400 times more worse than Halo 4. I actually enjoy playing Halo 4 online. Just saying, I think you might just be getting frustrated over MM. Play something else, or go do something coop or single player. I have had so much fun in just messing around in custom maps and games. There is plenty to do to get your mind off the MM, and when you feel like you have calmed down, then go back to the MM. Trust me, it took me a couple of days of no play and I came back stronger than ever (raising my KD, beast moding, hitting a couple of perfections). It takes time to get good at something new, cherish the fact it is not as easy as 1,2,3 to be the best Halo player on the planet.

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